The Exchange

  • Thread starter Republic


Honestly, it is a very hard mission, no matter what braggers say. The only advice I can give you is find out where everyone is and take them out one by one.

Also, this post may contain spoilers... ;)
Since I don't know how far you can get, I'll just go through the whole thing.

1) When you get to the mansion, grab the gun in front of you, turn around and run along the side of the house until you get to the garage. Get the armor and get in the cartel cruiser, and drive as fast as you can to the gate, which will open, and then you'll see the helicopter flying.

2) Go left, go over the dam, go right once you get off the dam, and either ram the other 2 cartel cruisers out of the way, or get out and hide behind your car and shoot the 2 columbians. Either way, be sure to kill them and get their weapons.

3) Head down the path, there's a sniper rifle to the right in a small grassy area, get it, but don't use it yet, as you only have 5 shots with it. Use the handgun or the M16s you got from the columbians at the entrance to the path, and kill all the columbians you can find. Use the sniper rifle to snipe the 2 columbians off the towers to the right. Watch out for columbians hiding around corners.

4) Also, as you progress, stay away from that guy with the flamethrower at the end, and try to stay out of the way of the truck that the columbians try to run you over with. Also remember, if there's a corner a columbian could be hiding behind, you can bet there's one there.

5) When you get up the stairs, snipe the 2 guys by maria, and any other guy you can see. If there's anyone else left but maria, kill them any way you can. Go get the rocket launcher in the corner, shoot down the helicopter, go to maria, the end. But whatever you do, don't kill maria, or you lose.

The only thing I can really say is to watch out, and try to kill everyone before they can hurt you.
It takes many tries to get it right. You've got to get to the point where you're so familiar with where everything is, that you're ready for everything that happens and can take care of it easily. I suggest making out a map with the positions of every columbian and plot out which weapons you can use where and all that good stuff.