The GT7 Livery Editor Competition #19 (80s' Style) - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Nuschel01


Enjoy Car Life
Fürstentum Lippe
80s' STYLE

Image courtesy of @Balwerk


It's been a while but we're reheating another GTS LEC theme this time, previous LEC winner @Gingerale chose GTS LEC #16's theme for you. Let's recap what @D-Max had to say about this theme:

"80s' style. Design a car that takes its inspiration from 80s' liveries. But it's not that simple....

Keeping the liveries very much so 80s', I want cars to be from 2000 or newer. The big thing for me is limiting the crazy designs. 80s' cars had some very simplistic designs in terms of shapes yet still to this day are eye catching and mesmerizing. I don't want to see crazy curves or large scale images as that wasn't really a thing in the 80s'. I want to see the use of rectangles, squares and triangles. Strictly no replicas, though you can take inspiration and apply it. (if it is found to be too close to an original, you may be asked to edit your entry).

A quick note, bear in mind with 80s' car that title sponsors were very bold and in your face, so your livery should represent this."


  • Allowed

  • Original designs only

  • Must use either classic or modern decals (not a mix)
  • Must use a basic number board that would've made sense in the 1980s'
  • Solid colours only (no metallic/chrom/fluo/matte)
  • No massive amount of complex shapes or curves

  • Track shots in motion only

  • Allowed



  • The only way you can take part is to be a member of the GTPlanet forums. If you haven't created your account yet, click here.
  • Mark your FINAL ENTRY clearly, with red text.
  • Unsure how to? Copy and paste the following: [COLOR=red][B]FINAL ENTRY[/B][/COLOR]
  • One entry per user. It must be your own work, and never previously used in a competition.
  • You may change your entry once. Do it clearly; edit out your previous entry, and either post the new one in a new reply, or in place of the original.
  • Do not post "Honourable Mentions" or outtakes - just your Final Entry, that's all.
  • Absolutely no entries which utilise edited/hacked file saves.
  • Winner gets to choose the following month’s theme.
  • Winners cannot enter their own theme!
  • The organisers may ask for the original image/livery and it must be submitted if so.
  • It's recommended to share the original livery online (in-game) to prove it’s your work.

  • All images shall have preview images which may not exceed 640 pixels in either direction (main and bonus pictures).
  • You have to post two main pictures of your entry using the mandatory location and settings as shown in the quote below.
  • You are allowed to post two bonus pictures in a spoiler ([SPOILER]...[/SPOILER]) with free location and settings (unless the unique restrictions of the week’s theme specify something else).
  • You have to make one post with ONLY the set allowed number of pictures and the FINAL ENTRY (see above) mark. If you want to add precisions/background story/links, you are allowed to double-post under your entry, but please put all additional images in a spoiler. The best way to do it will be to "reply" to your own post.
  • It is recommended you host your image either here on GTPlanet (via the Media section), or on Flickr
  • Not sure how to submit your image? Here's a guide for both methods mentioned above.
  • Do not attach your phots directly to your entry post.
  • A preview image must be representative of the full-size image. Do not add effects to it.
  • Please use a clickable-preview to full-size, not a separate text link for it; it makes poll creation much easier!
  • No post-game editing of any entry image is allowed.
  • Mark your entry with which platform you're on and which mode you're using, whether it’s taken on PS4 Base, PS4 Pro, PS5 Raytracing or PS5 Framerate.

  • You have to post a front and a rear quarter view of your car:
    • Mandatory Scape: S&Company East, Saitama, Japan (scape number 5)
    • Focal Length: ~80mm ±5mm
    • Aperture: f5.6 or f8.0
    • Shutter Speed: 1/1 Second
    • Exposure Correction: +0.5 to +1.0
  • Do not use any Filters or Effects at all and only the camera setting above within the allowed limits; the pictures are supposed to be as equal as possible for all entries and not give anyone who is a bit more savvy with the Scapes Camera an advantage! Try to stay as close as possible to how the video shows the shot to be taken!

NOTE: if you have previously entered, just go to Scapes > My Library > click your previous entry > Open Scapes > change car to the new entry, refocus and snap a new photo. No need to reposition the camera/car unless its proportions are wildly different.

Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, start a convo with me, Matski or any other participant you feel comfortable reaching out to.

PLEASE NOTE: Repeat offenders will be disqualified. If your entry doesn’t match the rules you will be made aware of it at least once, so please keep an eye out for any notifications reaching your profile.


February 28th, 2023 - 23:59 UTC
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Someone, somewhere will say it, so it may as well be me since it irked me when I was putting it into the featured articles yesterday.

"80's" is "80 is" or "of/from/belonging to 80". The decade is the "80s" - or the "Eighties", not the "Eight'ies" - and something of/from/belonging to that should be "80s'". Unless you're looking for something specifically from the single year of 1980, the possessive apostrophe is after the S.

«and breathe»
Shouldn't it be '80s then?
Not unless you're driving the Benz-Patent Motorwagen or a Wipeout ship - but since the decade isn't the 'Eighties, extra no - and you're still missing the terminal possessive apostrophe to show that it is from the 80s.
Not unless you're driving the Benz-Patent Motorwagen or a Wipeout ship - but since the decade isn't the 'Eighties, extra no - and you're still missing the terminal possessive apostrophe to show that it is from the 80s.
I'm not a native English speaker nor a grammar purist, but since the contraction is "1980s' would the correct form of the contracted version be the '80s, and 80s being a (less formal) variant?
I'm not a native English speaker nor a grammar purist, but since the contraction is "1980s' would the correct form of the contracted version be the '80s, and 80s being a (less formal) variant?
No. "80s" is shorthand for "Eighties" - which is a contraction of "Nineteen Eighties" but used as a standalone proper noun and never written as "'Eighties" - and not a contraction of "1980s".

Aaaand back to the competition.
As a Portuguese native speaker, all I can say is that the apostophe thingy is very confusing most of the time. Man, I would love to see you guys trying to get your heads around the proper use of the à in Portuguese.

But back on topic:
I don't want to see crazy curves or large scale images as that wasn't really a thing in the 80's. I want to see the use of rectangles, squares and triangles.
I just need confirmation about this. The designs shouldn't have any curved forms at all?
Shouldn't it technically be 80s' (80s's) then? :D
The decade is the "80s" - or the "Eighties", not the "Eight'ies" - and something of/from/belonging to that should be "80s'"
As a Portuguese native speaker, all I can say is that the apostophe thingy is very confusing most of the time.

English isn't so much a language as it is three languages pretending to be one to get into a cinema; we have rules that aren't rules and regular forms that are less common than irregular ones. But the apostrophe is surprisingly rigid in application and it's easy unless you make it hard.

Quick lesson:
It's used for omission or possession. If you omit something (usually an "o", but not always), apostrophe - could not is couldn't, should not is shouldn't, it is is it's, etc.

For possession it's either after a singular object and appended with an "s", or where the plural object already has an "s" it comes after that. Child, child's (of/from/belonging to the child); children, children's (of/from/belonging to the children); dog, dog's (of/from/belonging to the dog); dogs, dogs' (of/from/belonging to the dogs).

If the singular form ends in an "s" already - common with people's names - the apostrophe goes after the "s" and may be followed by an "s" but doesn't have to be (unless it does). The gas's effects are the effects of the gas (as opposed to the gases' effects, which are the effects of the gases), the glass's contents are the contents of the glass (again, glasses' contents would be the contents of the glasses), Jones' or Jones's boot is the boot belonging to Jones.

It's never used for possessive pronouns, which have possession built into them. "Its" is belonging to it, just as "his", "hers", and "theirs" are belonging to him, her, and them (never it's, hi's, her's, or their's). That confuses people as "it's" is a thing, but it means "it is". Only "its" means belonging to it. I did receive some copy the other day which used its' (not here at GTP!) and I wanted to scream.

The apostrophe also never used for plurals; when used incorrectly in this fashion it's called the "Grocer's Apostrophe" ("Grocers' Apostrophe" is also acceptable if referring to multiple grocers) because it's common to see it written on signs and labels in a grocer's shop - cake's, sausage's, onion's, and so on.

However I think from this point on I should limit my assistance to individual private discussions rather than continuing to nudge the thread in the direction of grammar :lol:

Suppose I should make a livery too, I guess. :lol:
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Inspired by my old trapper keepers, I hope this one is 80's enough. I mean, they had triangles and trapezoids in the 80's right? On a side note, that C8 is a nice driver once the weight distribution is evened out a bit.
This is hilarious because I was going to do the same thing but my Trapper Keepers always had crazy shapes and bright colors which didn't exist in the 80's's'''ieses so I ruled it out. (just kidding I get it, it didn't exist very much on liveries).

I hope this isn't too curvy.

So I did some research for this and saw these two Group C Porsches below sporting beer brands as main sponsors with gold colors. As I usually find the pure replica thing a bit of a waste of time, I took this as an inspiration and decided to do something that would be 80's (80s, 80s', 80's') enough, but sporting another beer: the Brazilian Eisenbahn, which is awesome and one of my faovrites (far from being a "beer somelier", but I'm a bit difficult to please).



The main challenge was to make Eisenbahn somewhat legible plastered all over the Porsche. The font they use for the logo isn't ideal for this and the Porsche doesn't give much space to make the text clearly legible, specially on the hood (bonnet) and doors. So compromises had to be made.


Yes, the design has its curves, but they are all simple shapes and mostly follow the natural curvature of the car itself, a principle extremely common back in the day, just look at the cars I chose for inspiration. There's nothing fancy about the design, but I have tried my hand at bringing more sponsors than I usually do. I don't think I overdid it and took special care to update logos from Bilstein and Boss.
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