The Trump Impeachment Thread

  • Thread starter Dotini

Will the current Articles of Impeachment ever be sent from the House to the Senate?

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  • Poll closed .
Well it did say 7 yesterday, but hey, let's ignore that...
That's interesting, do you have a photo of that? Because it looks like they've been using different signs.

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A marginally more charitable assessment is that perhaps they deliberately worded the sign in a way designed to make certain people viewing at home think that Schiff had done something wrong.
Oooh, yeah, but I'm not sure that's more charitable. That's actually kind of deceitful.
From the President.

Talk about desperation. Of all the ridiculous, undignified, unbecoming tweets over the last three years, this one is very telling. It’s like we’re witnessing his collapse right in front of us. the man really is an embarrassment for the American public and a disgrace to the office of President.

EDIT: It just hit me. No doubt you see it differently?
The people here are not American voters, but are people, I'll guess mostly young men and boys, of the English speaking world. But we can hold our own imaginary US Presidential election. By poll, we should nominate candidates and vote for them. Shall we allow candidates to be non-Americans, or non-living? If so, I'll nominate Dan Gurney.
Three years of hype and lies.

Hey! Another local Atlanta radio host! Even though he's technically out of Macon... Anywho.

Now I just need to see something from Jamie Dupree here and I'll feel right at home! I like him cause he doesn't really give you his opinion or put a political twist on his news stories he just gives you the facts.
Three years of hype and lies.

I can't watch the video right this second, but what are you calling hype and lies? The Ukraine scandal? He admitted it. Obstruction of justice as outlined by Mueller, it's clearly laid out. Obstruction of justice in the Ukraine scandal? Clear from Trump's tweet record alone.

Or are you talking collusion with Russia. Because while I don't think there was sufficient evidence there, clearly it was worth investigating.

So what is it?
The Ukraine scandal? He admitted it. Obstruction of justice as outlined by Mueller, it's clearly laid out. Obstruction of justice in the Ukraine scandal? Clear from Trump's tweet record alone.

You may be politically correct. But your allegations are not legally established. That is the goal and purpose of impeachment or trial in a court of law.
You may be politically correct. But your allegations are not legally established. That is the goal and purpose of impeachment or trial in a court of law.

I think you misunderstand.

The facts in play are sufficient to reach a legal conclusion. If congress does not reach the correct legal conclusion, they are wrong. If you think I'm wrong, you'd need to explain to me why. No one in this thread has even made a run at explaining why any of what I said is in dispute. And as far as I know, no one (including congressional republicans and Trump) who has tried has come up with anything remotely resembling a defense. Each of us is capable of understanding the allegations, the legal standard, and the facts. It is then, quite clear when one is simply denying the facts - which is what many congressional republicans and Trump himself are doing now.

I stand behind every allegation I made above as being clearly supported based on the information that has been gathered. It is sufficient to impeach and remove. The only question is whether congress has the will to perform its sworn duty.
I can't watch the video right this second, but what are you calling hype and lies? The Ukraine scandal? He admitted it. Obstruction of justice as outlined by Mueller, it's clearly laid out. Obstruction of justice in the Ukraine scandal? Clear from Trump's tweet record alone.

Or are you talking collusion with Russia. Because while I don't think there was sufficient evidence there, clearly it was worth investigating.

So what is it?
The video needs no explanation.
I think you misunderstand.

The facts in play are sufficient to reach a legal conclusion. If congress does not reach the correct legal conclusion, they are wrong. If you think I'm wrong, you'd need to explain to me why. No one in this thread has even made a run at explaining why any of what I said is in dispute. And as far as I know, no one (including congressional republicans and Trump) who has tried has come up with anything remotely resembling a defense. Each of us is capable of understanding the allegations, the legal standard, and the facts. It is then, quite clear when one is simply denying the facts - which is what many congressional republicans and Trump himself are doing now.

I stand behind every allegation I made above as being clearly supported based on the information that has been gathered. It is sufficient to impeach and remove. The only question is whether congress has the will to perform its sworn duty.
You march to the beat of your own special drummer on many issues, and it is futile to argue with you. If every judge in the land rendered a decision you didn't agree with, you would still insist you are right and they are wrong, such is the degree of your fervor and certitude. Fortunately for us, you are not a judge and never will be.
You march to the beat of your own special drummer on many issues, and it is futile to argue with you. If every judge in the land rendered a decision you didn't agree with, you would still insist you are right and they are wrong, such is the degree of your fervor and certitude. Fortunately for us, you are not a judge and never will be.

Idk, as frustrating as @Danoff can be, I think he would be an exceptional long as he based his judgement on the law and not the "opinions & current events" section of GTP. :lol:

The amount of obstruction, alone, that Trump has done would have impeached Bill Clinton about 6 times over.
Idk, as frustrating as @Danoff can be, I think he would be an exceptional long as he based his judgement on the law and not the "opinions & current events" section of GTP. :lol:

The amount of obstruction, alone, that Trump has done would have impeached Bill Clinton about 6 times over.
Agreed on all points. But face it, we live in different times. Add decades of change, even corruption. Social cohesion, public virtue and morality are not what they once were. Power and politics, law and justice, propaganda and media have unfortunately all gone postmodern. (That's bad)

Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been!"
-John Greenleaf Whittier​

The happiest words are: "I told you so!"
- Gore Vidal​
At this point I'm just waiting for it to be revealed Trump actually impeded evidence that would have put Hilary in jail.
Agreed on all points. But face it, we live in different times. Add decades of change, even corruption. Social cohesion, public virtue and morality are not what they once were. Power and politics, law and justice, propaganda and media have unfortunately all gone postmodern. (That's bad)

Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been!"
-John Greenleaf Whittier​

The happiest words are: "I told you so!"
- Gore Vidal​
Seems like every older generation says that. Leads to statements like "kids these days will never know..." and "why, back in my day..." It seems every older generation greatly underestimates the intellegence and wherewithal of the new generation. Yes, times do change, thankfully. Imagine if it didn't and we all still lived under monarchical rule, where no one had rights. It really is good that things, including society changes.
I also dont buy your stance on corruption. In fact, I would put money down that it's not at all more prevalent, rather, it's just gotten a lot harder to hide. And if you think that the younger generation isnt paying attention to what's happening around them, I suggest closing the browser on the universal conciousness YouTube videos, shutting down the computer, stepping out of your Hawaii mansion and actually spending time with them. You might be surprised that the popular portrayal of millennials and youth in general is BS.
Like I said before, and as has become increasingly clear, there is no amount of evidence that will shake some in Trump's loyal camp. They are not listening to anyone but Trump, and even then, only the last thing he has said.
Like I said before, and as has become increasingly clear, there is no amount of evidence that will shake some in Trump's loyal camp. They are not listening to anyone but Trump, and even then, only the last thing he has said.
Sounds like how a Religion starts.
Trump is certainly a deplorable person, but you have to admit there is a bit of a double standard with how hard the political establishment is trying impeach him when the last five U.S. presidents have all committed impeachable offenses that could be considered more egregious, just they were swept under the rug because they were done with the blessing of the U.S. establishment. Think of what happened during Clinton's impeachment. The Republicans tried to impeach him on the grounds of 'lying under oath,' yet there was no concentrated effort to try to impeach him on the grounds of bypassing congress to launch military strikes against Iraq to divert attention away from the impeachment proceedings and delay them. Makes Trump's offenses appear a bit superficial.
Trump is certainly a deplorable person, but you have to admit there is a bit of a double standard with how hard the political establishment is trying impeach him when the last five U.S. presidents have all committed impeachable offenses that could be considered more egregious, just they were swept under the rug because they were done with the blessing of the U.S. establishment. Think of what happened during Clinton's impeachment. The Republicans tried to impeach him on the grounds of 'lying under oath,' yet there was no concentrated effort to try to impeach him on the grounds of bypassing congress to launch military strikes against Iraq to divert attention away from the impeachment proceedings and delay them. Makes Trump's offenses appear a bit superficial.

You undermine you own argument. Clinton was impeached for perjury. So clearly he did not have the "blessing of the US establishment" (whatever that is). The President is commander-in-chief and has clear (and limited) discretion over military strikes. Impeaching the president for a military strike would be a very difficult ask, especially when it's so clearly within the president's enumerated powers.
Yes true while he was impeached he also wasn't removed from office. And yes while a military action was within the president's power (interesting through a bill signed by Clinton himself) it still is worth discussing that as a president he commited a military action in the midst of impeachment charges, something which so far Trump has not done. However it also stands that Clinton being impeached for his offenses would also mean that Trump should likely be guilty as well.

I recall someone mentioning how Trump's lying actually strengthened his support base. I don't believe it's so much that as the fact that with Trump his lies are transparent and obvious, which wasn't the case with previous administrations. With Obama, both Bush's, Clinton, and Reagan the lies didn't come out until well after the fact, and often it pertained to actions that were far more detrimental, such as Reagan and overseeing the CIA shipping cocaine into the U.S. from Central and South American Terrorists while simultaneously starting the war on drugs and incarcerating minorities on minor drug possession, Bush in furthering the war on drugs, Clinton on likewise doing similar and also sanctioning and launching military actions against Iraq on top of his sexual harrasment cases, W Bush with using false pretense to start the second Iraq war while also overseeing the institution of a torture program, and Obama with the CIA 'kill list' and drone strikes, as well as the regime change war in Libya.

Basically the point I'm trying to make is that I find it a bit redundant to be focusing on impeaching Trump when there's been far worse things done in the past without an eye being batted at them (Clinton only happened because there was a large enough Republican contingent to bring forward charges) and frankly trying to take a binary position on politics in the U.S. is a fallacy when the mainstream aspect of both parties very clearly have their own agendas that run contrary to what's in the best interests of the American people.