The reasons why Bush's government is corrupt

  • Thread starter Sauc3
Nothing is perfect. Well, politically speaking. No matter how many mistakes you correct, for every one that you do correct, two more take its place. These are the rules.

And I also have to comment on BlazinXtreme's comment: Thats like saying "My father and the rest of my family hated blacks for no reason. I didn't understand the reason, but did it anyway."
Originally posted by the_cobbinator
The question I pose for whoever said this is have you ever lived under fascist rule? Thought so.
I fail to see the difference between Hittler possesing the power to kill Jews and Bush signing an the Patriot Act allowing him to detain or even excecute people on suspician of being terrorists, without ever standing infront of a Jury.
Have you read the patriot act ? Even though I despise it I cant seem to find the invisible part that lets anyone execute anyone..must be the secret part that they hid with Elvis. How can you expect anyone to consider your opinion if you base your comments on exageration or ignorance? The patriot act sucks enough on its own merits without having zelots invent crap to muddy the waters and make areal discussion possible.
The whole point of the Patriot act is it allows the government to prosecute people infront of a military board or whatever its called without ever standing infront of a dury. In other words if the entire board doesnt like somone they can simply have him charged with treason, an offence punishible by death as far as I know. Everytime someone who doesnt agree with you wants to discuss something by making a statement which is there opinion you simply scream "Zealot" and tell them they're preventing a dicussion... WTF?!
What exactly do you want do disucss? You can't have a discussion when everyone agrees with you.

More to the point, being contained in solitary confinement for prolonged periods is extremely taxing on someones mind, many people would see that as punishment worse than death.
you said Bush was executing people. hyperbole perhaps ? My point is that stating things as facts that are not facts you paint yourself as a zelot and therefore someone who is not to be taken seriously .
I didn't say he did execute people, I believe my words were something like
Originally posted by Crayola
*snip*...Bush signing an the Patriot Act allowing...*snip*
which is clearly not the same thing. My point is, the only difference between Bush and Hittler, in-relation to this topic, is Bush is not nearly as smart and isn't as messed up in the head.
Originally posted by Crayola
I didn't say he did execute people, I believe my words were something like which is clearly not the same thing. My point is, the only difference between Bush and Hittler, in-relation to this topic, is Bush is not nearly as smart and isn't as messed up in the head.

Hitler was blinded by his hatred of the Jewish people and ultimately lost WWII because of this pity thing. And you call Bush stupid?

If John Kerry would win the election, would you still hate America?