TheAdmiester's Forza Motorsport 4 Tweaks

How could the sound 'references' be edited? I tried QuickBMS-ing the and rezipping the engine tuning with edited/new sound reference files, which didn't work (it either crashes or not have any sound. Or replacement works, but any sound listed after the edited part will break.)

I have also noticed DLC zips being able to 'add' new references. What method did you use to edit some of the mixes (or is it just editing the database to use another car's mix...?)
QuickBMS is fine to extract, but the way you repack them might matter. Were you using 7zip? As I believe it only ever worked when I used Windows' own zip tool (Send to -> Compressed folder)

The DLC method might work but I've never done it myself, only editing and repacking.
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QuickBMS is fine to extract, but the way you repack them might matter. Were you using 7zip? As I believe it only ever worked when I used Windows' own zip tool (Send to -> Compressed folder)

The DLC method might work but I've never done it myself, only editing and repacking.
Just attempted editing the Impreza S204's sound mix, and repacking with Windows zip tool, and it refuses to work here unfortunately (only turbo sounds and nothing else haha). File size also gets bigger than the original one.

Not sure if it's just me using an emulator, and with the Project Forza Plus mod something might have changed in the process...?

EDIT: The only time I have managed to at least make the edited car audible, is with one of these 'forza' QuickBMS scripts to repack the contents. I think it replaces an entry with the modified one, but if file size became larger it would break the ones after it...
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Just attempted editing the Impreza S204's sound mix, and repacking with Windows zip tool, and it refuses to work here unfortunately (only turbo sounds and nothing else haha). File size also gets bigger than the original one.

Not sure if it's just me using an emulator, and with the Project Forza Plus mod something might have changed in the process...?

EDIT: The only time I have managed to at least make the edited car audible, is with one of these 'forza' QuickBMS scripts to repack the contents. I think it replaces an entry with the modified one, but if file size became larger it would break the ones after it...
Not sure then honestly, Windows zip seemed to just work for me, although I was doing my modding on a real 360.
Thanks a lot for this Admiester. Been using it the last few days and it looks great, reminds me a bit of Forza 3. I never understood why Turn 10 changed the colour scheme in Forza 4 from 3 as I thought they'd got it right in 3. I always preferred the colour saturation in 3. I suppose it's personal preference, a friend prefers how 4 looks as he says it looks more realistic.
You definitely gain sky detail in your mod due to the improved exposure, but the the only quirk I have noticed is a slight loss of detail on some car's tail lights when the brake lights are on. Here are some comparison pics I took using an R34 Mine's Skyline at the same point on Road America in each pic:

Forza Motorport 4

Forza Motorport 4 - TheAdmiester mod

Forza Motorsport 3
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Thanks a lot for this Admiester. Been using it the last few days and it looks great, reminds me a bit of Forza 3. I never understood why Turn 10 changed the colour scheme in Forza 4 from 3 as I thought they'd got it right in 3. I always preferred the colour saturation in 3. I suppose it's personal preference, a friend prefers how 4 looks as he says it looks more realistic.
You definitely gain sky detail in your mod due to the improved exposure, but the the only quirk I have noticed is a slight loss of detail on some car's tail lights when the brake lights are on. Here are some comparison pics I took using an R34 Mine's Skyline at the same point on Road America in each pic:

Forza Motorport 4

Forza Motorport 4 - TheAdmiester mod

Forza Motorsport 3
The same, I love the initiative to be able to change this. This fixes exposure problems in the game, afterward I find that the game has too warm a color for me. (Personal preference)I would have just increased the original colors a little, but really minimally, without distorting the game too much, when I play Road America or nurb GP ect.I have the impression of suffering with the cars because it looks so hot. At first I thought I had set the console settings to advanced color, but actually no.
It's a Very Hot Summer FM4 patch ^^

and looking forward to having the sound patches and other future projects he has to offer us!^^
@TheAdmiester I've noticed the Mugello Autodromo Internazionale track is missing from your mod. I also noticed you've got something in there called 'PhysicsTrack'. What is thisas it's not in my 'track' folder? I've checked both my FM4 discs (regular and GOTY) and the title updates and I can't find it exists anywhere other than your content container. Cheers.
The same, I love the initiative to be able to change this. This fixes exposure problems in the game, afterward I find that the game has too warm a color for me. (Personal preference)I would have just increased the original colors a little, but really minimally, without distorting the game too much, when I play Road America or nurb GP ect.I have the impression of suffering with the cars because it looks so hot. At first I thought I had set the console settings to advanced color, but actually no.
It's a Very Hot Summer FM4 patch ^^

and looking forward to having the sound patches and other future projects he has to offer us!^^
Haha 'Very Hot Summer FM4' patch, not a bad name. Using Admiester's mod has made me realise just how excessive the light is in the original game, particularly noticeable on the the scenery, and more specifically hills and mountains in the distance. Admiester's mod has inspired me to start poking around in the original files, and in doing so has made it very apparent the enormous amount of work he's put into it. You can change literally everything, and up to six decimal places.
I left the RGB colour ratios as-is and decided to concentrate more on the excessive in-game light and washed out skies, but tried to keep the changes subtle so the game still looks like itself. I've made some changes and think I've got a nice balance (to my eyes anyway).
Have a look at the following screenshots I took on the Bernese Alps circuit in a Porsche 959.
In the first 2 comparison pics you can see the over-exposure in the original causing the scenery to get washed out and loss of greenery in the hills. Also look at the pylon furthest away, it's barely visible, yet it's only about a 150 metres away. Now look at it in the other pic after I modded the track, it's much clearer, as it should be for a largish structure relatively close. The Pylon closest in the original also has heavy shadows causing it to lose detail. Look at it in the modded version, detail is better and it looks more realistic. The sky is exposure looks better too:
Original Alps hill1:

Modded Alps hill1:

Again here, you can now clearly see greenery in the distant hills in the modded version. Additionally, the pylon which is just around the bend at the bottom of the hill is barely visible in the original because it's getting absorbed by the excessive light generated on the scenery behind it, but now clearly visible in my modded version:
Original Alps hill2:

Modded Alps hill2:

Here the hill in front of you is not a million miles away, yet you can barely see any green in it. The modded version restores this, plus the sky doesn't look washed out now and cloud definition is better.
Original Alps corner2:

Modded Alps corner2:

Here in the original, due the the over-exposure, it kinds looks like two pictures spliced together. The foreground super-imposed onto a very bright background with mountains. In the modded version it looks more like one scene, whilst still retaining a sense of distance. Look also at the cable car structure to the left in the original. It's not very well defined, yet it's only around the corner (you actually drive under it). In my modded, it looks a lot clearer and the cables are much more visible.
Original Alps corner1:

Modded Alps corner1:

Thanks Admiester, I never knew it was possible to mod this, otherwise I probably would have had a look years ago as I remember when I first played FM4 and immediately noticed just how different it was in colour and exposure compared to FM3.
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@TheAdmiester I've noticed the Mugello Autodromo Internazionale track is missing from your mod. I also noticed you've got something in there called 'PhysicsTrack'. What is thisas it's not in my 'track' folder? I've checked both my FM4 discs (regular and GOTY) and the title updates and I can't find it exists anywhere other than your content container. Cheers.
Yep, someone else reported Mugello being missing as well, and after that I noticed some layouts of other tracks were missing. I've actually found a way better system to achieve the same lighting overrides, so I'll be fixing all of the things listed (and a few further lighting tweaks because of me getting better at it) with an update coming soonish.

PhysicsTrack is the internal name for the Benchmark High Speed Ring, it's technically part of a DLC so you won't see it on disc.
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Yep, someone else reported Mugello being missing as well, and after that I noticed some layouts of other tracks were missing. I've actually found a way better system to achieve the same lighting overrides, so I'll be fixing all of the things listed (and a few further lighting tweaks because of me getting better at it) with an update coming soonish.

PhysicsTrack is the internal name for the Benchmark High Speed Ring, it's technically part of a DLC so you won't see it on disc.
View attachment 1329168

Thanks Admiester, yeah I found it now in the Launch Track Pack DLC. I noticed the Football track in there too with it's own set of track settings.
Looking forward to your update, cheers.
Revisting FM4 with a lot more experience feels like it's opened up a new world of opportunities. I've managed to make an editor for the string tables which means I can insert all kinds of flavour text, chassis numbers in cars' names, and so on...


And now, as it turns out, the race design/data is so flexible that I can add entirely new events with their own graphics, opponents, and rule sets. Since FM4 has the Top Gear Test Track and I made a new layout with the cones removed, I thought it was only right so add in some nods:


And then it turned out that FM4's career mode even has support for time trials and drift trials, even though neither of these are used in the base game. I've yet to set up a drift trial, but I may have already made use of the time trials...


I've actually got an event set up for the Liana and the cee'd (both mandate a stock-only car for fairness), with the times being set based on the "Opponent Difficulty" value - each one has a gradually faster real celebrity time set.
Revisting FM4 with a lot more experience feels like it's opened up a new world of opportunities. I've managed to make an editor for the string tables which means I can insert all kinds of flavour text, chassis numbers in cars' names, and so on...
View attachment 1332951

View attachment 1332952

And now, as it turns out, the race design/data is so flexible that I can add entirely new events with their own graphics, opponents, and rule sets. Since FM4 has the Top Gear Test Track and I made a new layout with the cones removed, I thought it was only right so add in some nods:
View attachment 1332953
View attachment 1332954

And then it turned out that FM4's career mode even has support for time trials and drift trials, even though neither of these are used in the base game. I've yet to set up a drift trial, but I may have already made use of the time trials...
View attachment 1332955
View attachment 1332956
I've actually got an event set up for the Liana and the cee'd (both mandate a stock-only car for fairness), with the times being set based on the "Opponent Difficulty" value - each one has a gradually faster real celebrity time set.
This is excellent Admiester. I've never delved much beyond a bit of car editing in the 'gamedb.slt' in SQLiteStudio and more recently track settings, but this is another level, especially completely customisable new events. Very nice stuff.
@TheAdmiester Any chance you'd be willing to share that editor? I've been trying to figure out the strings myself for events using ImHex and I'm at a loss.

E.G the gamedb.slt will list an event with a name as "_&202756654" but I can't find that string in the Events.str using ImHex. Not really sure where I'm going wrong.

Edit: Nevermind, I just stumbled across your twitter post with the link to the tool. Thank you so much!!
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not sure if this counts as reviving an old thread, or if this thread is even still alive, but doing an awful 6 hours of messing around and tinkering i've found you can create entirely different brands. (DLCs seem to mess with edited stuff in stringtables though)


  • image-188.png
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not sure if this counts as reviving an old thread, or if this thread is even still alive, but doing an awful 6 hours of messing around and tinkering i've found you can create entirely different brands. (DLCs seem to mess with edited stuff in stringtables though)
Sort of dormant, I do want to work on FM4 next and see what more I can improve.

Adding brands is a decent simple mod, DLCs overriding the string table can be worked around by making your mod its own DLC which gets loaded after, with a stringtable that contains the previous contents + new one.
Disclaimer: This only works on a modded console. To keep things GTP-friendly, I won't be explaining how any of this is done, so this thread simply serves as a showcase and discussion.

Not sure how many people are still interested in FM4 around here, but for those who might be, welcome!

I've recently had a surge of interest in FM4 after learning a lot more about database design and SQL from my current job. I've been able to automate a lot of things that previously were a lot of manual work, which makes me more motivated to do more with this game.

Here's a quick showcase of some of my work so far, mostly simple stuff that adds on to the game or corrects things.

- Moved the oddly-assigned Midnight Purple from the R32 GTR to the R33:
View attachment 901649

- Enabled full detail (from Time Attack) car models in gameplay (framerate chugs a bit with 12 on screen but not enough to annoy me):
View attachment 901650

- Added some manufacturer rims to the store - primarily those without the manufacturer logo, and a couple that do for purposes of swapping within that manufacturer (e.g. M5 rims on a M3):
View attachment 901651View attachment 901653

- Ported the Xanavi NISMO livery that went AWOL after FM3 to the Calsonic car:
View attachment 901654

- Added a whole host of VAG engine swaps to most of the VAG cars - typically stuff that roughly makes sense, so nothing like a W12 in a Golf. I4s, V5s and VR6s in the smaller stuff, those + V8s in the bigger stuff, and the V10s (FSI and TDI) and V12 TDI for the huge stuff:
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And currently working on:
- Porting some engines from FH3 to cars that make sense (M2 engine for the straight 6-having BMWs, GTR LM engine for the Skylines, etc). Also featuring the Jensen Interceptor's engine since the car never materialised:
View attachment 901663 View attachment 901664

Feel free to post stuff for inspiration or discuss.
Hey Admiester I've been modding FM4 gamedb for quite a while now and I'd love to know where you've imported the VW V5 Engine from and how to maybe obtain it myself? I do this for fun mainly and would love to learn more about the software to help speed up the process of doing it instead of manually inputting eveything myself. I've changed the stats of engines and made new enigne and drivetrain swaps on nearly around 100 vehicles which include dlc cars. I only engine and maybe drivetrain swap the DLC cars in the original gamedb of the game due to me not being able to repack the DLC files properly after modification. The enignes that come with the normal gamedb I have modded quite a bit as well as some DLC engines.

I also forgot to ask about how to also obtain the bmw and vw diesel engines too,
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Hey Admiester I've been modding FM4 gamedb for quite a while now and I'd love to know where you've imported the VW V5 Engine from and how to maybe obtain it myself? I do this for fun mainly and would love to learn more about the software to help speed up the process of doing it instead of manually inputting eveything myself. I've changed the stats of engines and made new enigne and drivetrain swaps on nearly around 100 vehicles which include dlc cars. I only engine and maybe drivetrain swap the DLC cars in the original gamedb of the game due to me not being able to repack the DLC files properly after modification. The enignes that come with the normal gamedb I have modded quite a bit as well as some DLC engines.

I also forgot to ask about how to also obtain the bmw and vw diesel engines too,
V5 is from FM3, it's a swap-only engine that exists for the likes of the Beetle and Bora IIRC. All the others were just plotted manually from real life torque curve data as accurately as possible.
V5 is from FM3, it's a swap-only engine that exists for the likes of the Beetle and Bora IIRC. All the others were just plotted manually from real life torque curve data as accurately as possible.
I do have FM3 on hand so how do you recomend I import the engine to the game? I tried matching up some of the tables in the gamedb but some of the tables are different sizes, or do i need to go futher than the gamedb?
I do have FM3 on hand so how do you recomend I import the engine to the game? I tried matching up some of the tables in the gamedb but some of the tables are different sizes, or do i need to go futher than the gamedb?
Just your best job of matching. Some of what's not in the FM3 data isn't 100% necessary, and those bits that are are usually those that are the same for every car, or similar enough to just borrow.