
  • Thread starter TB
This is getting very repetitive. I'm getting constant cycles of the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and Australia...

I don't like this game any more.
Scored 9898, the closest guess of mine was being just ~600km off in NSW, Australia.

11280 on the next one, got within 120km of two locations in Ireland.

11881...stupid Midway Islands that look like Florida's Keys with a bird infestation.

15910...guessing Botswanna and seeing Hebrew really helped my score.
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12240 on my first go - seeing Cyrillic writing and having all of the Russian Federation to pick from :lol:.
I don't like this game any more.


Did one last night and it dropped me right next to St Bees train station near Carlisle. I was facing the sign for it and still managed to miss by 20km. :dunce:

Botswana must look like Mexico...

Although getting one in Jedburgh helped my score tremendously.

I was completely caught out by one which consisted of a street with banners containing a picture of what looked like a Chinese politician plus Chinese-style writing and a large pagoda/temple (not the 60s Merc) in the distance. Turned out to be over 2000km away in Russia near the Black Sea.
Can't remember my highest overall score, but I once managed to get within 9 meters of the correct location due to it being in Finland and featuring several road signs showing distances to nearby towns, piece of cake. :D
Quite a challenge, especially if you're not good at all :lol: I was lucky I could pin-point one of the locations (0.035km away :grumpy:), other than that, ehhh... I didn't quite get any

To my defence, they were really vague.. I can't make a very good suggestion from a corner and some trees, though the australian one was, well, Outback-ish indeed :)
Love this game. My closest to the actual position was 7 metres away, without cheating. I have managed to get over 26,000 points in one round.
Knowing and recognizing road signs, road striping, license plates, and the like helps a bunch.

The problem is that Canada and the US use similar markings, and if you're given a spot in the middle of nowhere (or a Minor Outlying Island in the Pacific), it can be daunting.

Seems there's some similarity between South Africa and Australia's road furniture, as well. I suppose those with more experience in actually driving those roads do better!
After getting the wrong continent on four out of five, I didn't bother trying again.

Random stretch of road through a lightly wooded area, could be anywhere, sheesh.
Seems there's some similarity between South Africa and Australia's road furniture, as well. I suppose those with more experience in actually driving those roads do better!
I had a game where I picked Australia twice, and it was South Africa both times.

In the same game, there was a snowy place, with huts and a Norwegian flag, so I thought, "Aha! That'll be Norway." Stuck my pin in the bottom half of Norway, only to be told I was 1100 miles away in Svalbard...
Has anyone had a location in Africa yet? It's the only continent I haven't had.
Ah OK, so they do exist then.

Not looking forward to the day in my life when I step outside my front door and this happens. Not long now... :scared:
If you need a depth gauge for a road you should probably find a different route! :lol:

:lol: Not the kind of car I would use, either.

I just got trolled, right away I see a boat in a dock with "Miami, FL" written on the back... It was in Italy.:grumpy:

^That's the funniest thing I've read all day!!! :lol:

You can't imagine how hard I'm laughing.. . .

Thanks TB :grumpy:

This game is so addictive, I can hardly spare enough time to finish my

Damn . . . we lost TM.. . .

I do what I

TB, too.. . . :scared:


I don't like this game any more.


:lol: Still waters.. . .

Incredibly fun site to pass the time at work, can't break myself away from it now.

anyway, 17753 first try. :sly:

It's NSFW!! You never know which strip of real estate you may find yourself lost in.

Knowing and recognizing road signs, road striping, license plates, and the like helps a bunch.

The problem is that Canada and the US use similar markings, and if you're given a spot in the middle of nowhere (or a Minor Outlying Island in the Pacific), it can be daunting.

Seems there's some similarity between South Africa and Australia's road furniture, as well. I suppose those with more experience in actually driving those roads do better!

:lol: Pupik - you are sure applying a wealth of stealthy intelligence at this.

Great game, TB. Nice one again. 👍

I want to play, but . . . right now I have to---
Lol, wound up inside a museum in Japan, showing the interior of an older home. Of course, I stupidly thought it would be a museum in America.

Must stop overthinking...

I like how my best attempt has a score like that, while I was light-years off with both of the Russian locations. Then again, I was only about 6km from the right location in Portugal and 2km from one in Hungary. So it balanced out in the end.

Lol, wound up inside a museum in Japan, showing the interior of an older home. Of course, I stupidly thought it would be a museum in America.

Must stop overthinking...

I ended up in the courtyard of what turned out to be the Kazan Kremlin, which I assumed it was nearer Saint Petersburg than anywhere else. That threw me off somewhat.
Anyone want some Real Phony Mexican Art?:dopey:


Wasn't that far off on it either, guessed Cabo San Lucas, was in some town just north of it.

Also, there is a bridge in Japan with statues of naked chicks on it, that is all...
Has anyone had a location in Africa yet? It's the only continent I haven't had.

I got South Africa twice as well. Saw a bunch of cars that looked like British cars, so swung for the fence for it to be the UK. Nope. 6000 miles away.