Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
Are there any other Tomb Raider fans out there? I haven't actually beaten any of the series yet, on PlayStation or the computer, but I plan to start with the first one and work my way through to this newest one. So I should finish them all up about the time the NEXT one comes out (:

Has anyone else noticed that when you put the name all together then re-seperate it it comes out to Tom Braider. I think I graduated with that guy ...

My favorite past time with tomb raider 1 is breaking poor lara's neck. i swan dive her off the water fall in like the 3rd level, and the big tower structure near the end of the game.

Heh, her little legs snap past her neck still cracks me up, even got her to land on i tiger once.

The first two were the best, but it started going downhill with 3. Still a good series though
Like I said, I haven't beaten any of them, but I got the farthest in 3. I thought it was really cool how the story took you to cities like London, and you got to roam around on the buildings and things. It was really neat.

I've heard that the new Tomb Raider, takes lare in a different direction. It is rumored that it borrows a lot from Metal Gear, so it could turn out to be pretty cool.
Of the old games I think that the first one is the best.

Also: The new one is a PS2 exclusive !! :D
Well, they've all been exclisive (console-wise) to the Playstation so far. But they've also all been for Windows and this one will be too.

Loved the first one, but they've gone downhill ever since. Finished the first three, though. :) Hope the next one is more like the old-skool ones...
I've been playing Angel of Darkness (rented and HDLed it) and it's ok. They went screwball on the controls though and I'm having difficulty getting my mind wrapped around it.

Has anyone else played the game? Beaten it? Impressions?
I played it but stopped after i finished The Hall of Seasons.The controls ruined it for me.Jumping was impossible.It's safe to say that this is the worst Tomb Raider game of the series,except for the graphics.The story was weak and the sound wasn't all that.Maybe someday when i'm bored beyond imagination,i'll pick this game up and finish it.