Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725

-Banner created by Blake with a slight mod by Emohawk (thanks)

Screenshots required for unbelievable records.
No Cheats and No GameShark stats allowed

GTPlanet GTA:SA Recordbook

GTPlanet GTA3 Recordbook

Previous versions of this recordbook
GTPlanet Vice City Recordbook 1
GTPlanet Vice City Recordbook 2

Link to GTA:VC PC Version Only Recordbook

Main Records
Highest Criminal Rating

(All Godfathers listed + next 5)
1. 5,438,144 (Godfather) MC_320 (Killing Method Verified by Spuds725) (clip)
2. 2,212,225 (Godfather) T. Vercetti
3. 1,433,464 (Godfather) - Acidman
4. 1,095,667 (Godfather) - The Night Fox Screenshot
5. 1,037,041 (Godfather) - RancidMilk
6. 1,020,275 (Godfather) - Luky
7. 1,010,977 (Godfather) – vasil72
8. 1,008,535 (Godfather) - Spuds725
9. 1,002,542 (Godfather) - Pedrodaman
10. 608,874 (Don) - KieranMurphy
11. 400,000 (Boss) - Hell No
12. 342,108 (Boss) - Deli Dingo
13. 319,292 (Boss) - IntegraGS-R
14. 263,986 (Capo) - space

Playing Time (hours:min)
1. 600:05 - T. Vercetti
2. 502:39 - Acidman
3. 408:25 - Spuds725
4. 293:24 - Jimmy Enslashay
5. 275:11 - Luky

Fastest time to reach 100% (hours:min)
1. 11:55 - Famine (screenshot)
2. 17:06 - Spuds725
3. 17:09 – vasil72
4. 17:25 - RancidMilk
5. 23:00 - Small_Fryz

Fastest time to complete storyline missions (hours:min)
1. 2:58 - RancidMilk
2. 3:14 - Famine
3. 3:32 - Spuds725 (1.2MB clip)

Days passed in game
1. 2072 - Luky
2. 1682 - T. Vercetti
3. 1496 - Acidman
4. 1440 - Spuds725
5. 765 - The Night Fox

Safehouse Visits
1. 5513 - Luky
2. 1019 - Spuds725
3. 508 – vasil72
4. 457 - Small_Fryz
5. 347 - Jimmy Enslashay

People You've Wasted
(I will list anybody with at least 50,000 kills)
1. 5,217,563 - MC_320 (Killing Method Verified by Spuds725) (Clip)
1. 859,028 - T. Vercetti
2. 640,251 - Acidman
3. 439,085 - Spuds725
4. 252,588 - Luky
5. 84,910 - KieranMurphy
6. 80,843 - IntegraGS-R
7. 76,532 - Hell No
8. 76,118 - RancidMilk
9. 50,906 - The Night Fox

People Wasted by Others
1. 10574 - Acidman
2. 7736 - Spuds725
3. 7471 - T. Vercetti
4. 7308 - Luky
5. 1614 - KieranMurphy

Road Vehicles Destroyed
1. 283,134 - T. Vercetti
2. 102,852 - Spuds725
3. 100,513 - Acidman
4. 40,528 - Luky
5. 21,870 - Hell No

Boats Destroyed
1. 5095 - Spuds725
2. 3247 - Luky
3. 2101 - Acidman
4. 2079 - KieranMurphy
5. 1006 - space

Planes & Helicopter Destroyed
1. 26635 - The Night Fox Screenshot
2. 26255 – vasil72
3. 26179 - RancidMilk
4. 17537 - Luky
5. 17228 - Acidman

Tires Popped with Gunfire
1. 10614 - Luky
2. 10031 - Acidman
3. 6144 - Spuds725
4. 5049 - KieranMurphy
5. 3554 - IntegraGS-R

Wanted Stars Attained
1. 12790 - Luky
2. 8512 - KieranMurphy (screenshot)
3. 8445 - T. Vercetti
4. 8263 - Aciman
5. 5342 - Spuds725

Wanted Stars Avoided
1. 8245 - T. Vercetti
2. 7068 - KieranMurphy
3. 5731 - Luky
4. 5090 - Acidman
5. 3297 - Spuds725

Times Busted (Fewest in a 100% game)
1. 0 - Famine
1. 0 - Deli Dingo
1. 0 - Jonas_AH
1. 0 - MC_320
5. 3 - Acidman

Times Busted (Most)
1. 153 - Spuds725
2. 36 - Luky
3. 1 - Jonas_AH

Hostpital Visits (Fewest in a 100% game)
1. 0 - Famine
1. 0 - Deli Dingo
1. 0 - Jonas_AH
1. 0 - MC_320
5. 7 - Acidman

Hospital Visits (Most)
1. 260 - Spuds725
2. 69 - WhiteCharisma85
3. 58 - Famine
4. 48 - Jimmy Enslashay
5. 47 - Luky

Number of Headshots
1. 14061 - KieranMurphy (screenshot)
2. 7597 - Luky
3. 6263 - Spuds725
4. 4057 - Acidman
5. 3671 - Famine

Daily Police Spending (Highest)
1. $$85572 - Jonas_AH
2. $82,251 - Tigra (screenshot)
3. $80,720 - PS
4. $77,142 - Deli Dingo
5. $48,533 - koak

Note-- this stat will vary depending on your recent destructive activity.

Gang Members Wasted
1. 29845 - T. Vercetti
2. 25951 - Luky
3. 24040 - KieranMurphy
4. 15384 - Acidman
5. 14351 - Spuds725

Criminals Wasted
1. 778,829 - T. Vercetti
2. 130,702 - Spuds725
3. 77,210 - Acidman
4. 40,269 - Luky
5. 32,300 - IntegraGS-R

Kgs of explosives used
1. 391,724 - Acidman
2. 152,559 - Luky
3. 128,482 - Klonie Gun
4. 99,852 - Spuds725
5. 64,438 - KieranMurphy

Bullets Fired
1. 1,001,407 – Luky
2. 1,000,000 – vasil72
3. 508,000 - RancidMilk
4. 506,999 - Spuds725
5. 250,034 - KieranMurphy

Bullets That Hit
1. 1,936,155 - T. Vercetti
2. 1,422,473 - Spuds725
3. 924,999 – vasil72
4. 603,572 - Luky
5. 327,661 - Small_Fryz

Accuracy (in a 100% game)
1. 814% - IntegraGS-R
2. 694% - T. Vercetti
3. 425% - Small_Fryz
4. 349% - Spuds
5. 100% - Blake

Accuracy (in a <100% game)
1. 1,000,000% - Famine (1 shot fired)
2. 416,320% - Spuds725 (on a 9% completed game- 482 shots fired)
3. 9,036% - Shannon
4. 4,049% - KieranMurphy

Distance Traveled on Foot (Miles)
1. 1166 - Acidman
2. 1012 - Luky
3. 779 - Spuds725
4. 413 - Flick
5. 363 - KieranMurphy

Distance Traveled by Car (Miles)
1. 4778 - Acidman
2. 3665 - KieranMurhphy
3. 3350 - Luky
4. 2558 - Spuds725
5. 1964 - Small_Fryz

Distance Traveled by Bike (Miles)
1. 1516 - KieranMurhphy
2. 1408 - Acidman
3. 1376 - Spuds725
4. 1172 - Luky
5. 652 - Flick

Distance Traveled by Boat (Miles)
1. 364 - Tigra (screenshot)
2. 101 - RancidMilk
3. 57.8 &#8211; vasil72
4. 85 - Flick
5. 53 - Luky

Distance Traveled by Golf Cart (Miles)
1. 142 - KieranMurhphy
2. 52 - Small_Fryz
3. 42 - Luky
4. 30 - Deli Dingo
5. 28 - Acidman

Distance Traveled by Helicopter (Miles)
1. 9964 - T. Vercetti
2. 4382 - Luky
3. 4228 - Spuds725
4. 3810 - Acidman
5. 1030 - KieranMurhphy

Total Distance Traveled (Miles)
1. 14089 - T. Vercetti
2. 11304 - Acidman
3. 10015 - Luky
4. 8968 - Spuds725
5. 7215 - KieranMurphy

Max Insane Jump Flips
1. 5 - Luky (taxi boost)
2. 4 - Spuds725 (falling through grey hell while morphed to a bike)
2. 4 - Sleek Stratos (unverified)
4. 3 - vrmx
4. 3 - IntegraGS-R (with a rhino!)
4. 3 - qjasonp
4. 3 - Acidman
4. 3 - Blake
4. 3 - Deli Dingo (Infernus)

Max Insane Jump Rotation (Not Using Bike Morph)

1. 8967° - SouthernFinest (video clip) PC version
2. 8344° - Luky (PC version)
3. 6460° - vasil72
4. 6135° - BCspeed34 (screenshot) PC Version
5. 4801° - Spuds725 (2MB clip)

Max Insane Jump Rotation (Using Bike Morph)
1. 3193° - Spuds725
2. 2439° - Shannon
3. 2391° - IntegraGS-R
4. 2319° - qjasonp
5. 2308° - koak

Max Insane Jump Distance
1. 306 meters &#8211; vasil72
2. 264 meters - Luky (taxi boost)
3. 229.7 meters - PS (screenshot) (xbox)
4. 229 meters - IntegraGS-R
5. 222 meters - Famine

Max Insane Jump Height
1. 250 meters - Luky (taxi boost)
2. 74 meters - Spuds725 (game glitch or a fluke jump)
3. 54 meters &#8211; Acidman
4. 50 meters &#8211; vasil72
5. 44 meters - IntegraGS-R
6. 38 meters - Small_Fryz
7. 35 meters - Deli Dingo

Super Jump Records
Go here to learn how to do a superjump
Super Jump Max Insane Jump Flips
1. 78 - Deli Dingo (Phils Place) (screenshot)
2. 55 - Dallas (Phil's Place)
3. 6 - CrimeRunner (screenshot)
4. 5 - eddieturner2002 (Phils Place)
5. 4 - RancidMilk
6. 3 - Spuds725 (Phil's Place)

Super Jump Max Insane Jump Rotation
1. 40653° - Spuds725 (Phil's Place) (screenshot)
2. 39977° - Deli Dingo (Phil's Place) (screenshot)
3. 31115° - koak (Packer Superjump)
4. 28321° - RancidMilk (Phil's Place)
5. 25644° - Famine (Phils's Place)

Super Jump Max Insane Jump Distance
1. 741 meters - Famine (Phil's Place)
2. 737 meters - CrimeRunner (screenshot)
3. 722 meters - Deli Dingo (Phil's Place)
4. 625 meters - Spuds725 (Phil's Place)
5. 611 meters - RancidMilk
6. 604 meters - KieranMurphy (Phil's Place)

Super Jump Max Insane Jump Height
1. 1065.30 meters - Crime Runner (screenshot)
2. 531 meters - Deli Dingo (Phil's Place)(screenshot)
3. 493 meters - Spuds725 (Phil's Place)
4. 402 meters - KieranMurphy (Phil's Place)
5. 335 meters - koak (Packer Superjump)
6. 262 meters - Famine (Phil's Place)

Longest Wheelie Time
1. 5458 seconds - Shraz
2. 2628 seconds - Termax (PC version)
3. 1595 seconds - koak
4. 1504 seconds - Luky (PC version)
5. 1227 seconds - Kieran Murphy

Longest Wheelie Distance
1. 56717.64 meters - Luky (PC version)
2. 52185.40 meters - Termax (PC version)
3. 17326.72 meters - koak
4. 15492.64 meters - Ghost C
5. 14599.62 meters - Flick

Longest Stoppie Time
1. 244 seconds - Ghost C
2. 220 seconds - Kieran Murphy
3. 214 seconds - Flick
4. 180 seconds - Temax (PC version)
5. 153 seconds - RancidMilk

Longest Stoppie Distance
1. 1031.95 meters &#8211; Flick (Screenie Below)
2. 1029 meters - Ghost C
3. 1020 meters - Termax (PC version)
4. 1013 meters - Kieran Murphy
5. 1010 meters &#8211; koak

Longest 2 Wheels Time
1. 1095 seconds - Luky (i didn't move)
2. 349 seconds - Acidman
3. 228 seconds - Kieran Murphy
4. 84 seconds - Termax (PC version)
5. 84 seconds - RancidMilk

Longest 2 Wheels Distance
1. 1747.21 meters - Kieran Murphy
2. 1284.40 meters - Termax (PC version)
3. 508.23 meters - koak
4. 229.32 meters - Deli Dingo
5. 221.62 meters - Luky

Vehicle Missions
Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission

1. 1,074,035 - T. Vercetti
2. 179,213 - Spuds725
3. 100,782 - Acidman
4. 81,597 - Hell No
5. 51,943 - Luky

Highest Vigilante Mission Level
1. Level 4620 - Hell No
2. Level 3200 - T. Vercetti
3. Level 2403 - The Night Fox (Screenshot)
3. Level 2363 - Spuds725
4. Level 1685 - KieranMurphy
5. Level 1658 - IntegraGS-R

Passengers Dropped Off
1. 356 - RancidMilk (screenshot)
2. 267 - Tigra (screenshot)
3. 253 - The Night Fox
4. 200 - Luky
5. 194 - Small_Fryz

Cash Made in Taxi
1. $230,947 - RancidMilk
2. $201,088 - Tigra (screenshot)
3. $199,381 - The Night Fox
4. $184304 - Small_Fryz
5. $152780 - Famine

People Saved in Ambulance
1. 287 - xAkirax2004
2. 239 - IntegraGS-R
3. 138 - Famine
4. 120 - Hell No
5. 113 - RVDNuT374
5. 113 - Flick

Total Fires Extinguished
1. 1157 &#8211; Flick (Screenie below)
2. 1000 - Luky
3. 820 - KieranMurphy
4. 774 - Famine
5. 457 - Spuds725

Fire Truck Mission Level
1. Level 42 - Famine
2. Level 25 - Viper_Maniac
3. Level 24 - Flick
4. Level 23 - vrmx
4. Level 23 - KieranMurphy

Pizzas Delivered
1. 169 - Flick
2. 154 - Integra Type R
3. 151 - IntegraGS-R
4. 108 - Jonas_AH
5. 100 - Viper_Maniac

Ice Cream Sold
1. 1629 - PS (screenshot)
2. 422 - Luky
3. 333 - Spuds725
4. 285 - space
5. 245 - xAkirax2004
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Fastest Times
Fastest Time on "Alloy Wheels Of Steel"

1. 1:03 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:06 - KieranMurphy
3. 1:11 - Spuds725
4. 1:15 - Famine
5. 1:17 - Flick

Fastest Time on "The Driver"
1. 1:39 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:46 - KieranMurphy
3. 1:50 - Spuds725
3. 1:50 - Famine
5. 1:57 - RancidMilk

Fastest Time on RC Baron (Plane) Race
1. 2:09 - RancidMilk (1:42 Time in stats--Game glitch--actual time was 2:09)
1.2:09 &#8211; vasil72
3. 2:10 - atwyatt
4. 2:11 - KieranMurphy
4. 2:11 - T. Vercetti
4. 2:11 - Famine
4. 2:11 - Deli Dingo
4. 2:11 - Flick

Fastest time on RC Bandit (Car) Race
1. 2:17 &#8211; vasil72
2. 2:18 &#8211; Flick
2. 2:18 - Famine
2. 2:18 - Jimmy Enslashay
5. 2:21 - T. Vercetti

Fastest Time on RC Raider (Helicopter) Pickup
1. 4:05 - Deli Dingo
2. 4:07 - KieranMurphy
3. 4:11 &#8211; vasil72
4. 4:34 - Flick
5. 4:47 - Famine

Fastest Time on "Terminal Velocity"
1. 0:39 &#8211; vasil72
2. 0:42 - KieranMurphy (Super angel)
3. 0:43 - T. Vercetti
4. 0:44 - Hell No
4. 0:44 - Maestro (PC version)
4. 0:44 - Luky

Fastest Time on "Ocean Drive"
1. 0:48 &#8211; vasil72
2. 0:49 &#8211; Luky (screenshot)
3. 0:51 - KieranMurphy (PCJ 600)
4. 0:52 - Spuds725
5. 0:53 - Flick

Fastest Time on "Border Run"
1. 1:05 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:07 - KieranMurphy (Super Angel)
3. 1:10 - T. Vercetti
4. 1:11 - Small_Fryz
5. 1:14 - Maestro (PC version)

Fastest Time on "Capital Cruise"
1. 1:21 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:27 - T. Vercetti (Hot Ring Racer)
2. 1:27 - Luky
4. 1:28 - KieranMurphy
5. 1:30 - Maestro (PC version)
5. 1:30 - Small_Fryz

Fastest Time on "Tour"
1. 1:50 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:55 - KieranMurphy (Hot Ring Racer)
3. 1:56 - T. Vercetti
3. 1:56 - Maestro (PC version)
5. 1:58 - Luky

Fastest Time on "VC Endurance"
(this race is sufficiently hard I will list any times under 4 minutes)
1. 3:42 &#8211; vasil72
2. 3:51 - T. Vercetti (Hot Ring Racer)
2. 3:51 - Sleek Stratos
4. 3:52 - Kieran Murphy (Super angel)
5. 3:56 - Famine

Fastest Time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:19 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:23 - KieranMurphy
3. 1:25 - RancidMilk
4. 1:29 - Deli Dingo
5. 1:31 - Luky

Fastest Time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:08 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:10- Deli Dingo
3. 1:11 - KieranMurphy
4. 1:13 - RancidMilk
5. 1:22 - Luky

Fastest Time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:04 - vasil72
2. 1:08 - Deli Dingo
3. 1:10 - KieranMurphy
4. 1:14 - RancidMilk
5. 1:19 - Luky

Fastest Time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint
1. 1:14 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:17 - KieranMurphy
3. 1:23 - Deli Dingo
4. 1:26 - RancidMilk
5. 1:33 - Luky

Fastest Time on "PCJ Playground"
1. 0:48 &#8211; vasil72
2. 0:55 - Flick
3. 1:04 - KieranMurphy
4. 1:05 - Luky
5. 1:06 - Small_Fryz

Fastest Time on "Trial By Dirt"
1. 1:37 &#8211; vasil72
2. 1:42 &#8211; Flick (Screenie Below)
3. 1:47 - Small_Fryz
4. 1:53 - Deli Dingo
5. 1:54 - Famine

Fastest Time on "Test Track"
1. 1:59 - Famine
2. 2:01 - vasil72
3. 2:05 - Flick
4. 2:06 - Blake
4. 2:06 - KieranMurphy

Fastest Time for "Cone Crazy"
Moving cones glitch
1. 0:06 - Deli Dingo (screenshot)
1. 0:06 - PS (screenshot)
1. 0:06 &#8211; vasil72 (screenshot)
4. 0:07 - koak
5. 0:08 - Spuds725

Fastest Time for "Cone Crazy"
Done not moving cones-- route description or vid clip required for #1
1. 0:10 - Jimmy Enslashay(screenshot)
1. 0:10 - Luky
3. 0:11 - Spuds725
4. 0:12 - Hell No
4. 0:12 - RancidMilk
4. 0:12 - Blake
4. 0:12 - Flick

Fastest Time for Checkpoint Charlie
1. 1:38 &#8211; vasil72 (screenshot)
2. 1:45 - T. Vercetti
3. 1:48 - Flick
4. 1:52 - Acidman
5. 1:56 - KieranMurphy

Hyman Stadium
Fastest Time in Dirtring

1. 2:44 - Acidman
2. 2:49 - Spuds725
3. 3:08 - Sleek Stratos
4. 3:23 - RancidMilk
5. 3:31 - Famine

Fastest Time in Hotring
1. 3:08 - Famine (screenshot)
2 3:10 - Flick
3. 3:10 &#8211; vasil72
4. 3:11 - T. Vercetti
5. 3:12 - Deli Dingo

Fastest Lap in Hotring
1. 14.70 - Small_Fryz
2. 14.72 - Luky (screenshot)
3. 14.75 - Famine
4. 14.84 - RVDNut374
5. 14.87 - Jonas_AH

Note: There is evidently a glitch on the stats screen for this race on PS2 and PC-- it rounds it down to the next lowest second. To check the time, start a new race and your record will be displayed prior to the race starting.

Longest Time in Bloodring
1. 1800 seconds - T. Vercetti
2. 1380 seconds &#8211; vasil72
3. 1260 seconds - Famine
4. 600 seconds - Spuds725
4. 600 seconds - Deli Dingo

Number of Bloodring Kills
1. 3638 - T. Vercetti
2. 1831 - Famine
3. 1515 &#8211; vasil72
4. 842 - Spuds725
5. 307 - Small_Fryz

Other Records
Fishes Fed (Fewest in a 100% game)

1. 0 - Famine
1. 0 - Deli Dingo
1. 0 - Jonas_AH
4. 1 - Acidman
5. 2 - RancidMilk

Fishes Fed (Most)
1. 54 - Spuds725
2. 30 - Luky
3. 26 - Jimmy Enslashay
4. 21 - Blake
5. 18 - WhiteCharisma85

Flight Hours
1. 1:30 (Ace) - KieranMurphy
2. 1:25 (Lieutenant) - Acidman
3. 1:17 (Lieutenant) - RVDNuT374
4. 1:15 (Ace) - space
5. 0:58 (Ace) - Viper_Maniac

Best Percentage of Hits for Shooter
1. 100% - Shannon
1. 100% - Famine
1. 100% - koak
1. 100% - Luky
1. 100% - vasil72

Highest Score for Shooter
1. 128 - vasil72 (screenshot)

1. 114 - Flick (Screenie Below)
2. 107 - Famine (screenshot)
3. 104 - Luky
4. 97 - KieranMurphy
5. 96 - Spuds725

Highest Score with Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball
1. 77 &#8211; vasil72 (screenshot)
2. 73 - Shannon
3. 62 - Luky
4. 55 - Acidman
5. 49 - PS

Number of Drug Deals Made
(note: This stat is for the most done in one sitting > 50... you also have to sucessfully exit the truck-- you can't die or get busted when in the truck. Your stats won't update until you exit.)
1. 237 - PS (screenshot)
2. 172 &#8211; Luky
3. 102 &#8211; vasil72
4. 100 - RancidMilk
5. 96 - Spuds725
5. 96 - Flick

Seagulls Sniped
1. 1028 - Spuds725
2. 263 - IntegraGS-R
3. 228- Acidman
4. 121 - Famine
5. 103 - Deli Dingo

1. 2400 - KieranMurphy
2. 1325 - Luky
3. 598 - Spuds725
4. 151 - Small_Fryz
5. 87 - Flick

Weapon Budget
1. $48,302,040 &#8211; vasil72
2. $18,374,000 &#8211; Flick (Screenie Below)
3. $15,288,900 - Luky
4. $5,702,190 - Small_Fryz
5. $1,731,400 - KieranMurphy

Fashion Budget
1. $128,170 - Luky
2. $31,460 - Spuds725
3. $20,430 - KieranMurphy
4. $7,490 - Small_Fryz
5. $4,300 &#8211; vasil72

Auto Repair and Painting Budget
1. $234,200 - KieranMurphy
2. $126,700 - Luky
3. $57,000 - Spuds725
4. $12,800 - Small_Fryz
5. $7,400 &#8211; vasil72

Property Destroyed
1. $1,939,140,016 - T. Vercetti
2. $742,148,032 - Spuds725
3. $689,836,160 - Acidman
4. $373,041,184 - Luky
5. $195,032,528 &#8211; vasil72

Highest Media Attention
1. 7656 (Stuff of Legends) - RancidMilk (screenshot)
2. 6899 (Stuff of Legends) - Luky
3. 6469 (Stuff of Legends) - Acidman
4. 6251 (Stuff of Legends) - Spuds725
5. 6126 (Stuff of Legends) - KieranMurphy
6. 5759 (Stuff of Legends) - Deli Dingo


Ok..I updated the records and everything looks ok...

As before, please post pictures for unbelievable records-- if unsure ask.


I will require a screenshot for any race time that beats a previous record otherwise you will be listed last and have (Unverified) next to your time. Please be honest people-- you are only cheating yourself-- no cheat codes either. As stated in the previous recordbook version, glitches (such as fused biker glitch) are ok in records but cheats are not.



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According to the email he sent me, has been playing a game called Shadowbane (I think thats right)--he says he plans on starting to play VC again in a few weeks. I think he was having problems uploading the stats too (with his dialup acct) which was preventing him from updating often. I can access this from work via a broadband--uploaded very fast. :)

Originally posted by Klonie Gun
Well, if you ask me, he's a newbie (no offense :embarrassed: )

You kill 80,000 and get back to us--look at his other records as well.
I think that 80,000 might be a little low, becasue i remeber him saying that he was almost at 100,000 awhile back before i took off.
Originally posted by Acidman
I think that 80,000 might be a little low, becasue i remeber him saying that he was almost at 100,000 awhile back before i took off.

if you're talking about me - i think i'm around 90-95k... sorry i haven't been around much - my laptop is going to **** (i let my sister use it for a few days and now the 'k' and '.' keys dont work - its really annoying everytime i have to copy/past a 'k' from a different window to sign my name at the bottom of my email) anyway - if you have a computer, i suggest trying out shadowbane if you're into those types of games... its extremely fun and addicting (especially on a projector with 105+ in screen on the wall :)) sorry i havn't been updating - it takes forever to load..
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
if you're talking about me - i think i'm around 90-95k... sorry i haven't been around much - my laptop is going to **** (i let my sister use it for a few days and now the 'k' and '.' keys dont work - its really annoying everytime i have to copy/past a 'k' from a different window to sign my name at the bottom of my email) anyway - if you have a computer, i suggest trying out shadowbane if you're into those types of games... its extremely fun and addicting (especially on a projector with 105+ in screen on the wall :)) sorry i havn't been updating - it takes forever to load..
I had the same problem, only the A, Z and Esc keys didn't work. I think mine was from spilling coffee on the keyboard. Luckily, I had a spare keyboard lying around. I like my spre one more, the keys are way software.

What is this Shadowbane game anyway?
Updated book..

Integra--if you post your latest stats I'll update it. You will (temporarily) knock me down a spot in kills and probably cars destroyed too.

Also, have you ever opened up your laptop--we used to have one and on ours you can lift the keyboard up and there are these contacts that the keys strike and they might just be dirty-- you can buy this stuff called electronic"contact cleaner" which you spray on it an it imediately evaporates as it cleans it--you might be able to clean them with some alcohol too. If the key is broke, you can probably see it from underneath and maybe swap it with an infrequently used key that is the same size---this might fix it--just a suggestion--it also might be possible to plug an external keyboard in--I know you can plug in an external mouse.
Originally posted by Spuds725
Updated book..

Integra--if you post your latest stats I'll update it. You will (temporarily) knock me down a spot in kills and probably cars destroyed too.

Also, have you ever opened up your laptop--we used to have one and on ours you can lift the keyboard up and there are these contacts that the keys strike and they might just be dirty-- you can buy this stuff called electronic"contact cleaner" which you spray on it an it imediately evaporates as it cleans it--you might be able to clean them with some alcohol too. If the key is broke, you can probably see it from underneath and maybe swap it with an infrequently used key that is the same size---this might fix it--just a suggestion--it also might be possible to plug an external keyboard in--I know you can plug in an external mouse.

my playstation is at a friend's house right now - and he's at disney world - i pretty sure my sister spilled something on the keyboard - i know what you're talking about with the 'board coming up - my old laptop did that - but this one doesn't - its a pos anyway - i'll probably have to get a new one for school next year
Here are screenshots of my latest stats
People wasted, planes & helicopters destroyed, road vehicles destroyed and CR.


  • wasted.jpg
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I only have to kill 80,000 more people to get on the list.:lol: :D Starting tommorrow and continuing until my grandfather picks me up for my vacation to SC, everyone must die!!!!!!!!:mischievous:
Baby gave me a little time to play yesterday and today :)

Criminal Rating 444,760 #2
People wasted 98378 #2
Road Vehicles destroyed 24,948 #1
Planes and Helicopters destroyed 4,618 #2
Accuracy 196% #3
Seagulls sniped 161 #2
Max insane flips 3 #1 (tie)
Max insane height 74 Meters (fluke or game glitch) #1
Criminals wasted 31,001 #2
Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission 41,114 #2
Kgs of Explosives 15,893 #3
Total Fires Extinguished 441 #1
Gang members killed 5804 #3

Time played: 202:33
He took an evening nap--had to post this milestone--I won't get a chance to play again until monday at least.

People wasted 100127

I'll update the record book in the morning.



  • wasted.jpg
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I've actually managed 4 insane jump flips, is that believe enough to go without a pic. You guys have digital cameras, right? I don't.
Anyways, it happened at the steps on the left going north from the pay n spray in Vice Point, west from El Swanko Casa, with a Banshee, the thing went nuts in the air. I was carrying plenty of speed too.
I guess it's sorta like a glitch. Some cars just go flipping wildly when you hit those steps.
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
I've actually managed 4 insane jump flips, is that believe enough to go without a pic. You guys have digital cameras, right? I don't.
Anyways, it happened at the steps on the left going north from the pay n spray in Vice Point, west from El Swanko Casa, with a Banshee, the thing went nuts in the air. I was carrying plenty of speed too.
I guess it's sorta like a glitch. Some cars just go flipping wildly when you hit those steps.

Since its never been seen here I would have to see a pic-- sorry.

Can you take a regular photo and get it scanned. If not, if you want to send it to me via regular mail email me ( and I will give you my address--I will scan it and post it for you if you want. If you take a regular pic, be aware that most cameras have a minimum focal length (usually 3 ft) and if you are too close the the TV it will come up blurry--also, turn off your flash.

Since there has been a few people that don't seem to have the ability to take digital pics or get pictures scanned, I'm thinking of adding in Unverified records into the record book--they will be labled as such and listed below the verified records in each category until they can be verified-- it would look like this

Max Insane Jump Height
1. 74 meters - Spuds725 (Apparently a game glitch)
2. 44 meters - IntegraGS-R
3. 31 meters - KieranMurphy
4. 100 meters - John Luvitz (Unverified)

I would still list the top 3 verified records (so nobody would potentilally be bumped down or off the list) any comments on this would be appreciated--if anyone doesn't want this, please let me know your reasons (via private message if you don't want to comment publicly).


Record book updated..

Well no i haven't stopped killing (i don't think i could if i tried) it may be a few more days until i post an update, i just want to get to a certain number (not as high as you might expect) and then i'll post.

But anyway, Spuds, it seems that your going to take over the CR and Killing records soon enough, i still like to get out and drive around or just hang around with my friends so i don't kill as much as i could and also, i hate to say it but i'm acctually, very slowly, starting to get bored of VC, kind of. But not really.

I mean it's just i've killed so many people it's not even cool anymore, and you and me are the only ones who constantly play this game anymore, so if you beat me then, you beat me, it happens it happens, it really dosen't matter to me anymore, so all the more power to ya my friend! :cheers:
Ok...who is posting under Acidmans name...He is obviously an imposter.

Yeah...I hear you...killing has become a chore sort doesn't mean I'm going to stop but the days of me killing 30,000 over a weekend are long took alot out of me. I still want to try and put up about 15000-20000 a week on my CR which should equate to about 4-6 hours per week of playing (depending if I get busted or die).

I still have VC goals though--

**1,000,000 CR (at 20000 CR/week should get there in the winter some time)
**Level 2000 on Brown Thunder but only if I find one of the 2 sweet spawing points I found before again (should take about 6-7 hours..obviously I will take some breaks)
**Get some race records--I tried VC endurance the other day and missed record by 3 seconds.
**I also have a save game that is at the mission keep your friends close... --- I want to see how many different weapons I can ice Lance with (5 so far)

At least if you stop and I get a bunch of kills up on you I can share with you (and others) my killing method---I really want to. I've very proud of myself for coming up with this method-- of course it probably pushed you too hard and now I ruined "killing" for you...:lol:
So if you stop playing (or at least curtail your killing), make sure you stop back here occassionally and check out this thread. I probably won't share til I'm at around 200,000 kills or so I'm guessing probably about two months or so.

Oh yeah i'll still be here, you did kind of take the "fun" out of killing for me in a way. But I shall share my killing method with all of you eventually to (even though it's not as refined as yours). I'll still kill 1000-2000 people every couple days or so, like i have been killing just 2000 people a day so far, which is about as much as i can manage, well i guess i could manage more but w/e i really don't care that much anymore :rolleyes:

But yeah i guess what i was saving up to post for was 150,000 kills i'm at about 144,000 or 143,000 can't remember. And my CR is well over 550,000 closer to 560,000 though so yeah.

But i only ask of you one thing Spuds, could i still myself the "Killing Master"?