Well hello everybody!

  • Thread starter Acid X
United States
I know alot of you probably don't know me... I look around every once and a while and notice a lot of names that i don't recognize... But for those of you who do, how's it going? For those of you that dont... Hello! Haha. I am really not around anymore other than the occasional scan through the different sub-sections of the forum, but i really never post anymore.

For those of you who want to know where i've been, i've been working on life in general.. I notice a lot of members actually go inactive for a ltitle while around this time/age/whatever. Seems as though i've done it too. Anywho, i had my 18th b-day a year ago, and got a car as one of my gifts.. It's been a fun time too, going where i want to go when i want to go, doing what i want.. etc etc... Just like every other person when they turn 18 and have a car. Hah! I was also busy with my ex-fiancee who i was with for 3 years... But we separated a few weeks ago so i'm kind of in a muddy mood right now, but i'm trying to make the best of it...

I've also been working and, well, modifying my car a little bit... Adding a sound system, suspension, wheels, etc. You know, the same thing YOU did to your car when you first got it. :)

ANYWAY! I'll quit my babbling now so you guys don't get bored to death...

So how is everybody?
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.... and what make and model is said car?

I'm doing good, just bored mostly. lol
Yes i proposed at 18... Big mistake, i know. Quite you! :)

Sting: Its nothing special.. its just a 1988 Honda Accord LX. Carbureted.. It gets awesome gas mileage though. :D
Acid X
...its just a 1988 Honda Accord LX. Carbureted.. It gets awesome gas mileage though. :D
Same first car I had....Carb'd 4-door LX!


Welcome back, gt2_gs. Long time, no see. It's a good thing you didn't get married at 18, though. Wait until you're 25-35, so you have a better grasp on reality by then.
I also started out with an '88 Accord, mine was a gold 4-door. Even though I have a nicer Civic now, I still kind of miss that damn Accord from time to time.

Anyway, I remember you Acid X (my name was sublimedood10 or something stupid like that when you were around) welcome back and don't be a stranger. There's still a few old school members lurking around here.
Acid left?
I dont remember you leaving.
But I do remember you posting some php tutorials that got me into php scripting.
Thought I recognised the name. Always nice to see the old guys back!
Well, i didn't leave, per-say, but i kinda just faded away from posting...

And yes, i remember all of you guys. It also makes me feel good to know that my little tutorials got some use out of them! I planned to do more but... That's around the time i dissapeared, hah...

Anyway, thanks for all the welcomes guys. It's good to know that people still remember me :D
Acid X
I know alot of you probably don't know me... I look around every once and a while and notice a lot of names that i don't recognize... But for those of you who do, how's it going? For those of you that dont... Hello! Haha. I am really not around anymore other than the occasional scan through the different sub-sections of the forum, but i really never post anymore.

For those of you who want to know where i've been, i've been working on life in general.. I notice a lot of members actually go inactive for a ltitle while around this time/age/whatever. Seems as though i've done it too. Anywho, i had my 18th b-day a year ago, and got a car as one of my gifts.. It's been a fun time too, going where i want to go when i want to go, doing what i want.. etc etc... Just like every other person when they turn 18 and have a car. Hah! I was also busy with my ex-fiancee who i was with for 3 years... But we separated a few weeks ago so i'm kind of in a muddy mood right now, but i'm trying to make the best of it...

I've also been working and, well, modifying my car a little bit... Adding a sound system, suspension, wheels, etc. You know, the same thing YOU did to your car when you first got it. :)

ANYWAY! I'll quit my babbling now so you guys don't get bored to death...

So how is everybody?

Welcome back! Glad to hear life's taken you by the ballz and flung you around a bit! It's good for ya, builds character! ;) Glad to hear things have been good, but sorry to hear about your relationship.

Just remember that girlfriends come and go, but GTPlanet.net is always here. HAHA

So how is everybody?

I'm good, and i'm very pleased with the sitea and the environment. So far this site is MUCH better than about 95% of other forums out there, there seems to be many more differing opinions on here (as opposed to one large Anti-America/Euro/Asian cars mass of people).

I'll take this as an opportunity to introduce myself... well my name is Chris, and i'm 19, I work as a dishwasher in a restaurent...lol. I'm going to George Brown college in Toronto come fall though, to eventually work as a chef. But for now, i'm just working to save up a little cash.

Like i said, great site and nicely moderated.

Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the punnany situation, but buck up boyo, think of it as a fresh start and a chance to get out there and experience new girls, I mean, things that life has to offer. Just remember, the best way to get over a girl, is to get in one. :D 👍

I'm alright, still living so I can't complain much. Stop by the Honda Fan Club thread (click the link in my sig) if ya wanna talk car stuff, maybe we can help ya out with anything your doing, or plan on doing, with your car. :cheers:
Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad you like the forum Amblin.. Those are a few of the reasons why i've been around for so long.

I'll check out that honda thread when i can.. If you guys REALLY want to know about my car you can go to www.3geez.com ... It's another forum and i have the same name on there... Pics and everything, lol. Not trying to advertise...

And hello ITR! :)
I sort-of remember you back in the past. Eventually I did notice that you had left. The only reason I remembered you was people told me you were home educated (like me if you don't know).

Welcome back though. :)
Well i was home educated for a while. Haha...

Thanks PR. Glad to see you still around.
Hey gt2...I doubt you remember me but I remember you.