White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?

  • Thread starter HKS racer

HKS racer

DISCLAIMER : This thread is an article by a non white student. Read it fully before posting something. Read it twice if you really want to post the "racist" word. I post it because the same thing is happening in Europe and the argument is completely tabu here. Let's see if Gtplanet is mature enough to handle an argument like this without name calling. After you read it tell me your opinion.

Christopher De La Viña, American Renaissance, April 23, 2015


A Hispanic student wants to know.
As a child in public schools and now as a graduate student in history, I have learned one thing to be true about the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.

Even before I became aware of the importance of race, I never thought this was “racist” or unfair; it was simply a fact. America has always been a white country and always should be. Why, then, are white people giving away their country?

Immigration and assimilation

My maternal great-great grandfather had a saying in Spanish about the immigrants who began coming to the United States after the 1960s. In English it would be: “Their stomachs are in America, but their hearts are in Mexico.” This perfectly sums up the attitudes of immigrants from most Third-World countries.

Immigrants are pouring into the United States, not for the American dream, as many politicians, both Democrat and Republican, like to say. They are coming to exploit our economy, with no intention of embracing the culture, adopting the language, or considering themselves American. When asked, most will say they are proud Hondurans or proud Nigerians–proud nationals of the country they came from.

When I lived for a time in a border city, I saw how many American citizens were really nothing more than anchor babies, born in the U.S. but living in the neighboring Mexican city their wholes lives. They had American birth certificates, but they were wholly Mexican. They had no allegiance to this nation; their stomachs were in America, but their hearts were in Mexico.

Unchecked immigration should by far be white America’s most urgent concern, but for white politicians, getting elected to another term is more important than securing a future for whites. Both liberal and “conservative” white politicians and pundits take a soft stance on immigration, careful not to offend anyone or to appear “racist.”

Only whites are afraid of being called “racist.” The Japanese don’t care what non-Japanese think of their immigration policy, and Mexico does not hesitate to deport Central Americans. Only in white countries are people afraid of name-calling.


Whites continue to elect politicians who do not represent them. As a Hispanic, I cannot understand this. There is not one white congressman in Washington today who actually looks out for whites, at least not openly.

If I were a Hispanic activist or a member of La Raza, I could run as a pro-Hispanic candidate, exclusively on the issues and concerns of the Hispanic community. I would probably win, especially if I lived in a border city or border state. However, if a white wanted to fight for the issues and concerns of white people, he would be branded a “white supremacist.”

The double standard in American politics is obvious. White politicians have to represent everyone of every race, but non-white politicians can openly represent only their own people. No one seems to find this strange or unfair.

So I repeat my question to you, white people: Why do you continue to vote for moderate Republicans and “conservatives” when they do not care about you? The average American politician would much rather win an election with a million Hispanic or black votes and zero white votes rather than lose with ten million white votes and not a single non-white vote.

Some white Americans still hold the belief that mainstream conservatives will one day advocate for white interests, but the truth is that politicians will continue to pander to non-whites, particularly Hispanics. Politicians do not care about your vote; they care about my vote. Your vote will matter only if you start running pro-White politicians who are willing to fight the establishment.


Culture sets nations apart and gives its people an identity. The European-influenced culture of the United States is disappearing under the weight of immigration. Indeed, America is experiencing a rapid Hispanicization.

You white people now have two options: You can go along with Hispanicization and eventually become a minority whose ancestral culture is erased and replaced, or you can stop Hispanicization and help keep America the way it has been essentially since the days of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown.

I have grown up around Hispanic culture, and as rich and vibrant as it can be, my ancestors left Mexico for a reason. I am at least a sixth-generation American, so I can be sure my ancestors did not leave Mexico to take advantage of American welfare. The system that can be so easily exploited did not exist then, and the American dream actually meant something. My ancestors understood that American culture was far superior and offered more than the culture of Mexico.

Today, even third- and fourth-generation Hispanics have not fully abandoned their ancestral ways. Spanish is the dominant language even for many who have been here for several generations.

Many expect society to learn Spanish, and it is clear that Spanish has become a second unofficial language in America.

Many Hispanics still do not value education. I am lucky to have a family that does value education, and I attribute that to both genetics and at least a century of assimilation. Half or more of the Hispanics I know don’t care about education, and many end up in gangs. This seems to be particularly true in Southern California.

There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.

Have whites decided that their people and cultures are no longer worth fighting for? Is Guatemalan or Ethiopian or Vietnamese culture better for America? Whites must believe this, because why would they otherwise let a great nation’s culture be replaced with that of Third-World immigrants?


I cannot understand whites. Time and again, I see white university students who are happy to watch not only their nation but their genes disappear. They say they would be happy not to have children or to have children with non-whites.

When I try to talk about race with my white classmates or coworkers most are totally apathetic or sometimes even hostile. Blacks and Hispanics are much more race conscious. They know race exists, and that they have interests as a race. Whites are uncomfortable even talking about race and may try to scold me when I say something honest about it.

Sometimes I meet a white person who appreciates my understanding of white interests, and, even if he does not fully understand the implications of race, he is at least not ashamed to be white. This is a good sign for white people, but these people are rare.

America cannot survive without whites. It will not survive when whites are a minority. If any remnants of Western Civilization are to persist on the North American continent, white people will have to begin to care about the future of their people. My people cannot accomplish what yours have accomplished in the almost two and a half centuries that the United States has existed.

Only crazy or highly indoctrinated people would hand over to immigrants the nation their ancestors built. I don’t think you whites are crazy, nor do I think you can be so easily brainwashed.

So, why are you are giving away your country?

the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.
I'd like to ask the author, in what way? Whites may be a majority, but the certainly don't have a monopoly on building the US. Black slavery deserves at least as much credit, and when the slavery ended we had black people contributing by their own free will. The same goes with other minorities.

America has always been a white country
Could be a fair statement, depending on how you want to define that, example majority white, but that does not imply:
and always should be.
It should be whatever it naturally evolves into. The government shouldn't be trying to shape the culture at all.

Immigrants are pouring into the United States, not for the American dream, as many politicians, both Democrat and Republican, like to say. They are coming to exploit our economy, with no intention of embracing the culture, adopting the language, or considering themselves American. When asked, most will say they are proud Hondurans or proud Nigerians–proud nationals of the country they came from
There is no requirement to be an American if you live in America (same for any nation really). It may lead to cultural change, people will just have to deal with that.

I have grown up around Hispanic culture, and as rich and vibrant as it can be, my ancestors left Mexico for a reason... Many Hispanics still do not value education... Half or more of the Hispanics I know don’t care about education, and many end up in gangs.
This just sounds like generalizing and not bothering to understand the reasons behind these supposed facts.
There is no requirement to be an American if you live in America (same for any nation really). It may lead to cultural change, people will just have to deal with that.
That kind of thinking is exactly what's causing multiculturalism to fail. That logic is also implying that fighting Islamization in Europe wouldn't be OK because it's supposedly "naturally evolving into that". :rolleyes:
Basically what he is saying is America will change so much it becomes unrecognisable if the whites go right? Basically saying it was born through wasps and will die when the wasps go?
I'd like to ask the author, in what way? Whites may be a majority, but the certainly don't have a monopoly on building the US. Black slavery deserves at least as much credit, and when the slavery ended we had black people contributing by their own free will. The same goes with other minorities.

Could be a fair statement, depending on how you want to define that, example majority white, but that does not imply:

It should be whatever it naturally evolves into. The government shouldn't be trying to shape the culture at all.

There is no requirement to be an American if you live in America (same for any nation really). It may lead to cultural change, people will just have to deal with that.

This just sounds like generalizing and not bothering to understand the reasons behind these supposed facts.
First of all, your post is worth reading.
I want to go deeper on two things you said.
"It should be whatever it naturally evolves into."
What naturally means?

"There is no requirement to be an American if you live in America (same for any nation really). It may lead to cultural change, people will just have to deal with that."
I can't agree with you here, a group of people shouldn't be blamed because they want to keep their traditions.
That kind of thinking is exactly what's causing multiculturalism to fail. That logic is also implying that fighting Islamization in Europe wouldn't be OK because it's supposedly "naturally evolving into that". :rolleyes:
That kind of thinking is exactly what's causing multiculturalism to fail. That logic is also implying that fighting Islamization in Europe wouldn't be OK because it's supposedly "naturally evolving into that". :rolleyes:
You can fight cultural change if you want, go ahead. Just don't go about trying to legally wipe out certain cultures. It would probably cause more problems than anything else anyway.

First of all, your post is worth reading.
I want to go deeper on two things you said.
"It should be whatever it naturally evolves into."
What naturally means?

Basically, I am saying that culture is none of the government's business. Law should not be enacted to shape culture. Culture is shaped by the population, and I think it should work on an individual level. Moving to a country doesn't mean that you need to take up the culture of that country (but of course you may end up assimilating to a degree out of practicality's sake, like learning local language).

I can't agree with you here, a group of people shouldn't be blamed because they want to keep their traditions.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping traditions. However, you can only set your own personal traditions. Trying to force others to live as you want doesn't really make sense.

It's also sort of hard not to see a bit of hypocrisy in the case of the US as not only did the country start by bulldozing the existing cultures out of the way, it then broke away from its original founding culture (UK) to form its own. The author lumps all of white culture into one bin, but I'm pretty sure some people in the US would complain if they heard "lorry" enough.
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So only white people can be racist?
In Italy yes of course. Our governament consider us racist and the rest of the whole world is poor and should be helped as much as possible (with the taxes of italians workers).
You can fight cultural change if you want, go ahead. Just don't go about trying to legally wipe out certain cultures. It would probably cause more problems than anything else anyway.
That's the problem, in 60 years, we came from World War II where everyone was trying to rule the world to the suicide of western civilization. Humans should try to achieve a balance instead of endlessly jumping from end to end.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping traditions. However, you can only set your own personal traditions. Trying to force others to live as you want doesn't really make sense.
The Swiss recently gave a close to their boundaries because they were afraid about loosing their cultural identity.
I'm not against immigration, immigration is ok as long as you integrate yourself in the country and you don't cause problems in the country you intend to go.

But what we have here, is not immigriation, let's be fair, it's colonialism without weapons, it's colonialism based on the hypocrsy and moral contradictions of western countries.
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In Italy yes of course. Our governament consider us racist and the rest of the whole world is poor and should be helped as much as possible (with the taxes of italians workers).
Nobody mentioned anything about Italy, so I'm not sure why you've mentioned it.

And quite frankly, you're wrong. Not all racists are white and to think otherwise is silly.
Nobody mentioned anything about Italy, so I'm not sure why you've mentioned it.

And quite frankly, you're wrong. Not all racists are white and to think otherwise is silly.
I agree with you that not all racists are white.
Mine was a sarcastic reply more toward my silly governament than you.
America has always been a white country and always should be.

I don't see any point reading the rest of this enormous wall of text unless there's some justification for this.

Saying America should be white is a big call, and it's not something that can be taken just as a given. Even within the original white colonists there were factions, factions that probably meant more than simply the colour of someone's skin.

There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.

Lol, skimming through further. Is this dude serious?


This is a person who does not see all humans as one group. He seems to believe that different groups must fight.

Not everyone thinks like this. I see no reason why I should care if my neighbour is from Spain, or Mexico, or China, or Uzbekistan, as long as they're a good citizen.

I'm sure there's a term for people who idolise another culture.

The whole thing is big on extreme statements, and very short on actual justifications and reasoning.

My grade: D, interesting idea, mostly bollocks presentation.
Perplexing to say the the least to illustrate the superiority of White european culture possibly endangered by Hispanic contamination with a Spanish painter whose dominant influence on modern art was heavily inspired by african and tribal art.

Thankfully the author values education...


[/Confused Face-palm]
...There were a few different emotions running through my head when I read that OP. Not all of them positive. Above comments already all raised good points (most of them anyways) so what I'll say is instead this:

If you don't want immigrants diluting your culture, what are you going to do to stop that besides doing something drastic and maybe even moronic?
I get frustrated when the discourse on white nationalism points to the supposed double standard as if that gives us a need for white nationalism. There's a reason why in America there aren't white nationalist movements which are taken seriously. We call white nationalists in the USA "Democrats" or "Republicans". White Entertainment networks "CNN" "Fox" or "NBC".

Then there's the idea that there's a "white" common cultural or racial identity. A hundred years ago we wouldn't call Italian or Irish Americans "white" but the piece in the OP posits that immigration is eroding white American culture which was heavily influenced by Italian and Irish immigrants who weren't even considered white when they immigrated. What is "white culture?" European whites can't even decide on which alphabet they use, or whether they're Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox.
Political correctness. Whites have been conditioned to feel shame about their history for decades and we are seeing the result.
It's not political correctness. I just genuinely disagree with the idea that America is a "white country" for white people. I'm neither ashamed nor proud of being white.
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This is an article by a non white student. Every single word written here is not made by me I just copy paste it because I want to hear what people have to say about it. Possibly something worth reading, not instant flames like your post.

Yes, a non-white racist idiot.

He gives no reason why America should "stay white", the inhabitants before the white-led holocaust weren't white, so it can't be a "first-come-first-serve" reasoning.
They say they would be happy not to have children or to have children with non-whites.

Don't know how I missed it before but this is some Aryan Nation level bull:censored: right here.

I find it genuinely disturbing that some people actually still think like this. This dude can choose to dip his willy wherever he wants, but he can 🤬 right off if he thinks he can tell me, a white person, that I shouldn't be happy to have a child with anyone else who is not white.

Also, the comments on that article. Yeesh. Why don't we just get the white bathrobes and pillowcases out right now and go out and set fire to some lowercase Ts? Did we suddenly lose a hundred years of history or something?

White supremacists are as dumb now as they've ever been. Although apparently you don't even need to be white to be a white supremacist, which is deliciously ironic.
Genetics =\= culture.

Hispanics and blacks can enjoy Beethoven, paint like Picasso, discover like Galileo. I don't care what color anyone in this country is.

People who put no effort into assimilating are admitedly a problem. Not because they won't accept "white culture" but because they are likely keeping to themselves and not adding their culture to the rest of us.

Look at the difference in American culture from 1950 to 1960. Dramatic change can happen conpletely internally, so who cares if it happens externally? I'm not so proud of my culture that I think it's better than another, or should be prevented from incorporating other ideas.

I wonder if the author knows just how many English words come from other languages.
Can we get a source for this outside of a far right / white supremacist site at all?

I only ask as Christopher De La Viña doesn't appear to have existed on the internet prior to that article, in fact the only place he seems to exist is that article?
I only ask as Christopher De La Viña doesn't appear to have existed on the internet prior to that article, in fact the only place he seems to exist is that article?

My suspicion, as yours seems to be, is that he's conveniently invented for the purposes of that article. I couldn't find him either. The article's been c+p'd to a few other sites of a similar ilk but that seems to be all.
My suspicion, as yours seems to be, is that he's conveniently invented for the purposes of that article. I couldn't find him either. The article's been c+p'd to a few other sites of a similar ilk but that seems to be all.

@HKS racer can you tell me what due diligence you did to check the authenticity of what you have just posted? Were you aware of the far right / white supremacist nature of the source? Did you bother to check if this article is even genuine?

I seriously suspect not and what you have done is post a white power tirade up via your eagerness to try and prove that even non-whites secretly know that 'white is right' and that interracial relationships and children are wrong (smart move - your source just called me a race traitor in a slightly polite manner).

I'm off to bed now, you have until tomorrow to show this is genuine or it gets locked, we can do without being a launchpad for the far right, as you seem to be in the process of unwittingly making us (and I hope that its unwittingly).
My cousin Karl thinks that this white-man-giving-away-the-country question is all about the disappearance of the alpha male and replacement by the beta male.
What a complete load of bull-crap.

This is speaking as a fourth-generation Japanese, third-generation German-Irish, second-generation Filipino US immigrant, who has left America but still feels his roots there.

American culture is American culture, wherever it may come from, Mexico, Asia, Europe... in New York, where I was born, ti's a hodgepodge of Italian and Irish culture (and it's still a cesspool of Irish gang violence, isn't it? :lol: )... in California, it's part Tex-Mex with a lot of Asian thrown in... in New Oh'leans, it's part-African, part-French, part-other.

To say that immigrants cannot bring their own culture to the mix is myopic, and misses the point of America. Which is that it's a melting pot of culture. Except of course, if you're a Native American, then we send you off to the reservations...

"White culture" is an illusion fostered by upper middle-class WASPs and conservatives, sitting in their ivory towers and suburban plots, while the American economy turns on the backs of Chinese, Hispanic, Black and Asian (okay, and lower class White) labor... though, to be fair, most of that is being done in their home countries now, to avoid paying them "American" wages.

What to know what assimilation means? It means Pizza Pie, Saint Patrick's Day, Kung Fu movies, Taco Bell, and a (half-)black President. It's a two-way street, and it doesn't happen overnight.

And when it does happen, the people who published this piece won't be happy with the results.