- 8,017
- GTP_Royalton
What disturbs me the most is the amount, or percentage, of people who feel this does not exist at all.
When searching white privilege on youtube it seems many of the videos are about white privilege not existing, or there is videos of white people mocking the idea. Videos supporting the idea of white privilege are heavily downvoted.
This is very distressing to me.
I'll try to explain my feelings on the topic this way:
There are many types of privileges, being white (in certain areas) is one of them. This does not make people who are white evil or racist. It does not mean all white people receive 4 ounces of solid gold through the mail monthly. It does not mean white people do not have to work hard for anything, or get away with everything. It does not mean social or economic success is guaranteed to white people. Let me explain by giving examples of other types of privilege.
Being born a man gives you the privilege of pursuing a career like mechanic or engineer without people doubting your ability. Being born a man gives you the privilege of playing games online without being sexually harassed.
Being born a woman gives you the privilege of pursing a career like secretary or hair dresser without people doubting your sexual orientation. Being born a woman gives you the privilege of being more likely to win a child custody battle.
I think once people start to understand that white privilege is not the only type of privilege that exists, that can help them lower their guard when talking about it.
Being born white in a country that is predominantly white affords you white privilege. To deny that is to deny reality. To deny white privilege is to deny that any privilege exists at all. To deny white privilege is to say that humans treat and view each and every person equally, and nothing could be further from the truth. Its common behavior for people to favor their 'own', people who look like them, people from the same country, people with the same religion or political party. This is reality.
To white people who who still think white privilege does not exist, imagine this scenario: You are taken to a city in the middle of Africa and told to live there for 10 years. You are the only white person in the entire city. Do you honestly, sincerely believe you will be treated as an equal to the other black people there? That the majority black community will treat you completely fairly and equal while never favoring their own over you? When looking for a job, and its between you and 9 other black people, can you say with 100% certainty the black supervisor is going to see you as an equal and the color of your skin will not affect his decision? How will you feel when you go to the store to get a book for your child and they are all filled with images of black children? Maybe you are single. At work you see a nice looking black woman, you seem to mesh well, but she seems hesitant to be seen around you in front of her black family and friends. This is the land of black privilege, and you do not have it. Sucks doesnt it? To not really know just how much your being screwed over just because of the color of your skin.
I have plenty of personal experiences. I'll start with an example of me being racist to a black man I had met recently. We spoke for a few minutes and he was articulate, so I complemented him on it. I only just realized, some months later, that if he were a white man I would have never complemented him for being well spoken, and I feel gutted. That is just a small example of white privilege. People are not amazed when you do well for yourself when you are white. You are never spoken of as a 'credit for your race'.
I look Middle Eastern more then anything, due to my father being a mixture of races and my mother being Greek. When I go into clothing stores its not uncommon for me to get followed, or shadowed, despite the fact I am usually well groomed and well dressed. Everytime Im not chosen after an interview I cant help but wonder if the way I look had anything to do with the decision. A local temp agency was busted recently for writing B for black and M for Mexican next to the names of applicants. White privilege in full force.
I was just at the fair recently only to notice the owners of one shop do nothing but glare at me while I looked through the items, only to eagerly rush and assist 2 white customers who came long after me. I've gone into a 'country western wear' store only to be completely ignored by the over one dozen store employees while watching in fear as the security guard put his hand on his gun as I walked by. If I was white, I would not suffer that horror and feeling of being seen as sub-human.
When I want to find a date, 90%+ of the girls do not look like me. If I were white, 90%+ of the girls would look like me, and likely be more attracted to me. These are true stories. If I were white, people wouldnt assume I supported Barrack Obama. If I were white, people wouldnt compliment me on how well I speak English. If I were white, I wouldnt be asked to play the role of the slave in 6th grade History. If I were white, I wouldnt be given the undesirable job at the end of the assembly line where the majority of colored employees worked. If I were white, I wouldnt learn little to nothing about my ancestors in school. If I were white, I wouldnt be asked if I liked the only other colored girl in class. If I were white, I wouldnt be considered a foreigner or african-american or native-american or latino, but an American.
White privilege cant be 'fixed' in all its forms, just as someone being born into wealth cant 'fix' themselves. But what the wealthy person should do is first and foremost is acknowledge his privilege. Playing dumb and claiming being born into wealth affords you no advantages or special treatment is being uncouth in the highest order. The next step is to vet yourself. Are you treating all races equally? Do you understand and sympathize with those who dot have white privilege? Do you stand up to and call out those who abuse white privilege?
Abusing white privilege has become neo-racism. Its underground, it isnt blatant, its indirect, it leaves no physical trace or trail, leaving many to question its existence.
When searching white privilege on youtube it seems many of the videos are about white privilege not existing, or there is videos of white people mocking the idea. Videos supporting the idea of white privilege are heavily downvoted.
This is very distressing to me.
I'll try to explain my feelings on the topic this way:
There are many types of privileges, being white (in certain areas) is one of them. This does not make people who are white evil or racist. It does not mean all white people receive 4 ounces of solid gold through the mail monthly. It does not mean white people do not have to work hard for anything, or get away with everything. It does not mean social or economic success is guaranteed to white people. Let me explain by giving examples of other types of privilege.
Being born a man gives you the privilege of pursuing a career like mechanic or engineer without people doubting your ability. Being born a man gives you the privilege of playing games online without being sexually harassed.
Being born a woman gives you the privilege of pursing a career like secretary or hair dresser without people doubting your sexual orientation. Being born a woman gives you the privilege of being more likely to win a child custody battle.
I think once people start to understand that white privilege is not the only type of privilege that exists, that can help them lower their guard when talking about it.
Being born white in a country that is predominantly white affords you white privilege. To deny that is to deny reality. To deny white privilege is to deny that any privilege exists at all. To deny white privilege is to say that humans treat and view each and every person equally, and nothing could be further from the truth. Its common behavior for people to favor their 'own', people who look like them, people from the same country, people with the same religion or political party. This is reality.
To white people who who still think white privilege does not exist, imagine this scenario: You are taken to a city in the middle of Africa and told to live there for 10 years. You are the only white person in the entire city. Do you honestly, sincerely believe you will be treated as an equal to the other black people there? That the majority black community will treat you completely fairly and equal while never favoring their own over you? When looking for a job, and its between you and 9 other black people, can you say with 100% certainty the black supervisor is going to see you as an equal and the color of your skin will not affect his decision? How will you feel when you go to the store to get a book for your child and they are all filled with images of black children? Maybe you are single. At work you see a nice looking black woman, you seem to mesh well, but she seems hesitant to be seen around you in front of her black family and friends. This is the land of black privilege, and you do not have it. Sucks doesnt it? To not really know just how much your being screwed over just because of the color of your skin.
I have plenty of personal experiences. I'll start with an example of me being racist to a black man I had met recently. We spoke for a few minutes and he was articulate, so I complemented him on it. I only just realized, some months later, that if he were a white man I would have never complemented him for being well spoken, and I feel gutted. That is just a small example of white privilege. People are not amazed when you do well for yourself when you are white. You are never spoken of as a 'credit for your race'.
I look Middle Eastern more then anything, due to my father being a mixture of races and my mother being Greek. When I go into clothing stores its not uncommon for me to get followed, or shadowed, despite the fact I am usually well groomed and well dressed. Everytime Im not chosen after an interview I cant help but wonder if the way I look had anything to do with the decision. A local temp agency was busted recently for writing B for black and M for Mexican next to the names of applicants. White privilege in full force.
I was just at the fair recently only to notice the owners of one shop do nothing but glare at me while I looked through the items, only to eagerly rush and assist 2 white customers who came long after me. I've gone into a 'country western wear' store only to be completely ignored by the over one dozen store employees while watching in fear as the security guard put his hand on his gun as I walked by. If I was white, I would not suffer that horror and feeling of being seen as sub-human.
When I want to find a date, 90%+ of the girls do not look like me. If I were white, 90%+ of the girls would look like me, and likely be more attracted to me. These are true stories. If I were white, people wouldnt assume I supported Barrack Obama. If I were white, people wouldnt compliment me on how well I speak English. If I were white, I wouldnt be asked to play the role of the slave in 6th grade History. If I were white, I wouldnt be given the undesirable job at the end of the assembly line where the majority of colored employees worked. If I were white, I wouldnt learn little to nothing about my ancestors in school. If I were white, I wouldnt be asked if I liked the only other colored girl in class. If I were white, I wouldnt be considered a foreigner or african-american or native-american or latino, but an American.
White privilege cant be 'fixed' in all its forms, just as someone being born into wealth cant 'fix' themselves. But what the wealthy person should do is first and foremost is acknowledge his privilege. Playing dumb and claiming being born into wealth affords you no advantages or special treatment is being uncouth in the highest order. The next step is to vet yourself. Are you treating all races equally? Do you understand and sympathize with those who dot have white privilege? Do you stand up to and call out those who abuse white privilege?
Abusing white privilege has become neo-racism. Its underground, it isnt blatant, its indirect, it leaves no physical trace or trail, leaving many to question its existence.