Who still plays DriveClub Four years on? 7 Oct 2014

  • Thread starter torque99
The naturalness of the lighting and weather transitions are really quite something. I feel PD is still the best when it comes to optimizing that last 1% and getting ultimate photorealism, but GT Sport does not have dynamic TOD/weather so it makes things a whole lot simpler. The fact that DC is a launch title and able to pull off everything it does (and still holds its ground to this day) is nothing short of amazing.

I just did an endurance race with clear weather and the sky suddenly got dark midway through. Turns out the sun got blocked by the cloud movement! A few laps later it got bright again. Never experienced that in any other game :bowdown:
I finally leveled up all bikes required for the Weekend Warrior trophy earlier today. Just one more (multiplayer) trophy to get 100% on DC Bikes and then I'm done.

Started from scratch on my ''newest'' account around two months ago. I have/had my grievances with the game but overall, it's an excellent and a damn fine arcade racing game. Truly an underrated gem. This could have been Sony's answer to PGR had they not decided to close the studio. Such a shame considering what a hypotetical DC2 could have been.

Thanks to @Rushy33 and everyone else at Evo involved making the game.

I've finally got the last trophy for DC Bikes (I'll save that for later) and with that the Platinum as well this evening. Knowing about the game's fate, I paid for a month of PS+ and got it done while the community is still somewhat active. Luckily it only took me a few tries since people drive like asses online.

The only thing that remains to be done is getting up to level 120. I have a skill event set-up for grinding XP but that gets old fast. I also went all-in for the community events a couple of weeks ago but that never really paid off. Any suggestions (besides collecting accolades)?
I've finally got the last trophy for DC Bikes (I'll save that for later) and with that the Platinum as well this evening. Knowing about the game's fate, I paid for a month of PS+ and got it done while the community is still somewhat active. Luckily it only took me a few tries since people drive like asses online.

The only thing that remains to be done is getting up to level 120. I have a skill event set-up for grinding XP but that gets old fast. I also went all-in for the community events a couple of weeks ago but that never really paid off. Any suggestions (besides collecting accolades)?

No easy way to 120 unfortunately. Drift/skill events are quickest time wise but I agree they get mind numbing after a while. I recommend setting up a 25 lap race with Legend difficulty. Just drift and draft as much as you can. Once you maxxed out a manufacturer accolade, switch to another one. Hypers are the fastest so use those.
No easy way to 120 unfortunately. Drift/skill events are quickest time wise but I agree they get mind numbing after a while. I recommend setting up a 25 lap race with Legend difficulty. Just drift and draft as much as you can. Once you maxxed out a manufacturer accolade, switch to another one. Hypers are the fastest so use those.
I did that with the bikes (wheelies & stoppies) but ended up time trialing and lapping some of the AI instead. Got way too bored and impatient :P
But I'll give that a try as well, to mix things up. Will be starting with maxxing out the Ferrari accolade with the La Ferrari. The Hennessey Venom should be fun too.
I did that with the bikes (wheelies & stoppies) but ended up time trialing and lapping some of the AI instead. Got way too bored and impatient :P
But I'll give that a try as well, to mix things up. Will be starting with maxxing out the Ferrari accolade with the La Ferrari. The Hennessey Venom should be fun too.

For bikes I used skill at Tamil Nadu 2. Seems to be the fastest for XP/minute. I got all bikes to level 15 this way, and smashed out India and Skill accolades along the way too. Just need to get the bike manufacturer kms up but I'm leaving it last since I'm doing all the cars first.

I know the AI is slow once you get good at this game (which you will be with the amount of driving needed for all the accolades :lol:), so that's why I used Legend difficulty. I find if you drift every corner, you will slow yourself down enough to just always be in the draft of the 1st place AI for the whole race. Then just pass him on the final lap to get the win bonus XP. On some of the longer tracks, I can net easy 150-200k XP per 25 lap race this way.

It's boring but I'm well trained for grinding after 20 years of Gran Turismo and ovals :lol: Just put on a podcast or music in the background and those miles will fly by in no time. Don't grind for hours each day, just do one 25 lap race per day and you'll get there 👍
For bikes I used skill at Tamil Nadu 2. Seems to be the fastest for XP/minute. I got all bikes to level 15 this way, and smashed out India and Skill accolades along the way too. Just need to get the bike manufacturer kms up but I'm leaving it last since I'm doing all the cars first.

I know the AI is slow once you get good at this game (which you will be with the amount of driving needed for all the accolades :lol:), so that's why I used Legend difficulty. I find if you drift every corner, you will slow yourself down enough to just always be in the draft of the 1st place AI for the whole race. Then just pass him on the final lap to get the win bonus XP. On some of the longer tracks, I can net easy 150-200k XP per 25 lap race this way.

It's boring but I'm well trained for grinding after 20 years of Gran Turismo and ovals :lol: Just put on a podcast or music in the background and those miles will fly by in no time. Don't grind for hours each day, just do one 25 lap race per day and you'll get there 👍
I actually did some ''grinding'' the last couple of days and managed to not turn it into a chore. I did a few 25 laps races with some the hyper cars as well drifting at Tamil Nadu with (mainly) the Koenigsegg Regera.

Luckily, there are enough combinations to make the races fun. Some truly great tracks in this game.

Only 39 more levels to go. No stressing :D
From what I have tested, this is the best fame grinding method.

It is over 40,000 per minute not counting the club bonus.

The opponent difficulty is second highest so that they are not fast enough to pass while drifting and this only works for a field without another Atom starting on the front few rows.