Zoo Tycoon

  • Thread starter Brian P
Just bought this game today, very cool. I like the idea of the animals escaping when your zoo has many guests.

One thing to remember, don't put baboons in an area with small wooden fencing. Duh!!!!!! :embarrassed:
It has baboons and escaping animals - if they bite the guest I'm there.

I loved Roller Coaster Tycoon - making the kids hurl.
Originally posted by vat_man
It has baboons and escaping animals - if they bite the guest I'm there.

I loved Roller Coaster Tycoon - making the kids hurl.

My friend lost my copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon. I loved that game ... I think I'm going to cry. Maybe I'll buy it for myself for Christmas. The original and both upgrade packs shouldn't be more than $40 USD now ...

So Zoo Tycoon comes with recommendations, eh? I might check that out too.

Originally posted by vat_man
It has baboons and escaping animals - if they bite the guest I'm there.

I loved Roller Coaster Tycoon - making the kids hurl.

I had a Polar Bear escape on me, that beat up a guest. But thats all.

If you go on to the official website, you can download new stuff like new animals, even a Yeti.
That's so cool. I think one of my female friends is playing this right now, she's been talking about it for a while. I'll have to see if she'll let me borrow it when she's done.

I have Zoo Tycoon with all the expansion packs. I think it is fun. I download extra animals and other zoo tycoon files. I downloaded a file and it when an animal escapes and eats a person the file changed it from a white cloud to a red cloud. I guess I am gross, but it is funny. Has anybody tried to download APE for Zoo Tycoon and creating animals.
Zoo Tycoon Pwnz!
My little bortehr got it for his birthday, with both expansion packs. The game is really addicting, and so far I'm on Year 13 with 515,000 creds.
If you want so see an animal go wild let your crocodiles escape. They are the best at killing guests :D! Pity the animal V animal fights are less eventful.

This all sound so pathetic from a 14yr old.
I like building a giant tank and putting loads of Blue Whales and Giant Squids in it. :crazy:

Also if you change one of the settings file in the game dir you can make the maximum starting cash on your own made parks like $***,***,***,*** or something like that.
I downloaded the red dust thing from Zoo Admin. You can also download the extra's objects that come with Zoo Tycoon Complete Edition from Zoo Admin. You would download the objects that come with complete edition if you have Zoo Tycoon and all the expansion packs.
The 2nd looks cool. BUt when does it come out?
And going along with this.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 is coming! Also with 3-d graphics.
I don't like all this 3D stuff for tycoon games. Blimp view is great. Like Bullfrogs Theme Park World and Theme Park Inc.'s customer view really didn't float my boat.
Anyone tried 'beast wars'? You start a game, make a single small-ish inclosure and begin putting animals in there to see which will one. If you want you can do a championship!
My girlfriend loves these tycoon games but the more I watch her the more I want to play. Now I see that you can make some of your own animals or at least DL some that other people have made. My girlfriend also mentioned the Sea World Tycoon.
Did anyone in here play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis ??? It is a theme park game for the PS2 that I thought was fun.