GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I'm excited about the next round of races. However I will be inactive today and won't be back until Wednesday. I have to help my cousin move some furniture Tuesday because he's moving in another county. So, me and some friends are going to help him. I'll add some more of you on my friends list this week. My schedule's kind of busy this week.

Take care and happy racing! And as always good luck to all of you.
So am I missing something or is there an issue with using our own liveries at the moment? I notice in Nations and recent Daillies we can't select from our garage...

EDIT: Nevermind I can see this is a known issue
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I received an email from Playstation that says I "breached the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct". Specifically, "We determined that this content, uploaded from your account to Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation Network, breached the Code of Conduct."

Can I assume this means a livery sticker of some kind? I can't see anything obvious that was removed, not to mention that I haven't uploaded anything new recently. I don't have anything with profanity, racist, etc. I have a few stickers that technically contain copyrighted images (Dodgers logo, etc), but they're still there.

Any ideas how to find out what they removed?
So am I missing something or is there an issue with using our own liveries at the moment? I notice in Nations and recent Daillies we can't select from our garage...

EDIT: Nevermind I can see this is a known issue


… and you didn’t post the race ? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Um, no. Sorry.
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I received an email from Playstation that says I "breached the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct". Specifically, "We determined that this content, uploaded from your account to Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation Network, breached the Code of Conduct."

Can I assume this means a livery sticker of some kind? I can't see anything obvious that was removed, not to mention that I haven't uploaded anything new recently. I don't have anything with profanity, racist, etc. I have a few stickers that technically contain copyrighted images (Dodgers logo, etc), but they're still there.

Any ideas how to find out what they removed?


Um, no. Sorry.
Any DeWalt liveries/stickers?
I received an email from Playstation that says I "breached the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct". Specifically, "We determined that this content, uploaded from your account to Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation Network, breached the Code of Conduct." Can I assume this means a livery sticker of some kind?
No this very much means something you could have said in chat. It's just a generic notice.

I thought the exact same and it turned out I'd been mean to some cheating ******* or whatever.
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Any DeWalt liveries/stickers?

Hmm. Possibly, although I would think if I used any, I wouldn't have created them myself, but it's within the realm of possibility. When I first started messing with liveries, I did in fact do some woodworking type stuff.
No this very much means something you could have said in chat. It's just a generic notice.

I thought the exact same and it turned out I'd been mean to some cheating ******* or whatever.
Hey, I sent you a friend request just now, let me know if you got it this morning.

@Nebuc72 Dewalt is a company that makes all sorts of tools. I looked it up on Google. Here's the logo.

@Nebuc72 Dewalt is a company that makes all sorts of tools. I looked it up on Google. Here's the logo.
I think that you've misunderstood the nature of his question. For reference:
Any ideas how to find out what they removed?
Check through your shared content for anything with a ⚠️ symbol on it. If there's nothing there, it's either not been removed, been removed without notification, or what you got dinged for was something you said in a pre-/post-race chat.
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Maggoire might be boring so I'll probably choose the B and C races this week. I guess we will see how it goes. I'm really not a Tesla fan, those cars move in an awkward way and sometimes they oversteer when I make a turn. I think the C races will get the most popularity, since it's a SF cup and those cars are intense and offer great action. So my best bet would be that most people will be racing there this week.
I received an email from Playstation that says I "breached the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct". Specifically, "We determined that this content, uploaded from your account to Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation Network, breached the Code of Conduct."

Can I assume this means a livery sticker of some kind? I can't see anything obvious that was removed, not to mention that I haven't uploaded anything new recently. I don't have anything with profanity, racist, etc. I have a few stickers that technically contain copyrighted images (Dodgers logo, etc), but they're still there.

Any ideas how to find out what they removed?


Um, no. Sorry.
Received the same email on an account that I have never uploaded and never made livery on. I only upload on my main account and make liveries on my main account.

So I think some of our accounts got hacked.
Received the same email on an account that I have never uploaded and never made livery on. I only upload on my main account and make liveries on my main account.

So I think some of our accounts got hacked.
You get the same message if it's about something you said in chat, it's a bit misleading the way it's worded but it counts as a comment 'uploaded' to the game I guess.
I got that e-mail a couple times last year when I tried to upload my liveries/decals and logos. I wonder if some of my stuff was in copyright with the companies. Mine were associated with some gas stations and restaurants. And one decal from Dunlop.
What if you changed the color of a Dewalt logo to green or red? Could they still compel Sony to remove it?
Or, what if you did something like change the font?
I just had the oddest lobby. I started P2, finished P3, and gained 2% DR points. That's right, P3 and only 2%. It's because I'm a DR A and most of the people were DR B, so there's not a lot of DR to draw from.

This may not be unusual for some of you, but this is one of my few forays into DR A with a good QT so I start at a decent position.

If I'm not mistaken, and @Famine can correct me if I'm wrong, there is a thread here for that, but threads disappear off the top of the list so you have to search for it. I think. And of course I could just do a search now to find out, but where's the fun in that?

Awesome! Be proud, and believe that you belong. Don't let "imposter syndrome" mess with your mind - belief goes a long way in races.

I'm just assuming you'll experience imposter syndrome - most of the people on this forum have, including myself. It's insidious. It's what causes me to focus more on the person behind me than the people in front. The best way I've found to combat this is that if someone behind me is obviously faster than I am, I let them pass. That way my focus can go back on driving, instead of surviving.

I don't know why I'm pontificating on a subject no one brought up. :rolleyes: I think it's time for breakfast.
Imposter syndrome.... I must have this lol moved up to Dr A a few weeks ago and hardly raced since, believe I'm a mid to high DR B😂
Tried a Daily Race for the first time in a while, and set what seems to be an amazing qualifying time for Race A of 57.717 seconds. So I thought I’d actually try racing, and not only did I get a clean Q1/P1, but I won by over 5.8 seconds! Might have to enter this one a few more times while it’s available.
Check through your shared content for anything with a ⚠️ symbol on it. If there's nothing there, it's either not been removed, been removed without notification, or what you got dinged for was something you said in a pre-/post-race chat.

I can't find anything with that symbol. It's highly unlikely I got dinged for something I said in the chat, because I almost never chat, but when I do, it's just standard "Hi" or something like that.

I will admit that I chattted "What the heck?" (verbatim) yesterday or a few days ago. But that's it.

As I've stated on other occasions, I hate it when people won't tell you what you did wrong. How are you supposed to keep from doing it again, if you don't know what it was that you did?
Tricky version of Sardegna this week, with some VERY technical sections where all manner of chaos can, and does, ensue.

So far I'm very comfortable using the R8 Evo, I really love the responsiveness of that car.

Looking forward to getting stuck into SF x Suzuka later in the week, but for now I'll get my familiarity up on this strange Italian layout.

Had a bit of argy bargy earlier today from a Porsche driver who clearly hadn't done 45 minutes worth of practice laps and thought that every corner presented an opportunity for trying to get in front of me. Needless to say, I was made out to be the bad guy come post-race screen. I'll post a video later for all of your judgment and sentencing.

8.5/ 10 because:
  • I don't see if you set the fastest lap or not
  • You used the meta
Still, well done! 🤪

I did 3 laps during my lunch break (still far away from a decent time) but will be online soon and have a go!
Ohhh I thought the memo said BE THE META not BEAT THE META.

Gotta be real careful typing the second part out or that takes on a whole new meaning....

@GrumpyOldMan do you message people on PSN friends etc with banter or even people you've raced but aren't friends with?

That's what they are super sensitive too.
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As I've stated on other occasions, I hate it when people won't tell you what you did wrong. How are you supposed to keep from doing it again, if you don't know what it was that you did?
As @Famine pointed out to me when I was in a similar predicament earlier this year...

Explaining the offending item would also be a breach of Code of Conduct.

Here's the post, actually

The primary thing to understand is that it's not anything to do with PD. This is all SIE's work; SIE handles all content moderation for its first party titles from studios like PD which are and always have been wholly under their auspices.

It's actually marginally simpler than that. SIE staff are bound by the same terms of service in communications. They can't say "you used the offensive term 'spoonhead' in your message" because they can't use it either.

Similarly, I can't tell you that 🤬, 🤬, 🤬, and 🤬ing 🤬 🤬er are censored on GTP because... well, they're censored. That's as precise as you 🤬ing get.

They absolutely could do it a lot better than they do though, as it's pretty convoluted. For a while we couldn't use the term "engine", and "LSD" is probably still off the table (the non-drug meaning being too niche for SIE to grasp). Some terms are censored because they're truncated, reversed, anagrams, or non-English versions of offensive words, but that can account for a lot of perfectly valid communications.

There's zero reason why a human moderator - and they are all human moderators at SIE - should look at that post and decide that it's offensive, but I guess they have a script to follow and that says that "t f" in "Swift follows", or "pens", or some other thing, is a strike.