netKar Pro!

  • Thread starter zoxxy
Netkar pro 1.2 is out with the ks2 car. Looking forward to driving it.

Heres whats new off the website.

> Added the new FormulaKS2 car
> Improved tyre model
> Improved differential model
> Improved multiplayer contact response
> Improved loading times
> Added a live laptime report for multiplayer races
> Added realtime performance meter
> "Controls" overlay is now on by default
> Controls overlay now show brake and throttle activity during replay
> Fixed wrong steer ration showing during replays recorded with different steer lock
> Smoother steering wheel movements during replay
> Only PAYCODE is now NEEDED to unlock the lincense
I've been playing this Sim for a fair while now (was on the beta team).

I really enjoy it, and love the new car... can't wait for the rain update in december as well.
New car in the make.

We should have to open a netkar Pro fund to support Kunos and give them the opportunity to make netkar Pro even beter.

I think it's time I shelled out for this game. It's well known as having the best tire modeling of any sim, and I have been putting off buying it until they made a few updates.

Well, they made the aforementioned updates, so it's time...

I need something to play while my PS3 is being repaired...

You won't regret it :)

Especially with rain and two new cars coming, plus Mugello just got released over on the Radiator Springs forum!
Yes! I am so excited about this, finally a car in Netkar Pro :) And rain. I can't wait to see how wet track feels with Netkar's great force feedback.
Its cool to see new cars and updates in my favorite game, but its still need some major updates. I hope this Xmas will bring some :)

Cheers for old NKP players!
Exclusive: Kunos talks about the future of netKar PRO

Hi everybody thanks for the huge list of questions. Most of them are feature requests (not surprisingly) and most of the answers will be a polite "no". I think it is important to understand we're trying our best to improve the software but we don't have too much space to manouver nor time. So we're trying to identify which features will bring out more without tearing the software apart.

Having said that, let's move on to the answers

Are any further official NKPro tracks gonna be released?

No plans at his stage.

You’ve mentioned before that the Osella might be released on its own, or with the Trento-Bondone hill climb, what‘s the current status on this?

We're trying to include both into the Xmas 2010 v1.3 release

A rally mode (or simply off-road) is possible in the future?

Everything is possible. But at the moment nothing is planned. Tyre modeling on gravel needs a completely different approach compared to tarmac, rain, ice that is all a branch of the same mathematical formulation.
The big problem with rally is track content creation. I did some experiment some years ago with an automatic rally stage generator but it is pretty hard to get something that has a decent visual appeal.

According to the completely infallible resource known as Wikipedia :P, a new entry-level single seater with downforce will replace the F1600 as the demo car, is this true?

Fail for wikipedia :P The F1600 will stay as demo car.

Is it foreseen to implement on the wheel hud a live display of the gap from the best lap (for each sector)?

With the introduction of the realtime performance meter in v1.2 this would be redundant.

An indicator of opponents behind you, like F1 2010 will be developed?

It is something we are looking into. It would be quite a big change for the entire netKar PRO's ideology so we'll see if some kind of visual indicators will appear as HUD. Personally I like the idea.

Is there a possibility to implement a ghost car for hotlap sessions and possibility to download the fastest ghost from the internet ?

We had had the ghost car working in netKar PRO since 2007. It appeared here and there on youtube in some netBike video and even a FVA trailer. The problem is that ghost car concept is patented and cannot be used without permission by the owners. So at the moment I can't see ghost cars coming into our products anytime soon.

Any chance of a setup changes tracker providing user with the ability to track what has changed in setups over successive "runs" to be easily able to revert negative modifications to setup.

I think there is a program that is designed to do that. With such a small team as KS it would be suicidal to allocate our time on features like these.

Will be possible to delete and manage setups inside the game?

I think Windows does a great job at managing files and folder. Why reinvent the wheel?

What are their major constraints to the development of NetKar, financially or technically?

Financial of course. Technically speaking I think KS has few opponents out there, if you compare staff size and budgeting we're the underdog in the industry.

What would be best way of us, netKar community users, help Kunos in that development and improvement?

Bring friends in, fill the servers instead of lapping offline. There is still a big part of sim racing community out there that doesn't have a netKar license. I think our strategy is pretty clear: we do not want to ask our existing customer to prove their faith in us again coming out with a "2.0" version that requires a new license, we still feel we have a debt with the original v1.0 netKar's user and we're trying to give back.

Will the new weather system be dynamic and change from dry to wet during a race, or is it either wet or dry?

It will not be dynamic. We still don't know if it'll have levels of "wet" or just simply sun or 100% rain.
The main problem we have is to implement the system into an existing engine that wasn't designed for that.
The feature should work for our tracks as well the community created tracks. This puts a big burden on our shoulders and if you add the time constraints we have to deliver the feature (about 7 weeks in total) it has to have some limitations. Still, the way water puddles influence the car is something amazing and it's worth the wait. Before that implementation driving on wet track was somehow too "easy", once you understood the limit you could drive pretty constantly.. the puddle code brought in a totally different approach and you can't just slide around, there is a constant grip no grip on the 4 wheels that will ask for much more cautions when driving. The KS2 in full wet is scary :P

I gather from another thread here at RD concerning rain that the feature is intended to be developed to a point whereby grip levels may change over the surface of the track from corner to corner, potentially depending on weather. Could this be implemented on a dry track also? Is netKar Pro going to be the first sim to develop a truly "living" race track?

It is a nice feature but the sad news is that:
1) Consumer wheels don't have enough resolution to give a feedback on different levels of grip in dry weather. So it will result into a virtuosism that can be hardly noted.
2) There is no data available to base this assumption on and validate them. So everything will be a huge speculation.

Along with rain will other weather effects be implemented? I have raced on a track where, especially in lower temperatures, the grip level changes dramatically between sun and cloud cover, and some corners that remain in shade always remain less grippy than the warmer areas of track. Could netKar Pro use a dynamic weather system in conjunction with a living track to present a much more organic experience?

Same as above. This is all good and potentially doable. But just beyond of the scope of what can be done in 7 weeks.

Is there any chance for a real time lighting system that will lead to different day times, transitions from night to day,shadows been casted on the cockpit etc...along with dx9c improvements like hdr and bloom effects ?

No plans to improve the existing graphics engine for netKar PRO. We have these implemented in our new engine we developed for another application, but can't be retrofitted into netKar PRO.

Is swaying grass going to be fully implemented and used on tracks alongside an option for 3d swaying trees instead of 2d ones ?

I did some tests with 3D trees, the result is very nice. It does add a lot of weight to the scene.
It is a nice feature but it doesn't belong to the generation of software that netKar PRO is from.

Will there be any further graphical improvements? Like shadows that cast around the cockpit

Same as above.

Are there any plans to implement some improved server functions, such as:

  • Warning / Kick / Ban / Blacklist.
  • Black Flag for collision / corner cutting.
  • Corner cutting laptime disqualification.
  • Always save replays for each session. (I can then make them downloadable via IIS to all the participants of the race)
  • Automatic Track Rotation.
  • Max allowed player ping
I am working on an "autoban" feature on the server.
No plans for black flags or corner cutting. It is a very complicated issue that cannot be solved easily. Automatic track rotation is incredibly complicated for us because netKar's graphics engine is designed to load up resources and then die with them. It isn't designed to load a resource, unload it and load something else.
So to implement the feature a deep change is required.

Are there any plans to improve the netcode lag / warping / rubber banding issues? There needs to be some netcode 'rules' in play that smooth a cars path by not allowing it to move from Point A to Point B over X Distance in less than N Time. You could use something like that to stop the car 'warping' over the track and predict the 'real' path of the car during those 'glitches'.

Oh that's an ongoing battle. Of course what you have described is already there. if it wasn't there we'd see the car jump from one point to another constantly as the new packet with info arrives. But smoothing generates position errors.. I think we all experienced a collision that wasn't reported by the other driver right? This happens because of smoothing, the system knows the car should be there, but it can't put it there straight away because it'll jump so it puts it somewhere in the middle.. the result is a potential ghost collision.
Race car netcode is really really hard, we should take our hats off and applaude to the few guys that can do it properly. I think we're getting better every release, 1.3 won't be an exception.

Ferrari Virtual Academy 2010 was based on netKar, the movement difference between nKP and FVA isn't low. Of the two, which is more closer to your pursuit way?

I suppose we're talking about head movement in the car. We tried something different with FVA, I think it looks ok. Personally, I drive with NO head movement, I can get a feel of what the car is doing much better this way.

Is there any chance that FVA 2010's movement might be applied to future nKP releases? Or, is it currently in the process of doing so?

Head movement in netKar will stay as it is.

I’ve seen NetBike years ago, is if the project is definitely stopped ?

I haven't been working on it for ages now. The controller issue is too big at the moment to justify developing a commercial motorbike sim. It'd sell 10 licenses :P

Having experimented with netBike, and running nKPro on the Xbox 360, are there any plans to combine these two experiments?

netKar PRO has never been running on XBOX, that would require an offical dev kit from Microsoft. What I did was to develop something i call "netKarX" which is a sim running on X360 using the XNA dev kit. It's not bad and it's pretty cool to see Newbury on the XBox but it's more an internal experiment/demo and there are no plans to release it.

The function which can check driving line at floor plan, like GPL Replay Analyser and EA's F1 Analyser, is technically possible in nKP?

If somebody has time enough to figure out the data format in the netKar's replay file it surely can be done. We won't do it for the same reasons (time) we can't work on setups comparers and other satellite things.
by Bram Hengeveld

Published on 28th December 2010 09:43

The 1.3 version of nKPro is scheduled for release in a few days. Some last minutes fine tuning caused the update to be delayed for a few days so NKP fans will have to wait a little longer for the upcoming beta.

Kunos said to RaceDepartment that the game will sell for an all time low of €14,90, which is an incredible price for the amount of content you will get as a newcomer.

As a teaser find some screenshots of the upcoming Trento-Bondone hillclimb course below.

If you are new to nKPro and want to learn all about it. Click here to visit the netKar PRO forums.
I hate to bring up a dead thread, but I'm having some troubles with netKar PRO. I just downloaded the demo, and I can't get the steering to go more than 180 degrees. I have it set at 900 degrees in the settings, but nothing changes. I'm also getting a really tight center spring, but no FFB.
I a looking for impressions on NetKar pro, made a search but could not find a dedicated thread on it, I have been told that it is as very good on Physics and very realistic, any one care to comment.

I have just downloaded the demo, but have not had a chance to try it yet, everything seems to work fine on my Lenovo lap top running XP.
Also interested in Fanatec specific wheel set up for this particular Pc Sim Racing progam.
I feel that any sim racing enthusiast should try nK at least once. The feeling is definitely sublime. And if you buy the full version now you'll get an invite to the upcoming Assetto Corsa pre-release test. I still haven't found anything comparable to the feeling of its FFB and the sensation of being connected to the road through the car's responsiveness in your hands. They've released a few more cars over the years so it's definitely a great value at this point. I would also look at Ferrari Virtual Academy. It's a Kunos made Ferrari F1 and GT hotlapping sim and the F10 you can drive around Fiorano, Nurburgring, and Maranello just happens to be my favorite sim car anywhere.

And as far as the recommended Fanatec profile, there should be a lot out there to choose from. But here's one:
What can you actually do on the game in terms of single player? That's always what's stopped me buying it, I'm not an online racing kinda guy, never have been. But I'm pretty sure i'm right in saying there is no single player game to speak of?
Yeah and I'm not a single-player guy what so ever. But I can definitely enjoy a great practice session almost anytime. So that's pretty much what it becomes, driving for the joy of driving, then taking it to the lobbies for the real fun. But you don't have to buy it, the online multiplayer is pretty dead at this point so it really is just a hotlapping/time trialing kind of this right now, but it's such a good drive a lot of people really don't care. Tried the demo yet?
I still haven't found anything comparable to the feeling of its FFB and the sensation of being connected to the road through the car's responsiveness in your hands.[/url]
Exactly what i'm thinking ! At the moment i don't play GT5 anymore, tried iRacing for 2 months and don't like it, now i only play GTR2 for the races and Netkar for time attack. Before trying this game, i didn't even know that my G27 was capable of such subtle and refined FFB and great precision. Plus there are many tracks available for it (the Nordschleife !).

Come on Kunos, i can't wait to play Assetto Corsa :drool:
Well I got round to trying this today, jesus it's hard. I was just on the demo so I had the slower single seater and a couple of tracks. I could barely get the thing around a corner or brake without locking up or spinning. I've never driven a real racing car but I'm sure it can't be that hard. If it is then I would much rather have a sim not quite so hard, personally, because that wasn't fun at all.
Well I got round to trying this today, jesus it's hard. I was just on the demo so I had the slower single seater and a couple of tracks. I could barely get the thing around a corner or brake without locking up or spinning. I've never driven a real racing car but I'm sure it can't be that hard. If it is then I would much rather have a sim not quite so hard, personally, because that wasn't fun at all.

IMO netkar is more realistic in a sense that it's actually easier to drive. what pedal/wheel do you use?

try lowering your brake pressure and setting your brake bias farther forward in the setup screen. take it easy on the throttle out of slow corners. also might want to adjust your steering ratio so that it's not so twitchy
DFGT. I'll try adjusting the brakes settings and see if it's any better. My driving style probably isn't that great but this is the first sim I've tried and completely struggled to get around a lap.
Brakes, and definitely tyres get a while to warm up, so have to be extra careful on colds. The F1600/1800 can be lively if you misbehave. :)
tried iRacing for 2 months and don't like it

Come on Kunos, i can't wait to play Assetto Corsa

What didn't you like about iRacing? Yes there is a very steep learning curve to it. Probably half of new members quit because it is too hard for them. The other half are rewarded with the best Sim game on the planet. A very rewarding racing service.

I too am really looking forward to Assetto Corsa, maybe another 6-10 months? It certainly looks promising.