Nato's Photo Gallery - update 16/11 RL Grass Karting shots

  • Thread starter Nato_777
Great shots Nate, love the lighting and tones in all of them. I thought your CCCL 94 was super clean in the comp - it definitely had the best work on the back end. GPR's right, comps get tougher every week, but you still hold your own, so to speak. 👍
What else to say than :drool:!!!
Thanks Nicolas! :)
They're all very nice Nathan. Some of your entries were definitely worth more votes than they got. The comps have been real tough lately with all if the PM community getting better and better.
Thanks, the competition in comps is certainly tough at the moment and that's a great thing and it makes it all the more satisfying to win. :)
:lol: Thanks!
Great shots Nate, love the lighting and tones in all of them. I thought your CCCL 94 was super clean in the comp - it definitely had the best work on the back end. GPR's right, comps get tougher every week, but you still hold your own, so to speak. 👍
Thanks again, I still make most polls but getting votes is tough though. :)


And here's my 2.0 Week 111 entry.​

I wanted to make a shot inspired by the car chase in the Sorcerer's Apprentice and SVX was kind enough to help out, he was driving the SLR and I had the 458.
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Of course you chose the photo where you were in the lead... :) Nice photo bud. I like how it draws the eye down the end of the road. Composition's spot on. The smaller photo doesn't do it justice, though. Once I clicked on it for full size - amazing. There's one criticism I have - and it's not your fault. The head lights from the SLR would likely have illuminated the back of the 458. Also, I see alot of lights on in the buildings, but no people walking around. What the heck man! Just kidding, great shot!
Thanks Nicolas and Dave - good point about the illumination on the 458, I've added a little too it - couldn't do to much as the back end looked really bad otherwise. :)

Here is my 3.0 entry for this week...

and an alternative entry, undecided if I'll change it yet.

And this one's an alternative shot I had made for the previous weeks 3.0 (Sunrise) but didn't use.

Thanks for stopping by. :)
The CCCL W92 entry is superb! Makes me wanna go on a photoshoot with my FGT.

Also loving the 3rd shot in the 'stang set. 👍
Your first 3.0 entry is hilarious, I'd stick with that one unless you got something even better in the works. ;)

Nice idea on that last shot. 👍
Thanks T-12, GPR & Lee. :)

I was pretty much planning on sticking with my first entry this week - no time left now to better that. ;)

I wondered why I could smell smoke :sly:... your too kind, I'm just having a little fun with it lately. :)
Impressive work Nathan :drool:

And i realised i missed this :


Love it ! :drool: 👍 :drool:
The first one made me laugh - and I mean this in the most positive way. :)

While the third one... Well, that's just amazing. :bowdown:
The last 3.0 shot is very creative! :drool:👍 The first two are :lol:!
Nice work, Nathan!
Great work Nato -all of them are very creative and well put together. I love the humor in the first shot. That's amazing how you worked out the second shot with the car tilted down in the right-rear to get the effect. The tones and reflections in the third one are also very impressive. Great stuff.
Your creativity just works wonders some times (or all the time). I especially like your rejected 3.0 entry, looks awesome!
Alright time to blow the cobwebs off with some of my recent entries/shots.

This was my original shot for 2.0 Week 112 but after several similar entries were posted before I did I decided against it... I took a risk and used this one instead.

This was my 2.0 Week 113 entry - the fully tuned Fiat 500 was actually very competitive in this field of supercars - they blitzed it on the straights but the little Fiat ate them all up in the corners. :)

2.0 Week 114

CCCL Week 98

SSC Week 86

One I was going to use for SSC Week 88 - it was a very old shot I found in my archives as I hadn't had time to shoot anything but then I realised I had used it before (unedited) in a comp a long long time ago so I ditched it.

The Aventabug

Eifel Snow Day

RadioActive Preview - set coming soon - online shoot with SVX and Apok.
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Some solid entries Nathan, it's tough with the amount of great entries these days. I'd say some of these deserved more credit than they got.

I like the red fiat 500, it's edited well. Love the aventabug. And also quite like the composition of your SSC wk86 entry. 👍
I agree with GPR. That aventabug is awesome (and very fun), the composition of the SSC86 is really great (but we can't see it in flickr ?) and i like very much that Fiat500 pic.
I also really like the Vantage in Kyoto shot (great toning), and that ferrari shot would have been more great without this wing on the 430 ;)

And your next set promise to be original ;)
Thank you GPR & Kodje for your kind comments. I enjoyed taking most of those shots. The Aventabug was fun to do but not easy, I had three attempts before I came up with a blend that worked to my satisfaction. Thanks for the heads up on the SSC 86 shot, I could have sworn I had changed the privacy setting earlier - it's fixed now though. :)
The SSC entry looks striking! :drool: Too bad you used it before.
The others are amazing! 👍

DAT AVENTABUG! :crazy: :lol:
Awesomeness of automotive is shown here. Every single pic is great. Love all of them.
I'm waiting impatiently for Radioactive set. Sounds interesting.
And Aventabug is :lol:
Awesome work, Nato ! :drool: :drool: :drool: Shot with F40 and F430 is amazing 👍 Looking forward to the "RadioActive" set.

And Aventabug is :lol: Please make more of pictures like this :)
While I like the angle in number 6, I feel the shot would be better without a racing driver.