"Choosing" Seasonal Event rewards

United States
I just got a gag-inducing reddish/brownish chrome-y paint chip for getting gold in the M4 seasonal. Obviously I can't post a qualifying time again to gain another chip, but is there any reason I shouldn't be able to revert to an earlier gamesave and re-win it with hopes of acquiring a less offensive chip?
I just got a gag-inducing reddish/brownish chrome-y paint chip for getting gold in the M4 seasonal. Obviously I can't post a qualifying time again to gain another chip, but is there any reason I shouldn't be able to revert to an earlier gamesave and re-win it with hopes of acquiring a less offensive chip?

I think your current seasonal data is kept irrespective of what earlier gamesaves you try and use.

Rank data remains after resetting to an earlier gamesave but the prizes can still be re-won. The downside is that the prize appears to be predetermined, or like Bonkers said, the game somehow remembers what I won and gives it to me again...12 attempts with no change and I can't bring myself to do it again.