Finally Joined the Party

  • Thread starter Scaff


United Kingdom
Well being fashionably late I have today over indulged and bought Horizon, the Season pass, VIP and launch DLC.

Only had a quick play around, but its looking fun and I'm managing to get past the whole festival side of things (which has put me off opting in so far).

So far the Mustang vs Mustang race has shown off a nice development in the physics as far as cars landing after a jump and getting unsettled.

More time to play later this evening/

I must say, when I had the game I really enjoyed it. I spent most of my time cruising up and down the freeways, or in the canyons. Building up ridiculously fast cars just to try to get a good speed trap, or opening up drift lobbies with some friends.

Photomode is a bit tricky this time around. With the constant day/night cycles, you'll constantly be all over the place with settings. When you get them right, they really shine though.. Especially moonlit shots, and sunrises.

I opted out because every DLC pack that came out didnt seem to interest me one bit, So there was nothing fresh coming in for me.
Nice! Shoot me a FR and there'll be a full suite of Rivals times waiting for you. ;) You've got serendipitous timing because I intend to upgrade to XBL Gold soon.
So far the Mustang vs Mustang race has shown off a nice development in the physics as far as cars landing after a jump and getting unsettled.
Cool to hear this from someone else I trust. It's a bit odd how Horizon is both less and more realistic than FM4 at the same time, but it's leagues above anything else like it so I consider it a success.
Nice! Shoot me a FR and there'll be a full suite of Rivals times waiting for you. ;) You've got serendipitous timing because I intend to upgrade to XBL Gold soon.

Cool to hear this from someone else I trust. It's a bit odd how Horizon is both less and more realistic than FM4 at the same time, but it's leagues above anything else like it so I consider it a success.
If you looking for another semi ok forza player ADD ME!!. My GT is Noob Saibot 007. I have money, cars, and women for you (ok no women but i got cars and money)
How are you liking it Scaff? I'm on the fence about buying it still. I like both Forza 4 and TDU 2. I just fear it will more of the same for $59.99.
Glad you're having fun with it Scaff! If you'd like to drive some time I'm normally on Horizon every other day. I can show you some of my favourite driving roads in virtual Colorado 👍
^ On that subject, I made an atlas for "Horizon, Colorado," link is in my signature. :)

Haha I was wondering if there was something like that, I normally make an effort to learn road names in games like this.

Also; I'm a bit 'forever alone' in Horizon because every lobby I go to they're running racing tyres and it's just a bit boring. So I'm also looking for people to drive with :lol:
I'll double down on my intention to upgrade to Gold, gotta get it past the fiancée because money is tight right now.
I'll double down on my intention to upgrade to Gold, gotta get it past the fiancée because money is tight right now.

Fair enough :lol: I bought it so I can watch youtube in bed mostly (this was before PS3 had the youtube app and the browser had awful quality)

They occasionally do deals for gold, I'll normally pick and choose when to buy it since I hate giving them money for something that should be covered in the console cost =/
Just ordered a code for 3+1 months, so I can finally stop saying, "oh, I'll race with you guys sometime soon." 👍
Just ordered a code for 3+1 months, so I can finally stop saying, "oh, I'll race with you guys sometime soon." 👍

Awesome! my tag thingy is Uriehusky if you want to drive together 👍
At some point the missus will like me to join her in Guild Wars 2, but obviously I'll be giving Gold a go tonight on Horizon. :)
Well, welcome to the party Scaff! Have played through the game (first game with 100% completion/achievements!), and are now more or less just trying to gather up cash so I can get all the cars avalible to buy, and tune them to what I think would be fun.

Have you done any online free roam achievements yet? if not, I'd reccomend it, there are a lot of point to point cruises, that yeld a good amount of cash to spend ;)

Throw me an FR on either this one, or xXTathyXx and we can get going sometime
^ I can use more active Horizon players on my friend's list, I'll send you an FR too. I think I'm ready to peel myself off of GTP, Horizon's been idling on Race Central while I'm on my laptop. :lol:
Please do, I need some more active FH friends as well ;) I can probably shoot a car or two over to any of you if you really need it, since I got more than enough, and even several of some.
On my off days when I cant bother doing races, I usually find myself cruising around, usually from Red Rock to the dam, that is an incredible journey with breathtaking scenery, especially if you start right before dawn, so the mountain part is night (giving you a great view of the festival in the distance, and a morning blast through the midlands and midday when you hit the dam.
^ If you like driving (as opposed to just racing), I think it's damn near impossible to dislike this game. 👍 Part of the problem of being a "racing-only" fan is that it isn't stuffed to the gills with events, but FM4 achieved that with considerable overlap of themes and track locations, something less prevalent in Horizon. We could all name annoyances or shortcomings, but in the end it's Forza + an open road network, and for such brilliantly simple arithmetic, I can't believe no one thought of combining respectable physics with a game like this until now. I've been wishing for such a combo since my first license test in Gran Turismo 3, and as much as I like Horizon I hope it doesn't remain unopposed.

My other reason for posting: Uriehusky and I managed to meet up yesterday but he had to drop out for network issues. Did you manage to figure out the problem, Husky?
My other reason for posting: Uriehusky and I managed to meet up yesterday but he had to drop out for network issues. Did you manage to figure out the problem, Husky?

Yeah, my flatmate was uploading videos to youtube while also torrenting. Thus my network crashed like a drunk pilot :lol: my ISP takes P2P pretty hard, no clue why.
LOL! I suspected torrenting elsewhere in the house. We can certainly try again. 👍

Sounds good :lol: it was pretty funny watching your car sink into the ground and then spring up like it was on a trampoline.
Well, I did like playing TDU2 very much, but the online connectivity that the game had drove me up the wall.

On a sadder note, I'm gonna have to postpone my purchase of Horizon until a later date.
How's your garage coming along, Scaff? When you've got some class-competitive cars sorted out we should arrange an informal meet with the members who are still active on the game. :)