Friends having trouble entering my lobby

Has anyone else had this problem? I have extremely reliable Internet access but some of friends had trouble joining my lobby today. Three others, who were actually in the race, got booted.

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
Tell them to check the connection type. If they have NAT Type 1, 2 or 3. I don't know much about these things so I can't really give you a walkthrough, but that fixed my problem in GT5 and other games. I had NAT 3 and online was pretty much useless for me because of this.
Also ask everyone to clear their cache before entering. Do this by pressing the start button to get options up. Then network, and you will find clear cache in there.
Nat 1 ps3 plugged straight into a modem
Nat 2 through a router
Nat 3 you have to check your router settings and open the correct ports for the ps3 to communicate properly
Nat 1 ps3 plugged straight into a modem
Nat 2 through a router
Nat 3 you have to check your router settings and open the correct ports for the ps3 to communicate properly

Our group of races has had a weird problem. Most of us have Nat 2 connection but one guy is Nat 1. For some reason, my Nat 2 and this one Nat 1 race are not compatible in any rooms except for 1. Meaning if I am in the room he can't join, if he's in the room I can't join. There is one guy in our group that both he (the Nat 1 guy) and I (nat 2) can join in the same room. Here's how it get's weirder, when we are both in the room, we can't see or hear each other on the microphones. However, all the OTHER racers can hear and see us on track.

Any ideas of what might be causing this problem and how to fix it? Thanks.
host only fixed host lobbies.
clear network cache before opening a lobby.
others should also clear the cache before joining.