Games sold over Million Copies since 1995

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
US Platinum Videogame Chart
(Games sold over Million Copies since 1995)

Unorganized list from source

And some organization and filtering to make it worth looking at ...

GT1 = 3.26 million
GT2 = 3.10 million
GT3 = 3.46 million

Halo = 3.18 million

Final Fantasy X = 2.08 million
Final Fantasy X2 = 1.10 million

SOCOM = 1.41 million
SOCOM2 = 1.06 million

GTA = 0.7 million
GTA2 = 1.15 million
GTA3 = 5.35 million
GTAVC = 5.97 million
GTADP = (XBox) 1.02 million

Super Mario 64 = 5.94 million
Mario Kart 64 = 4.80 million

Madden NFL
1999 = 1.29 million
2000 = 1.28 million
2001 = 1.21 million
2002 = 2.00 million
2003 = 2.71 million
2004 = 3.37 million

Tomb Raider
TR1 = 1.87 million
TR2 = 1.78 million
TR3 = 1.30 million

Thats just a collection of what I thought was interesting. I was impressed by Gran Turismo's numbers. Very impressed. I had no idea it was so popular. I imagine, though, that GT4 will see a vast decrease in sales compared to GT3. It's not really new in most people's eyes, and they got all the thrill they needed the first time around.

Halo, though I knew it was crazy popular, was still slightly higher than I expected. Amazing showing for a new game on a new console, from a new company bought by a very unpopular company.

Final Fantasy was just shocking. I thought those games were far more popular than that. And I feel the same about SOCOM. I thought they were top sellers for PS2.

The Grand Theft Auto series is no surprise, except for it being the all time best selling game.

Super Mario 64 is pretty cool. I'm glad to see a "children's game" in the number two spot. And I'm utterly shocked by Mario Kart 64. All the other Marios, including that crap Sunshine game, are about where I think they should be. A little over a million - popular but definitely not blow out games.

Madden ... well, we can see its popularity grew rappidly later in life. I have 2004, and it's actually pretty cool, even though I hate sports games with a passion.
Hmm, I wonder, what are the figures for the Need for Speed series, and NBA Live series. :rolleyes:
There are actually quite a few in the big list. You could get them all together for us. I didn't notice any over 2 million, but several around 1.5 million.
Great to know but I wonder why GT2 sold less copies then GT1.
👍 for the list!

I have lots of theories on that. I would assume that when GT1 came out it was so cool and especially new that a bunch of people bought it, even people who aren't into cars or racing. When GT2 came out a bunch of people who had bought the first one saw no need to get the second one because they weren't really into racing and had the first one to fill any little need they may have. But also a bunch of people saw GT1 but never purchased it and when GT2 came along they jumped on the wagon.

I'm not sure what to expect with GT4. Probably a slight decrease from GT3 in the United States, but probably double everywhere else in the world. The American mentality is "that's cool, I want it", but I suspect a large majority of the people who own GT3 didn't like it because it was too hard, or too long, or they were just generally uninterested and won't be buying GT4.
Did you completely disregard my first post?

Yes I did, but on the website that you linked didn't. Its kinda mixed up, and whats up with those spaces between them? :confused:
It's sorted by publisher, then platform, then copies sold. Thus making it look unorganized because there aren't very many in each catagory.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. I've got some great pictures of Berlina Black MY04s, but I couldn't get them to look good on an avatar. This one I chose was pretty much on a whim.