"Glitching" in online racing

United States
United States
I frequently race online with a buddy of mine, and at least once per race I will see his car ahead of me spin or go off into the wall, sparks, smoke, bouncing backwards across the track, the whole deal---- only to find him magically reappear seconds later where he was previously on the track. I've seen him t-bone the barrier and bounce back onto the road right in my way, but I pass right through him, after braking of course, which cost me time. Tonight we were racing at The Ring, grid start, and during the 3-2-1 countdown, his car was seen by me to be spinning in place like Linda Blair's head in The Exorcist. To my buddy, all appears normal, his car is behaving normally, he's driving right along. My cars never seem to exhibit this behavior, could there be something about the network connection that causes this? I don't know it for a fact, but my wifi connection might be slower than his. Anyone have such an experience?
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I frequently race online with a buddy of mine, and at least once per race I will see his car, sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, spin or go off into the wall, sparks, smoke, the whole deal---- only to find him magically reappear where he was previously on the track. I've seen him t-bone the barrier and bounce back onto the road right in my way, but I pass right through him. After braking of course, which cost me time. Tonight we were racing at The Ring, grid start, and during the 3-2-1 countdown, his car was seen to be spinning in place like Linda Blair's head in The Exorcist. To my buddy, all appears normal, his car
It's lag. One or both of you has a bad internet connection.

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It's lag. One or both of you has a bad internet connection.

Thanks, I will investigate this.