Guitars AliExpressMusic 

Hi All,

Was wondering if some of you have experience with guitars ordered directly from China and your thoughts about those products? I am not looking for a counterfeit guitar, so I don't want those so called "Chenders" and "Chibsons" with the made in USA and the official logos plastered all over the place. No I simply want to know what quality I can expect? The electrics, pickups?

Since already a huge amount of well know guitar brands do their manufacturing in China I thought why not order one directly from one of those factories? I've read several stories on the web and seen a couple of YouTube vids and it seems there are different stories, from horror ones to great quality ones.

I don't mind if mine says made in China with a logo from "Firehawk" or "Genie" because it is simply for personal use. I simply can't imagine all those guitars are bad quality because I am under the impression that often "guitarists" judge a guitar as bad because it simply comes from China.
