How do you use the "Favorites cars" menu ?

  • Thread starter manou
Hi everyone, not too long ago I started using the "Favorites Cars" menu in a silly way, which became a small game inside the game.
I simply use this menu to put together my collection of swapped cars, along with the standard version.
I find this to be very entertaining, and I'm trying to complete this collection.

Which brought me to a question : how do members of gtplanet use this menu ? Do you even use it at all ?

My menu :

Hm, I must be very boring because I use it to tag my favourite cars (shock) across all PP levels that I use regularly when playing the online lobbies. :)
I would use it a lot, if the split screen 2 player mode were functional. Then I could have those favourite cars listed to select when I play with a friend in front of my telly… 🤷‍♂️
I used it mostly at launch, and now not so much as there's to much cars in it : I regret we can't create multiple "favorite" lists, this would be really great to organize your garage !
I would love this indeed. Especially since I have various sub "collections" with a similar theme in terms of livery.
I'm currently using mine to mark all the cars I've built up for a particular PP class. Once I've raced them, tuned them, and won with them consistently on a particular set of tracks, I add them to favourites to indicate that they've been built up and tweaked to their best performance in that class.

I have only about 10% of my cars built up so far, and add to them as I move through each PP class or series of Menu Book races.
Originally, I used it as a place for all my BTCC replica's so that I could find them quickly for custom races. Now that we can save custom races I don't really use it.
Using it for swapped engine cars sounds like a great idea. Thanks.
I use it for all my fully or built to spec cars. That way, when I'm online I can find the cars that fit or close to fit the restrictions of the lobby.
I use it to keep all my favorite cars close and to keep the cars I like having grids of like the group C cars and all the F1 cars.

In total I have around 230 Favorites currently.👍
On the GTP account, I use it to mark the UCD-only/Hagerty's cars (as well as the "special/unpurchasable" versions of the GR Yaris, RX-Vision GT3 and X2019) I need to keep stock with 0 accumulated miles so I can update the PP section on my spreadsheet. I don't use it on the Plus account.
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I use the favourite marking in the garage for all Brand Central cars along with pre-2001 cars that were gifted, in other words they need to sit at 0 kms from the start for me to mark them as favourites.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, certain Legendary cars that I've bought when they had very low mileage, such as 7 kms, 35 kms and numbers thereabouts I'll kind of consider "zero" and get marked as favourites because their mileage is negligible.

For the most part favourite cars are the only cars I drive and I have the favourite filtering active pretty much all the time.
Mark as favourite when I've raced (i.e. 'tested') a car and won any single player race. I use it in conjunction with Settings Sheets to indicate which races I've completed using any set of tuning options (name the sheet after the event). It's usually stock unless I'm aiming to win a particular race or series of races.
I only used it to have a ready list of tuned/upgraded cars so I wouldn't have to search too long for them.

Cars with only livery changes get the same treatment.
I use it for favorite cars, literally. More specifically it’s where I only keep one example of every car I like in my favorite colour. It’s my way of making the garage feel more personal and clutter-free.
Depends how I feel like playing.

If I'm in a Group A mood, I'll only favourite my E30s, Sierras and Supra.
If I'm playing with AE86 N2s, I only tick those.
At the moment, I'm playing with my birth year cars.

I just favourite one grind car, while I'm building certain grids.
I use favourites for my 1950s and 1060s custom grids. Would be incredibly useful to be able to create tabs for categorising. I remember GT5/6 had a garage archive.
I mostly use it for cars I'm likely to use for various events within World Circuits, like this one McLaren MP4-12C that I've been using for the Race of Turbo Sports Cars events and also plan to use for the remaining Hypercar Parade events that I've yet to complete. When it comes to Sport Mode events, it feels like they let you borrow a car for 99% of events, anyway, whether it's an online time trial, a Daily Race, or even the Manufacturers Cup if you count sponsored cars.
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I use it probably the way PD intended it to be used. Favorite = Split screen select ability. I favorite all my cars just so I have access to them in split screen mode.

Thank goodness they got rid of the 100 favorite limit of GT6.
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