Important Announcement for GTPlanet/Flickr Users

  • Thread starter Jordan


Site Founder
United States
United States
On February 5, 2019 (the deadline has been extended to March 2019), Flickr will begin deleting images of users with free accounts who have uploaded more than 1,000 photos. Due to the popularity of Flickr in the Photomode community here, many GTPlanet members and their Photomode galleries could be affected.

To learn more about how to save your images and what I am doing to mitigate the impact of Flickr's new policies on GTPlanet, please read my latest announcement in the Site Update Log.
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A big part of my GT6 pictures was deleted from Flickr (but I saved all of them, so ok), and all GT6 pictures posted in GTPlanet were deleted too.
So, my last 1000 pictures are ok, but I had to create a new Flickr profile :grumpy:.
Fortunately for me, I transfer most of my pics to a USB thumb drive & save on my computer. I suppose I will have to learn how to use the GTP upload method. And then, I might as well just make a new updated post with them there.