Lunar Roving Vehicle LRV-001 '71 on Standard Tracks

  • Thread starter Roxanne
United States
United States
Hello Kaz,

how about the idea to allow us to buy the Lunar Roving Vehicle LRV-001 '71 in the Car Manufacturer Shop and to drive this vehicle on normal Tracks and not only on the Special Moon Missions.



PS: Search button used but found nothing.
This could be intriguing, but I would hope only short tracks will be used.... 6mph around the 'Ring.... Yeah, I'll wake up when you are done.... ;)
The only reason I am not for this is I remember driving that 1800's motor carriage around- (forget which one it was in GT2 or 3 I think)bored me death and this vehicle would be in the same class. I understand wanting to drive every car in the game on all of the tracks- I just do not feel that this would be really enjoyable. Truthfully I wish they didn't put the moon missions in the game in the first place. Sorry if I sounded rude or anything- not my intentions at all.
Well, the thing with the carriage was that it was WAY underpowered. (Maybe if we could put in a transmission...?) It couldn't even go uphill. The rover is guaranteed to have enough power to go uphill.
The only reason I am not for this is I remember driving that 1800's motor carriage around- (forget which one it was in GT2 or 3 I think)bored me death and this vehicle would be in the same class. I understand wanting to drive every car in the game on all of the tracks- I just do not feel that this would be really enjoyable. Truthfully I wish they didn't put the moon missions in the game in the first place. Sorry if I sounded rude or anything- not my intentions at all.
1886 Daimler Patent Motor Carriage, GT4. What joy that was to drive. /sarcasm.

Anyway, this looks like a suggestion rather than a question...