
  • Thread starter sliderulz
I love this game!, I just rented it the other day and kept it for two nights overdue ($$$), it's like GTA meets the 1930's. The cars are cool, the clothes are cool, and the guns are cool. You thought Vice City was old School check out the new Mafia for PS2. Graphics could be better though. Some cool features are...

-you are taught how to steal a particular model of car each mission

-a mechanic sometimes teaches you to steal old speedsters, and roadsters (and a few interesting ones such as the Cord 810 and Chrysler Airflow)

-A Carcyclopedia is in the main menu so you can see all the cars in the game, their gears, speed, hp, weight, name (although they arent licesnsed you can tell, eg Dusenberg Straight 8 in the game is a Trattenburg 8S, and the Cord 810 is a Thor 810 not to mention the Chrysler Airflow being a Something Airdream)

-The missions are cool

-There is a racing mission

and a really cool speed limiter function, tap L1 and a 60mph speed limit is puton your car, you go faster than other traffic but the cops dont pick you up.
i also got it on PC when it first came out 1yr+ ago, still love the game i have finished it three times.

the graphics are nice on PC, just turn up the res
yeah ive had it on pc too, awesome game. ive played it a few times, seeing all these commercials for the console ones been making me itch to play it again
I bought it on PS2 and I have to say that I was dissapointed. The Graphics are avg, the loading times are REALLY slow. The worst thing though, IMO, was the shooting - I couldn't get used to the system, it's 10x better in GTA
The loading times on PS2 are a pain!

When you get used to the shooting setup it actually becomes quite good and I would say better than some other games.