Manufacturer logos

  • Thread starter Niks
Really? I noticed they changed but hasn't put 2 and 2 together.

Me also! I got confused yesterday when i went to sticker up my newly won 458, and 3 sections of the decal list had disappeared. Didnt think to cross check to see if it was the same for all cars. Maybe its a condition of having Ferrari in the game, cant go too wild with them?
Me also! I got confused yesterday when i went to sticker up my newly won 458, and 3 sections of the decal list had disappeared. Didnt think to cross check to see if it was the same for all cars. Maybe its a condition of having Ferrari in the game, cant go too wild with them?
I thought it was just because the severs were under maintenance every 5 minutes.
You will be able to upload SVG files from your computer to usb once the full game is out.
Is that confirmed? That you can upload via USB stick? Just curious, because it would be a lot easier than uploading it to the website, as it seemed to indicate in the livery editor.
Is that confirmed? That you can upload via USB stick? Just curious, because it would be a lot easier than uploading it to the website, as it seemed to indicate in the livery editor.
I don't know about the website, but at the very minimum it would be usb.
Just to make it clear SVG are vector graphics, this is important because the game needs to be able to scale the logos while remaining crisp so that doesn't mean you can just upload any picture, it specifically will be required to be a vector .svg format image. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Where have you seen anything about USB transfers? All I've been able to find in-game is references to uploading SVG files to
Yeah, same here, hence my question earlier. I haven't been able to find any info at all on GT Sport allowing USB transfers for the user decals. For what it's worth I'd of course love to have it as well, but I think PD may have to screen the content somewhat and there may also be a security concern with things like buffer overflows in SVG files. I'm sure PD wouldn't want to be responsible for allowing any kind of hacking the PS4, PSN or its own servers.
Either way, will be able to make custom SVG versions for the site once the game comes out to bypass that :P Unless they'd delete those if you try to upload them, that is.
Some of these I can do as they're pretty straight forward. The Red Bull, Armor All, Porsche and The Bottle-O(I did do this is Forza, but it was a pain) logos, require more patience. Would I best to make these or use the SVG creator. Mind you, I'm not that computer savy.
Some of these I can do as they're pretty straight forward. The Red Bull, Armor All, Porsche and The Bottle-O(I did do this is Forza, but it was a pain) logos, require more patience. Would I best to make these or use the SVG creator. Mind you, I'm not that computer savy.
View attachment 680862

Would be quicker and I would say easier to just use the upload SVG feature. Having said that it won't be there from day one and we don't know if we import a single colour file if we can then recolour the logo/shape in game.

Problem with creating these in game is I don't think we can merge a bunch of layers down to one layer and save it as a library item. Didn't seem to have that ability in the demo at least. So you'd have to re-create them for each car you wanted them on.

So at least with the SVG import you'll have a library item you can re-use. For the more complex ones though you will want to be careful of how many points in the vector make up the logo as that can inflate the overall file size, as it appears we will have a 15kb limit per file.

Oh and further to this, lets not forget the amount of layers it may take to faithfully re-create some logos and that we have a 300 layer overall limit.
Would be quicker and I would say easier to just use the upload SVG feature. Having said that it won't be there from day one and we don't know if we import a single colour file if we can then recolour the logo/shape in game.

Problem with creating these in game is I don't think we can merge a bunch of layers down to one layer and save it as a library item. Didn't seem to have that ability in the demo at least. So you'd have to re-create them for each car you wanted them on.

So at least with the SVG import you'll have a library item you can re-use. For the more complex ones though you will want to be careful of how many points in the vector make up the logo as that can inflate the overall file size, as it appears we will have a 15kb limit per file.

Oh and further to this, lets not forget the amount of layers it may take to faithfully re-create some logos and that we have a 300 layer overall limit.

We have a dedicated 300 layers section for user decals only apparently :)

Guess PD have to crawl before they can walk. Just remembered about having to save online.
Maybe next game, they can up the layer count to 1000. Still, what I've seen with those anime skins, pretty damn good.
Some of these I can do as they're pretty straight forward. The Red Bull, Armor All, Porsche and The Bottle-O(I did do this is Forza, but it was a pain) logos, require more patience. Would I best to make these or use the SVG creator. Mind you, I'm not that computer savy.
View attachment 680862

Out of curiosity, I thought I draw up the Bottle-O logo as efficiently as I could... without getting into editing out tags in the SVG file that are likely unused ... I got it to 5.7kb... spent 27 minutes on it (just trying to get an idea of how long somethings might take).

This is just a PNG so you can see it (with a black background that isn't present in the SVG)


The SVG file is as follows (this doesn't have the background or any borders).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<!-- Creator: CorelDRAW -->
<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="197.779mm" height="85.1345mm" style="shape-

rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd"
viewBox="0 0 61.642 26.534"
  <style type="text/css">
    .fil0 {fill:white}
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4.55749,-2.0494 -4.55749,-4.5765 0,-2.5271 2.04089,-4.5765 4.55749,-4.5765zm0 2.81013c0.971357,0 1.75905,0.791024 1.75905,1.76637

0,0.975347 -0.787689,1.76637 -1.75905,1.76637 -0.971295,0 -1.75898,-0.791024 -1.75898,-1.76637 0,-0.975347 0.787689,-1.76637

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4.4781,3.50933 5.11635,0.769643l-1.42936 0c-0.0748636,0.421817 -0.559202,0.550382 -1.01424,0.55621 -0.535079,0.00688795 -

0.940595,-0.374505 -0.964874,-0.99601l3.51843 0c0,-0.651208 0.0143681,-1.37915 -0.386598,-1.93043 -1.44229,-1.98301 -4.83971,-

1.00583 -4.83971,1.60059z"/>
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1.98685 -2.28767,-2.32713 -3.62836,-1.42936l0 -3.40848 -1.86916 0 0 7.91647z"/>
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0.138756,-0.595605 -0.237993,-1.11077 -0.256911,-1.86916l-2.49188 0z"/>
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3.23238,1.33464 -1.42263,0.787595 -3.17519,1.50943 -1.21484,0.500358 -2.32165,1.02428 -2.32165,1.24005 0,0.268474

0.721085,0.989559 0.989559,0.989559 0.882312,0 1.63279,-0.769643 2.6388,-0.769643l2.40679 -1.01948c0.012124,0.954246

0.0704067,3.22821 -0.225744,3.80888 -0.552127,1.08262 -0.656942,1.92763 -0.532648,3.58862 0.162101,2.16572 -0.495839,6.1564

1.87003,6.1564 1.23129,0 2.85872,-0.100265 2.85872,-1.75923l0 -1.64928 -0.243135 -5.38635c-0.242606,-0.44379 -0.485211,-0.887549

-0.727785,-1.33131l-0.342715 -4.53124z"/>
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3.29855zm0 -5.05775l0.769674 0c1.4719,0 1.63419,2.63883 0.109958,2.63883l-0.879632 0 0 -2.63883zm3.98258 3.6527c1.72869,-2.10263

1.36132,-6.07162 -2.44326,-6.07162l-4.72788 0 0 13.1941 5.8274 0c3.89331,0 4.55939,-5.4211 1.34374,-7.12252z"/>
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0.659716,-1.06021 0.659716,-1.49359 0,-0.42216 -0.38906,-0.617578 -0.734299,-0.709366 -2.87408,-0.764126 -5.75372,-1.64809 -

8.61153,-2.47923 -1.04176,-0.325604 -1.7242,1.58426 -1.06517,1.81814 2.38018,0.844725 2.31622,0.825089 4.04448,1.48082l-0.0258064

1.16369 0.0836216 0.0290167 -0.0684432 0.786006c-0.991273,0.0824684 -0.697958,1.04021 -0.887829,1.97092 -0.157862,0.773944 -

0.278853,1.61278 -0.436995,2.42169 -0.146579,0.749634 -0.7813,0.991709 -1.28939,1.56936 -0.658345,0.748512 -0.58024,1.01811 -

0.766744,2.09197 -0.29453,1.69568 -0.45582,3.32473 -0.788593,4.92888 -0.236403,1.13969 -0.668318,3.85741 -0.668318,5.04912l0

0.219916c0,0.694748 2.20355,1.3194 2.85875,1.3194 2.16366,0 2.22235,-0.236185 2.65844,-2.39928 0.618887,-3.07 1.51968,-6.73209

1.51968,-9.80527 0,-0.59894 -0.72311,-1.58124 -0.989559,-1.97912l0.587066 -4.89765z"/>
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3.68097,0 -6.66614,-2.99763 -6.66614,-6.69397 0,-3.69634 2.98516,-6.69397 6.66614,-6.69397zm0 3.0547c2.00122,0 3.62412,1.62973

3.62412,3.63927 0,2.00954 -1.62291,3.63927 -3.62412,3.63927 -2.00115,0 -3.62406,-1.62973 -3.62406,-3.63927 0,-2.00954 1.62291,-

3.63927 3.62406,-3.63927z"/>
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7.82456,6.17226 8.93975,1.35365l-2.49752 0c-0.344772,0.724793 -0.977061,0.899486 -1.77217,0.90974 -0.780926,0.012124 -1.64348,-

0.590151 -1.68593,-1.68328l6.14773 0c0,-1.14533 0.0251208,-2.42565 -0.675487,-3.39526 -2.52012,-3.48777 -8.45638,-1.76908 -

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2.4757,0.560916 -1.36706,0 -2.4757,-0.251145 -2.4757,-0.560916 0,-0.141063 0.230107,-0.270002 0.609724,-0.368583 0.286053,0.201496

0.956459,0.342933 1.7376,0.342933 0.839458,0 1.55091,-0.16341 1.79501,-0.389091z"/>
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2.9022,0.776843 1.60256,0 2.90217,-0.347888 2.90217,-0.776843 0,-0.197382 -0.275425,-0.377653 -0.728752,-0.514695 -

0.333177,0.0763597 -0.728284,0.120617 -1.15213,0.120617 -0.756615,0 -1.42194,-0.141 -1.80589,-0.354028z"/>

You don't have to use it if it's not up to scratch, but when the upload goes live I'd be curious to see if you copy/pasted the above code into a notepad style text editor and saved it with an SVG file name, if it works on the import. Since SVG is a code based file-type it could be a useful way of sharing logos without having to upload or host anything.


If you wanted to see the SVG easily, find:

    .fil0 {fill:white}

and change the fill:white to fill:black before you save it, then open it in your browser to view.
Is that on top of the decals that are included in the game or just 300 total including both user decals and the ones in the editor?

As I understand it, that is 300 layers pr. car body +100 for bonnet iirc, whether they be user generated or not. I don't think there has been any talk of any limit to how many decals users can upload.