New Xbox One user and Forza

  • Thread starter bs13
United States
I'm totally new to the Xbox and have never played Forza. I bought an Xbox One to replace my PS3. What is the difference between Forza 5 and Horizon 2? Is Forza 5 more like GT5 and GT6? I suppose my G27 won't work with the Xbox One correct?

Live store is having a combo sale on both titles for $71.49 with Gold. I have a $50 gift card so I can get both games for about $22. Is it worth it or will I find both games fairly cheap in the near future? Does the bundle come with Forza 5 goty version?

Also, the original Forza Horizon is on sale for $10 and the season pass is $5. If I buy it would it work on the One right now to keep me occupied if I don't get the above deal?

Also, I refuse to preorder or pay full prices for games. That means I won't waste my $50 credit on full price games like the upcoming Forza 6. I would have to wait until the price drops which may take a while. If you know of any legit places that sale the above games at a killer price let me know. I'm itching to race again.
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  • Forza Horizon 2 is more akin to something like Drive Club or the old Test Drive Unlimited series. A free-roam game with physics based on FM5's, but made slightly more approachable.
  • FM5 is like GT in the sense it's a sim-type driving game on consoles. There's far less content, though it's of higher quality, so you win some, you lose some.
  • $71.49 is an alright price for both games. I don't know anywhere that sells them new for that cheap.
  • The original Horizon will only run on a 360, at least until the backwards compatibility kicks in on the One in the Fall. Even then, it's not a sure thing... but as T10 is a first-party dev, it's not a huge stretch.
  • If you consider full price a "waste", that's your choice.
  • Welcome to the world of the One!
Thanks for your input and welcome SlipZtrEm. I'm really lost when it comes to the Xbox and Forza. I'm looking for a fun racing game with a relaxed atmosphere and not a full blown sim. I have a PC if I need a sim.

As far as paying full price goes I was trying to be discreet. I preordered GT6 and lets just say I learned my lesson. That experience is now why I have an xbox as I believe very strongly in voting with my wallet. Plus with my income I need to stretch every dollar.

Edit: I just confirmed the combo comes with Forza 5 and not the GOTY edition. I also found out the GOTY edition only comes with one car pack which isn't that big of a deal.
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I switched to FM4 late in its life, it was great. You will enjoy FM5 and probably find yourself getting FM6.

FH2 is a blast, I'm not much into that style of race/car game but it changed my mind. It also has a great mix of cars and is pretty huge.
Well i resisted for so long but just got an Xbox one, i totally adored the 360 and i cant believe what i got out of that console, been with xbox since the first box came out and stuck with them... Well wow, it really is a big step up, so far with Forza 5 i'm loving it, yes i know it had alot of criticisms but glad now i took the plunge.

I got Forza 5 for £10 and just picked up car pack xbox gold for £16, so that's Forza 5 with all cars for under £30, play that way beyond Forza 6 then get forza 6 maybe well into next year second hand.

Oh and i got PCars limited edition for £25, so loving that as well, worth £25 for the clio cups!

OP sounds like your like me, we aren't people who queue up at 12pm outside game shops waiting to 'be the first' we patiently let gaming come to works for me.

Oh and off topic but FIFA 15 is simply stunning on XBOX ONE!! I am 39 and i'm wow'd all over again with gaming and up until a week ago i'd of said next gen isn't as amazing this time as the switch from the first xbox to xbox 360....well as everyone on GT planet really really is...
Well I just picked up the games. With the $50 credit it was $25 for both games. I have a feeling I'll get my $25 worth from Horizon 2. It's going to take a while to download though. I also have to remember to grab the 2 Porsches from the app before the offer is over the 24th.

I'm glad you like FH2 BoneSawTX. It looks like a fun game that doesn't try to confine the user.

What little I've seen of FM6 it looks like it may end up being a nice game. I do have a $25 credit at Best Buy so who knows what the future may bring :D

theapex, You got a great deal on Forza 5 and DLC. It's reassuring to hear you like the game. Now you have me regretting downloading FH2 first lol.

I'm also in no hurry to grab a new release. It seems nowadays you pre-order at full price for the privilege of being a beta tester.
Well I just picked up the games. With the $50 credit it was $25 for both games. I have a feeling I'll get my $25 worth from Horizon 2. It's going to take a while to download though. I also have to remember to grab the 2 Porsches from the app before the offer is over the 24th.

I'm glad you like FH2 BoneSawTX. It looks like a fun game that doesn't try to confine the user.

What little I've seen of FM6 it looks like it may end up being a nice game. I do have a $25 credit at Best Buy so who knows what the future may bring :D

theapex, You got a great deal on Forza 5 and DLC. It's reassuring to hear you like the game. Now you have me regretting downloading FH2 first lol.

I'm also in no hurry to grab a new release. It seems nowadays you pre-order at full price for the privilege of being a beta tester.
Congrats on getting the X1 along with F5 and FH2.

I personally LOVE FH2. Its a perfect mix between free roam offroad arcade with a sim feel to it depending on how many assists you leave on. Colorful, vibrant, rewarding, and exciting. Its just a really FUN game. Plus you get dynamic night racing along with weather. Just such a FUN game that doesn't take itself to serious at all. You really cant help but smile and have a good time playing FH2. :)

As a huge fan of the Forza sim series F5 was quite a bit of a disappointment coming from F1,F2, F3, and F4. F4 had close to 700 cars where F5 only had 200 at launch. F5 also had about half the tracks, removed the storefront, and removed the auction house along with other features. Quite a few of the Forza vista cars are also not finished. Meaning you cant open trucks or hoods or no commentary. Also still has a fair amount of bugs. F5 is a stunning game graphically but just lacks the content of F4. So its best to go into F5 thinking of it as a demo or beta for F6. Luckily I got F5 for free with my X1. No money lost there. So I just played it as more of a demo / beta.

F6 is looking VERY good. 450+ cars along with night racing and weather. Very excited for F6. :)
theapex, You got a great deal on Forza 5 and DLC. It's reassuring to hear you like the game. Now you have me regretting downloading FH2 first lol.

You made the right choice. If you've got a PC for hardcore sims, FH2 is definitely the breath of fresh air you'll enjoy more than the comparatively dry and sober FM5. It takes a bit to open up every feature in the game, but once you do, it's such a joy just cruising around. Join the GTP club when you get a chance, it's a great way to get sucked into Rivals.
Thanks for the input :). I was able to play FH2 for a bit last night. Some of it really looks beautiful. The wet roads look amazing. I'm still feeling my way around the X1 let alone the game. I'm not sure if I can individually map the controls or not as I really don't like any of the options they offer. I also seem to be getting input lag or something isn't quite working right with the throttle and steering. Then again I'm using headphones with vibrations on the controller so maybe that is sucking too much juice. I might turn off vibrations as I feel they hurt my precision if you want to call it that lol.

Overall the game seems fun so far and I figure I'll get a lot of mileage out of it. If I like a game I'll play it for a long time and keep coming back to it. This might be one of those games (I hope).
Get Horizon 2. Wait for a price drop for Forza 6 and get it later. The communities usually hang around for a while, so you won't miss anything. Forza 5 is nice and all, but Forza 6 is gonna blow it out of the water, so you might as well wait and experience all the tracks like it's your first time.
Thanks for the input :). I was able to play FH2 for a bit last night. Some of it really looks beautiful. The wet roads look amazing. I'm still feeling my way around the X1 let alone the game. I'm not sure if I can individually map the controls or not as I really don't like any of the options they offer. I also seem to be getting input lag or something isn't quite working right with the throttle and steering. Then again I'm using headphones with vibrations on the controller so maybe that is sucking too much juice. I might turn off vibrations as I feel they hurt my precision if you want to call it that lol.

Overall the game seems fun so far and I figure I'll get a lot of mileage out of it. If I like a game I'll play it for a long time and keep coming back to it. This might be one of those games (I hope).
Glad you are enjoying FH2. It just gets better and better. Especially after you make your way to your first "Showcase Event". :D

Yes, you can can remap the controls. I always assign A as the clutch, X as shift down and B as shift up
I use the right analog stick to shift up and down. Push analog up, shift up. Push analog stick down, shift down. I use LB for my clutch. Same setup I have had since Forza 4. I also use a similar setup in The Crew.