Parity in BoP Suggestion

  • Thread starter DarthRazr
United States
United States
Hello Racers,

So since launch, it is obvious the there is little "balance", or parity, in the BoP Daily Races: there is usually one or two cars that dominate all others. Just yesterday the GR.4 was dominated by the Alpha 155. The effect is that if we want a better chance to win, we have to either buy or rent what ever car is most dominant... in other words... we don't necessarily get to drive, or represent, our favorite cars sitting in our collection. If parity is the goal, I believe I have a solution: allowing transmission tuning in BoP races.

I believe the main reason there are dominant cars are because each car has its own unique set of gear ratios in the transmission: some cars are able to accelerate much more effectively than others coming out of turns... able to spool up that power much quicker. Pretty much every other performance attribute is nerfed or capped or whatever for BoP, but it seems that there is a HUGE difference in transmission gearing amongst the cars. If they would allow transmission tuning for BoP races, I really think it will make ALL cars in their respective group competitive, instead of a dominant one or two makes. Another option would be to set the same gear ratios for ALL cars in BoP... that might be a better answer with an easier path.

Admittedly, my frustration stems from the fact that I am a GR.4 Cayman fan... but I can't drive it to win bc some other cars have better transmission gearing... so I'm stuck renting a Alpha 155 instead. Or a Supra. Or a Silva. I'd just like to be able to be competitive with the cars that I love, in a race that is supposedly "Balanced"

And before you say that tuning is "difficult" for the casual player, you couldn't be more wrong: its one of the easiest and most effectual changes you can make to your car. Tuning your transmission, changing gear ratios, is quite nearly instinctual: the higher the number, the quicker you accelerate thru that gear. Its literally that simple, not at all like suspension tuning where complicated physics and geometry are involved. So please, if you see what I'm saying, lets speak out and try to get this change enacted.
I think HP+min weight should be locked in Bop but all other setup Suspension, LSD, Gearing, Brake balance, aero, ballast position, and front to rear torque should be adjustable with the factory setting. IE all Gr1-Gr4 cars have all of these option to adjust. BTW you can already do a Bop race with set up allowed, it is literally with in the games frame work.

Everyone complains about meta cars and I think this would be the best way to fix it. It would also cause people to be glued to their favorite or favorite cars as the time it take to tune would mean they would be less likely to switch.

With that said I think effective one make racing on some tracks is fine, next week GR4@Suzuka should be a good race for the Cayman.
I think in any game no matter how balanced it is you will end up with a meta character or in this case a car. It's a competitive game so people are seeking whatever percievable edge they can get and will always end up finding the meta car even if it is only 1/1000 second quicker. Throwing tunable transmission into the mix will only create a meta transmission setting eventually. The only solution I can think of is if they actually played the daily races themselves and then updated bop more frequently until they got it right. It's pretty obvious what cars need it. What I do is qualify with a meta car and race my Ferrari.
I think in any game no matter how balanced it is you will end up with a meta character or in this case a car.
Choices and differences will always lead to better and worse results.
To remove one car from being dominant is not achieved by changed the best or the worst car (because this will only create a shift in balance and make a new best), but in removing choices and differences.
All cars would need to be identical in performance, ignoring the physics about all cars and just make them look different.
I believe they tried the same thing in F1 to make all cars equally competitive this year.

But that’s not a game, so maybe a wrong comparison.
Let me try another:

Call of Duty updates the balance in every update because there is always a certain weapon or weapon/perk combo that is dominant. It’s not like they haven’t made a FPS before or that they don’t want balance.

I think it’s really difficult to make cars balanced, without making them all the same.
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I believe they tried the same thing in F1 to make all cars equally competitive this year.
F1 is, like the name says, a "Formula" racing series. That means that all competitors adhere to the formula given in the regulations, but there never was or will be a BoP in F1.

What they should do, is let Sophy run the cars on any track available and adjust the BoP accordingly. (Maybe they are already doing that)
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I think HP+min weight should be locked in Bop but all other setup Suspension, LSD, Gearing, Brake balance, aero, ballast position, and front to rear torque should be adjustable with the factory setting. IE all Gr1-Gr4 cars have all of these option to adjust. BTW you can already do a Bop race with set up allowed, it is literally with in the games frame work.

Everyone complains about meta cars and I think this would be the best way to fix it. It would also cause people to be glued to their favorite or favorite cars as the time it take to tune would mean they would be less likely to switch.

With that said I think effective one make racing on some tracks is fine, next week GR4@Suzuka should be a good race for the Cayman.
I rather have certain cars being dominant than open setups, that would ruin Sports mode
Hello Racers! Keep in mind that the purpose of BoP is parity across makes and models! If they didn't want parity in the cars, BoP would be a useless exercise... they don't have BoP so they have a "little" bit parity, they do it so they have parity. If they weren't looking for parity (balance) across makes and models, they'd just have a specific car for each race and be done with it... but they have BoP instead. I think the reason is because they want us to be able to drive our favorite makes competitively.

The idea behind parity (balance) is that the races are then determined by racer skill, not some inherent attribute of the car.

Also, I am not suggesting opening up "tuning". I'm suggesting that they allow just ONE tune that we can have access to that will make a marked difference in the performance of the cars. The reason some cars are so much more dominant than others (and there shouldn't be dominant cars in a BoP race!) is because they have much better gear ratios to row thru the gears with... allowing the car in question the ability to accelerate off the corners much quicker. As it is now, some cars are just complete DOGS coming out of corners, taking forever to get up to speed, whilst others (Alpha 155 comes to mind) zooms thru the gears like nothing.

Again, if the goal is parity, and I think it is for BoP races, then I really think this would be a great solution. It certainly wouldn't hurt things if they tried it out a couple/few times just to see how it goes.
I don't have a problem with making power/weight ratio the same for all the cars, but not allowing tuning is just catering to the arcade racers who either don't know how to set up a car or are just too lazy to learn. The default setups for the majority of the cars in the game are a joke.