PCars2 Rookie looking for fair online racing

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
Hi, although probably a bit older than most I am new to Pcars2 online, I started looking for races maybe 2 weeks ago.

It's not been easy, I did manage to progress through the ranks from U to E (numbers are stil in the 1500, top so far was 1588), and of course there are many tracks I barely know. Not into formulas (old guy, slow reflexes, smooth driving is my only chance here ;) ).

My cars of choice are either the Bentley GT3 (somehow I seem to be the only one liking that car) or the Caterham, I do love that litle bugger. But I'm all for trying different cars and kinds of cars.

My main problem is how much time I lose until I finally manage to find a lobby with decent drivers where I can spend a couple of hours switching between tracks and/or cars. I suppose the best drivers race among themselves in closed lobbies, nothing against that.

I cannot commit to a league with scheduled races because my life is a bit hectic and unpredictable so I would probably do a few no-shows and that is not correct.

So, just for casual (and fair, I hate punters with a passion) racing at late night hours during the week (that's my usual), anyone interested please do say, and share your PSN ID so I can send friend requests and we can both send lobby invites whenever online.

I have two PSN IDs, one is GTP_Hun, used it many times when I was more active in these parts (with Gran Turismo and Ferrari Challenge, years/eons ago). The one I have been using lately is the same as my username here: Hun200kmh. You can add both if you like ( and this interests you).

Cheers all

Oh and btw, it's not because I'm portuguese but ... Portimão rules! :P
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Update: rookie no more, I took the Hun200kmh PSN account to "S" level


... and now I'll start using the GTP_Hun account.

A few comments:

1 - Online is very stable, I rarely had any problems with lag even when racing people from other continents (brasil, latin america, north america and canada, even australians). I suppose technology has evolved and the strengh and quality of online connections also, but it is nice to confirm it

2 - Some cars are messed up with very strange force feedback and odd behaviour. The "Bigger Caterham" SP is one of them, and that's a pity, always liked barchettas). Some are just too good to be true (the Group C Mercedes is a good example also). Also, some cars get severe damage with the slightest of mishaps (Le Mans Jaguar) while others are more robust than a King Tiger tank (again the Le Mans Mercedes)

3 - Many cars are just a joy to drive. I made the bulk of my online career in one of them, the GT3 24H Bentley. I started with it because I liked the sound and general behaviour, and then stuck to it because I noticed (and was mentioned many times within lobbies) that I was the only person using that car online. The car is not as fast as the AMG Merc, the 488 Ferrari or the Porsche, but with a bit of luck and some focused driving it does stand a better chance than most seem to think. Anyway, I can never beat a good driver in a Merc at tracks where top speed matters, like Monza or Daytona. Another one of my favourites is the Caterham, I do love that litle contraption of a car and it holds very well against far more powerful competition. But especially, it is realy fun to drive it, slliding around and doing throttle steering all the way in twisty tracks.

4 - Online behaviour in open lobbies (the only ones I know) goes from appalling to very good, but generally speaking I'd say 80% of drivers I met were both competent and fair to race against. It is better than expected and surely better than what I met in the old days of GT5: P, GT5 and GT6 and even Ferrari or Supercar Challenge.

5 - It is a pity that from all the cars and tracks this game has on offer almost all lobbies just use GT3, GTE or LMP cars in tracks that don't vary much from the usual setting of Monza, Daytona Road Course, and Spa. People are maybe too obsessed with stats so they won't like to try different stuff where their prized rating number might go down.

All in all a very enjoyable online experience, when I posted this thread a few months ago (signaling my return to more online activity after a few years' hiatus) I honestly didn't think I would have so much fun racing online again.

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