Watching replays using GT5?

  • Thread starter Crimson
Everyone's disappointed with the lack of a direct upload to YouTube feature, which is fair enough. Something just occured to me though - not sure if this has already been proven to not work - but why not just use the raw replay data with your own copy of GT5?

Below is a zip file containing some raw replay data from GT5. Try downloading it, extracting it to the root of a memory stick (so you end up with, for example, E:\PS3\SAVEDATA\BCES00569-RPL001), then plugging it into your PS3. Go to the Game menu, Saved Data Utility (PS3), then (your memory stick) and the Gran Turismo data should be in there. You'll be able to hit triangle and copy it onto your PS3.

Now, hopefully, you should be able to view the replay in the Replay Theatre in GT mode.

View attachment
When you go to the replay theatre in GT5 you need to "import" the replay save file, then you can watch the replay.

This is a great way to view other peoples replays as the quality is superb, plus you get all the usual options within a replay to change cameras etc. I'd like to see people uploading their replay files along with their you-tube videos.
When you go to the replay theatre in GT5 you need to "import" the replay save file, then you can watch the replay.

Ah, I see. I had only experimented with my only replay files, so I suppose there was no need to re-import them.

This should be a useful tool. The tiny file size as well as the ability to watch exactly how you want (along with the quality, as CA mentioned) will make replay distribution much more accessible.
I've heard people mention US replays won't work on EU ps3's though, can anyone confirm this? (or upload a US replay since the one the OP posted is EU I think)
i have a US ps3 and i downloaded a replay file from someone on these forums and copied it to my ps3. when i looked at the replay file it said (Updated Version) next to the name, and i was unable to import it in gt5. the only reasons i can think of this happening are 1) we have different patch version of the game or 2) EU replays dont work on US consoles and vice versa.
I now seem to have the same problem. Versions are identical (both 1.07) but my friend´s got the US version, me running the EU version. What a shame!! That replay contains my best race since, in my euphoric moments after race forgot to save the replay..
they should give you the option to convert the replays to .Avi files or whatever , so you can watch them easily on computer .. Write , Edit Or whatever

Is there an easy way to do this now that we dont have the option?! , id like to record my replays but dont know how..