WTF? (Quick Reply Related)

  • Thread starter Shannon
Whenever I use the quick reply, it (vBulletin) automatically adds "[QUOTE=][/QUOTE]" to the beggining of my message, making a blank line appear above my post. It's rather annoying having to edit out these rogue quote tags all the time. đź‘Ž
Mike Rotch
Tool sucks. :D

What is the problem?
Woops. I forgot that quotes in the quoted post don't show up. :embarrassed:


This gets automatically added whenever I use the Quick Reply. :grumpy:
Hmmm, I can't seem to duplicate your problem with either style. Which one are you using?
I always use quick relpy, and I've never gotten that. I'm on Default, too.
I'm using Firefox, and I constantly are switching from Lite to Default and I've never come across this.
(off topic)
BTW, 911, I'm fairly sure that you are over the sig limit, although I have forgotten what it is.
Me neither. And I use quick reply for pretty much everything.
(off topic)
BTW, 911, I'm fairly sure that you are over the sig limit, although I have forgotten what it is.
I edited it just for you, you old grump. ;)

Strange problem you got Shannon...

Even stranger that not even you can work it out. :odd:
Hmmm, I can't seem to duplicate your problem with either style. Which one are you using?
Using Default. I had this problem before but it magically stopped, so I didn't bother with it. Just like now, it's magically stopped again. Damn interweb and it's quirks. :grumpy: