TVR&FF's Photomode and Video Zone - 14th November: News "Final"

  • Thread starter Pebb

Work in Progress
Thanks for the comments.


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Great update Jamie! The first and third are my favourites, with the first shot being the pick of the update! I can't believe how smooth the car actually is in the first shot! From the paintwork to the door lines, to the nicely blended background, the image has got it all - fantastico! 👍 The lime green colour is also a nice touch, don't see many of those kinds of colours around here! 👍

Great stuff, keep 'em coming! 👍
What a great update Jamie! All three shot show off what that car is really supposed to be. Other shots I've seen, the car looks way too cartoonish. But this is great. As mag said, the lime color is a nice choice. 👍
You produce some of the best updates around here man, keep it up! 👍
Great update Jamie! The first and third are my favourites, with the first shot being the pick of the update! I can't believe how smooth the car actually is in the first shot! From the paintwork to the door lines, to the nicely blended background, the image has got it all - fantastico! 👍 The lime green colour is also a nice touch, don't see many of those kinds of colours around here! 👍

Great stuff, keep 'em coming! 👍
Thanks for the comment and visit.

What a great update Jamie! All three shot show off what that car is really supposed to be. Other shots I've seen, the car looks way too cartoonish. But this is great. As mag said, the lime color is a nice choice. 👍
You produce some of the best updates around here man, keep it up! 👍
Thank You
not very keen on the green color on the mustang, but the whole update is good. the first though could use a bit more smudging on some of the fine lines on the car, where some jagged edges are still, though not much, obvious. all in all they look pretty good. the composition and the lighting are quite nice. i see a bit of a similarity to your pgr updates in terms of the tone and color. a great update all together.
Great update. The last one has to be my favourite. The colour; the angle; the passion; the composition of it. You really are a great photographer. You pictures are very eye catching and interesting.
One of your most detailed updates, and "strange" good looking color on the Mustang!!
Top reflections, and great contrast makes this update quite special:)
I actually like the color. Kinda hippy which is a good thing for the mustang.
I hope we will see the new mustang and GT500 in GT5. They're so hot!
btw the update shows you getting better and better
even GT4 photos look as delicious as your PGR shots
I actually like the color. Kinda hippy which is a good thing for the mustang.
I hope we will see the new mustang and GT500 in GT5. They're so hot!
btw the update shows you getting better and better
even GT4 photos look as delicious as your PGR shots
Thanks for the in-depth comment.

Soft postprocessing, that's nice.
Thank You


Gallery News

The shots for my next update, will be taken on Moday or Tuesday.
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Great action shot, and quite realistic too!!! The colors are on the spot, and the camera is really good!!

Indeed, a update to see:tup:

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