And yet again: Hurricane Wilma

  • Thread starter Zardoz
I just hope WILMA looses her strenght when arrives to southwest florida, cause i live there :scared: :nervous: . Also why do hurricanes alwasy hit on the weekends :indiff:
Also why do hurricanes alwasy hit on the weekends :indiff:

This one's actually projected to hit Sunday or Monday. But yeah it's still gonna bring a lot of rain this weekend.
Well we just got our first heavy band. Started about three hours ago, and is clearing out now. So far its going to hit South of where I live, and will land at what looks to be a 2. Still should get some pretty heavy weather out of it, so we got everything buttoned up. Everything is pretty much shut down tomorrow, so I will be on through out the day writting what I see. Electricity allowing of course.
anyone got some colourful pictures of the hurricane atm?

Good luck to all in her path! 👍
Back up to Category 3 as it approaches Florida. The Keys are going to get hit hard:


From AccuWeather:

Wilma's landfall should be around sunrise tomorrow near Naples with pressure readings similar to a category 3 storm although the winds may not be that high. The wind field will be spread out so the Keys and areas from the hurricane track south and east will receive the strongest wind gusts...over 100 mph.

Winds north of the center to Tampa will gust to 60 mph with gusts to hurricane force as far north as Vero Beach. Gales will howl along the East Coast to Wilmington NC. Heavy rain of 3-6 inches will occur across central and south Florida Sunday night and Monday with a few locally higher amounts. Winds from the Outer Banks to Long Island, New York Monday night and Tuesday can reach 60 mph in gusts with flooding rains expected.

The hurricane itself stays out at sea and becomes the eastern focal point of the large ellipse of low pressure Tuesday night. The winds in the coastal waters of New England will mount to sustained storm force with gusts to hurricane force and seas should rise to near 30 feet.

Windswept rains of 1-3 inches should cover much of New Jersey and southeast New York with 3-6 inch amounts in southeast New England. Snows will break out Tuesday in the high grounds from northeast Pennsylvania to central New England.

You cant make this stuff up.

Yes, that last line was part of AccuWeather's report...
This Hurricane is unbeliavble it just doesnt want to die!

Thanks for your reports Zardoz 👍

We dont get a lot of info on our news about Hurricanes until after they hit.
I just really, REALLY, hope that the power doesn't go out. That's why katrina was so bad over here. We didn't have power for like a week and a half. Stupid's map for power outages says widespread over south florida. Damn. Better not be.
Man. We lost power. I was looking outside and saw that the light across the street had just gone out. As soon as I finished saying, "Oh ****, mom! I think that light is out," the transformer nearest my window blew up in my face (blinding white/blue light) and we lost all power. :(

I'm on batteries with my laptop yet again, on the 56k phone line (thank god). We're not even getting the eye. It's been eye-wall the entire time. For about an hour, we've had wind and rain so bad that all visibility was gone. It was just a white blur out of our windows. Our living room is flooding through our sliding glass doors (I have video of the process), and we're on the 2nd floor.

So, yeah. I'm sweating my ass off now, and I had a sick stomach during the worst parts I mentioned above. Nothing gets the bowels moving like a shaking house and an absolutely ruthless onslaught of hurricane fury.

I'm looking forward to that 50 degree temperature tonight.
I am. Duh. I'm in plantation florida, which is just west of ft. lauderdale. We literally have been riding on the eye-wall the entire time.

56% battery remaining. I got some cool video.
OH I'm desperate to see it:drool:

You might be able to sell it to CNN;) Do it quickly and I hope u can make money;):P And you might be so rich to buy a seperate power plant on your roof so next time there's no chance for batteries to fail:dopey:

Ah I guess this aint must seem like the world is going down there:eek:
Up here in Kissimmee south of Orlando, the worse went through about 7am. I woke up, listened for a bit, and rolled over went back to sleep. We haven't lost any power, and the surrounding area looks to be ok. Our winds probably only reached 75+ mph. We have got a lot of standing water, for a fast moving storm, it sure did drop a lot of rain.

Going to be heading back to Tampa sometime in the afternoon. From the looks of it on the radar, that city barely got anything.

Good luck to all down south. I am sure our electric companies will be down there to help out sometime tonight.

Oh and by the way, I am not looking forward to 47 degree weather tomorrow morning.
Its becoming a tradition:

Cancun looting

Its part of the whole hurricane experience now, isn't it? Its as if a certain element plans for it, and heads for the shops and stores as soon as the winds die down a little.


Free appliances! We'll just dry 'em off and we're good to go!
Its becoming a tradition:

Cancun looting

Its part of the whole hurricane experience now, isn't it? Its as if a certain element plans for it, and heads for the shops and stores as soon as the winds die down a little.


Free appliances! We'll just dry 'em off and we're good to go!
He picked a washing machine up and carried it on his back by himself? Who is he, Atlas? I hope he got a hernia.
He must have this really spoiled wife wining "Oh now my brand new T-shirt is wet" and he's super desperate to wash it because his wife's
I'm sure that wide-screen flat-panel will work fine after being drenched:


What? These wusses have to double-up to carry those stoves? Weaklings! :

Okay guys, I'm back. My armpits are like dead raw, too.

Through the miracle of spiritual dance, I aided Florida Power and Light in the restoration of our electricity. I believe we're the first ones in the city with power. We had to get all new equipment after Katrina destroyed our grid and left us powerless for 2 weeks. So, I suppose the new stuff held up enough to just warrant a quick fix.

We still have no cable, though. Our cable module is literally gone. I couldn't find it anywhere. I found the green plastic cover for it 100 ft. across the parking lot, but no actual hardware. All that's left of it is the big thick raw cable lines; the module was ripped from them.

Never in my life have I seen my city so ****ed. It looks as though the keys got the flooding, but we, who got directly hit, took all the wind damage. I believe we've had some tornadoes rip through. There were times when the wind speeds just seemed absolutely unreal. All I saw out of the window was pure white, and nothing more. Our sliding glass windows were bowing in, too. I don't know if any sustained wind could've knocked down our 30 ft. ficus tree. It's currently blocking our main exit. We were stuck for a day until pretty much the whole neighborhood joined together to work on removing a whole bunch of trees blocking an alternate exit.

The stupid news keeps showing all these other places, but they never bother to actually film here in Plantation. I think we have the most wind damage in all of florida. We are like an arbor city. The city prides itself on trees and we have an abundance. Everywhere is (or was, anyway) nice and green and lush. Although, with this hurricane, all of our trees look like they've come straight from an Arkansas winter. Totally bare, if not fallen over.

I spent today at my uncle's house trimming and cutting up his giant mango tree, which broke into millions of pieces and 6 or 7 huge limbs. 1 of those limbs and a few thousand of those piece are resting at the bottom of his pool. :lol: We couldn't get to those, but we busted our asses taking care of the rest. Our final pile of crap from the one tree was about 7 feet tall and almost as large as the garage. Then, we had the 150-300 pound limbs to deal with. I cut what I could with ordinary garden clippers. We have to chainsaw them tommorow. It's pretty hard work trying to dislodge 350 pounds of solid wood from being stuck in a network of splintered limbs. I felt like He-Man, but without the power of greyskull.

Our park (yeah, filled with trees) is totally leveled. The only thing left standing is the gazebo (excuse any spelling error), which, evidently, they built up to code. A lot of people in my neighborhood and a lot of commercial buildings and offices have roof damage. Tiles gone, loose, dislodged. The white fences of almost all of the houses have been totally knocked over. People's screens are missing and/or destroyed. My neighbor's sliding glass door blew off the track and got sucked into his house. His screen and the screen's structure are badly damaged as well. I found a Stop sign below his condo, though (we're both on the second floor). I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.

But, yeah... Not much to say other than to reiterate the fact that Hurricanes absolutely blow. Thank god we have the power back on, and thank god it's been nice and chilly since the hurricane departed.

Can't wait for the cable to return. 56k is a killer. :lol:

Have fun, everyone, and good luck to any other south floridians who're still stick in the mud.

(Let's ****in' move!)
...The stupid news keeps showing all these other places, but they never bother to actually film here in Plantation. I think we have the most wind damage in all of florida...

Yeah, there's been virtually no mention of Plantation. Sounds like you got seriously hammered. Glad to hear you've still got a fairly intact home!

(BTW, GTO_VR4, Omnis doesn't seem to share your opinion that Wilma was a "joke"...)
Well, it's not TOO bad anymore. I'm suprised at how fast the community has cleaned itself up. I haven't seen any stupid bureaucratic nonsensed government involvement anywhere, though. It's just the regular police and the community looking after things. FEMA is so full of crap. They might as well disband them all together.

Hopefully, things will be a lot closer to normal by next week. I'm gonna go out now and check on the work being done to remove the giant ficus. Later, folks.

Edit: Maybe i'll go looking for that Cable module again. We're still out and I haven't found it yet. Haha.

I also forgot to mention that we're on a boiled water policy thing. Every time I brush my teeth, I have this forboding feeling in the back of my mind. Tap water's still unsafe to drink and stuff. Maybe I'm getting a sick stomach from brushing my teeth. Haha, the conflict's so lame.
Cancun Honeymoon

The local radio station interviewed the bride's mother and she said they didn't evacuate because "they didn't think it would be that bad." I guess they missed the record strength part, huh?
Damn omnis, somehow you seem to very positive after this accident. I dont mean about the accident itsself but more....confident in your recovery.

I just hope the aftermath wont get any worse. Like looting and short of food and stuff. I dunno, I just hope it wont get bad and that your through the worst part already....

Wish u luck man!!!
We're all okay, the house is damaged, and the car's wounded. Pictures and stories to follow. My neighborhood looks like downtown Tikrit.

I hope everyone else is doing fine. No power, but we're good on supplies. I don't know when my work will be back to normal, as it's in the same town as me. However, many of the lot cars are damaged, so I don't know when they will ever get around to fixing my broken windowand repainting my car. But compared to all the other things going on right now, it's kind of a minor trouble.

We're packed with fuel, food, batteries, and other dry goods. My brother's got power, so I'm using his computer and we're washing some towels, because the rain poured through my front door. The front yard was a mess, cleaned that up. The backyard is a disaster. Every tree but one on my property sustained serious damage, or topled over. My rose garden is history. The fruit tree was to produce fruit this spring, but it's destroyed. About 500 roof shingles are littering the neighborhood.

On the other hand, I'm getting quite adept at using my axe, I'm lucky to live where I can haul my yard waste to an open lot so the city can clean it, I'm meeting my neighbors, and I don't have time to miss computers, TV, or GT4 yet.

And Wilma, I'm glad you're dead, and I'm not. **** you, anyhow.