B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
GT.com and the grinder are both back up and working for me in the UK (US also confirmed OK).
Note: I am logged in to the SG site, so that's clearly OK too.

All back to normal, conspiracy theorists can relax ;)
poor tb, i pmed as well, lol. working for me with my same settings as before. 4 threads, 25 sec delay, US server, forced la sarthe races.
Does anyone know why my 1 account with bobs doesnt show up drivers number only question mark and those drivers are never picked to race trough widget?

I'm experiencing minor problems. Again it's not related to the Grinder, but the GT website.

After i start a race, the grinder will _not_ go to "RACING" as status, it will stay at "STARTING RACE".. if i restart the widget, it says "LOADING RACE".

I can see on my TV that the PS3 has started the race..

Log into GT website, the Big blue button says "you're currently taking part in a remote race".. if i click it, the window never get to the actual results, so that means Grinder will not be able to either.

Still.. i suspect the grinder will work, it will just not be able to get updates on the race...
ok the problem disappeared, the remoterace page on GT works again.. etcetc.

Again just to try and prevent future lock down of this thread, and point it out once more: Every time you experience Grinder problems, first thing to do is to check the functionality of the GT site..if it ain't working..Grinder won't be either.

Awesome widget!

Would it be possible to add a "pick x driver(s)" in addition to "leave x driver(s)" in driver management? The widget has a tendency to pick multiples from the same friend, and I'd rather spread it out by only picking one driver per friend ...
My widget always says 2 of 6 busy but never stars a race and then wants to reconnect.If I start the race manually it says racing but when the race ends it won't start another race what am I doing wrong
i just added a friend and put him in to the always use and B-Spec Grinder will not use him... i got to use him the old way...(i can use him the old way) B-spec see's him but will not use him... :( i restarted the game and program...
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Anyone else still having issues? It seems to load then after "reserving drivers" it goes to start race and then... bam.. service temporarily down.

I can start races normally from gt5 website.
Anyone else still having issues? It seems to load then after "reserving drivers" it goes to start race and then... bam.. service temporarily down.

I can start races normally from gt5 website.

Yes, because of the ongoing Anonymous attacks, i'd expect some degree of instability the next period of time, .

Sony's has hired external "it-security-agents" ^_^, that's supposedly why we have a hole through right now..

Still it's unstable, sometimes just very slow, sometimes connection times out completely.

Edit: atm everything seems fine!
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Hi Guys!,

Quick question: - How do I force La Sarthe for the widget?

Thanks for the replay.
Enable Yahoo Widgets Debug Mode
CTRL+SHIFT + RIGHTCLICK systemtray icon of Yahoo Widgets. Now "Debug Mode" is visible as an option in the menu, enable it!

In The debug window you can set the race event value, by typing following in the input field:
preferences.preferredRace.value = xxxxxx (then press enter)

Replace xxxxxx with a code that corresponds to the country you have chosen in grinder settings.
Find the country codes here

Good luck
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Quick question: Does anyone also have the problem that the widget never chooses the drivers form the "always use list" anymore? anyone know how to solve it?
Quick question: Does anyone also have the problem that the widget never chooses the drivers form the "always use list" anymore? anyone know how to solve it?

It's most likely because they are in use else where..

I have my older brothers drivers on my list, he does not have any other friends..
I'm most definitively racing his bobs _every_ time (togehter with another friend i also got in "always use" list)

Edit: When you say "never", do you have logs enabled? (grinder settings) , you can check in those files.
(Once logs are enabled in grinder settings, you can rightclick on the grinder widget and select "Reveal logs..." (Rightclick _ON_ the widget, not the icon in the dock)
It's most likely because they are in use else where..

I have my older brothers drivers on my list, he does not have any other friends..
I'm most definitively racing his bobs _every_ time (togehter with another friend i also got in "always use" list)

I though so too, but then I went to check my 1st account (I use a 2nd account to race my 1st account bob's) and they have not been used since i used them 12 hours ago. The problem still stands.