Adrenaline Tune Reviews ~ Honda HSV - Part 1

  • Thread starter Adrenaline
VW W12 Nardo Concept '01
Test Track: Deep Forest Raceway

The Nardo caught my eye the instant I saw it in the Used Car Dealership. Possibly because it was orange, maybe because it shares a similarity with my favorite car in the world; The Saleen S7, or maybe it was just because it's the opposite of any VolksWagen I've ever seen in my life. Regardless I snatched it up and took it to the track and it didn't fail to deliver. The car had some issues but for being a 'street' car it was rather competitive in the online world. At the time tunes were lacking and even today are scarce. Luckily for me, another tune recently popped up and it reminded me of my old friend the Nardo, who had long since been collecting dust in my garage.

Let me start off by saying, I have no intention of using this car at any crazy high HP rating. It's only real use in my garage is to look pretty and to be whored out in the occasional 'street cars only' online rooms, which I usually avoid. Even being a concept, I usually get away with using this car and it's not very common which is another aspect I like. I prefer not to be in the same car as everyone else on the track. So my Nardo does not have any Engine Upgrades performed. Since all 3 of the tunes were initially designed to have them, I suppose that means they're all at the same disadvantage and I can call it a level playing field... But who wants to fight fair anyways.

Hp: 621hp
Weight: 1290kg
Tires: Racing Soft

I reset everything back to default and then maxed the downforce to get a baseline on this car. Having a history with this car, I didn't need much, if any, time to get comfortable and was quickly able to put down a solid lap time for a benchmark on the stock tune, which came out to be a 1:08.023 around Deep Forest.

In it's stock form this car seems to lack agility and doesn't really have any sense of nimbleness. It's unresponsive when turning the wheel and even once it starts turning, it doesn't seem to cooperate very well through the corner. It feels balanced and consistently tight through all aspects of the track. It seems to fight you when you want to make it turn, it has a tendency to go straight and this could be due to it's nature of being a heavy car. I suppose we can put partial blame to that huge W12 motor!
Best Lap: 1:08.023

The first tune i'm going to be working with today is Deutsche Rennsport's. They were the first tune to come to GTPlanet for this car, and I've tested and reviewed their tune in the past, but much has changed since then, so an update is only fair.

*The Deutsche tune didn't have a Tranny Setting, and then I noticed neither did Vengence, So I've applied Basilea's settings to both of them, so Tranny settings will remain constant across all 3 tests.

The Deutsche tune forced me to alter my lines. I'm not a huge fan of that, I can do it, but it definitely puts me out of my comfort zone and makes me a bit more prone to inconsistencies. After 5 laps of adjustments, I finally started putting down good laps and my best 3 laps came on laps 6, 7 and 10. This tune offers more entry ability, but in doing so, seems to sacrifice exit ability, which in my opinion is more important. It's also somewhat deceiving, as it appears the nose of the car is willing to point where you want it to, but the back of the car doesn't follow very well. I had to wait longer to get back on the gas in this tune, but it also was able to hold a tighter line through the center compared to the default set up. I did have a few catches, where the tail of the car broke traction and jumped sideways a bit. Controllable, but just enough to make you second guess your timing on corner exit acceleration. I also ran into a bit of outside tire wheel spin, but a very minor amount.
Best 3 laps:

Moving on to Vengence Tuning. Unfortunately both Vengence and Deutsche are no longer active, but none the less their legends shall live on... or fizzle out if Basilea has his way ;)
The Vengence tune was kind of a reverse of Deutsche's. Now the front of the car doesn't seem to want to turn, but the rear of the car is definitely willing to swing around for ya! So, obviously, you can expect this tune to be a bit on the loose side. I think part of it is due to the brake balance, which is too high on the front. I had the front tires heating up under hard braking on entry, which kinda let the rear tires freely rotate as they wished. It also sent the car into a 4 wheel drift multiple times, but always in a controlled manner, but would really bite you in the ass in a longer online race with tire wear. Even with the cars tendency leaning on the loose side, corner exit was still the Achilles heel for this tune as well. I found myself playing with the throttle trying to get off the corners and poor timing resulted in a meet and greet with the guard rail. If this is the story of Goldy Locks, the first tune was too stable, this one wasn't stable enough and I'm really hoping Basilea's is just right! Regardless, I was able to modulate my braking and be patient enough to smoothly exit the turns which resulted in my
Best 3 laps:

Last but not least, the most recent of the Nardo tunes. Published just over a week ago, in a garage that was opened only 2 months ago. Before even applying Basilea's settings, I'm already worried. A large amount of rake in the vehicle (20) will create understeer, then a positive rear toe which adds more stability and then for the 3rd tune in a row, negative front toe, when I feel this car would benefit from positive toe. But we'll let the lap times do the talking, so here it goes.

As I predicted, Basilea's tune ended up being the most understeering of all 3 so far. I did still manage to best the Defaults lap times, but not by much. I will say, however, that Basilea's tune is very controlled and stable the entire way around the track. Very safe for long runs, but when it comes to running fast laps, it just couldn't get through the corners as tightly or as quickly as the other tunes tested thus far. This car seems to have a lot of grip for what it is and the above tunes used the high Accel setting on the LSD to help the car in sweeping turns. Unfortunately for Basilea, the conservative LSD settings on a track filled with sweeping turns ended up back firing. The excessive rake also seems to be another large fault of this tune. This tune was the smoothest of all 3, which helped make it the most consistent, but unfortunately was not the fastest and for my personal driving style, suffered from far too much understeer.
Best 3 laps:

This is a car that I might look into tuning myself in the coming weeks, but for now my reccomendation would oddly enough, probably be Basilea's tune, with some mild changes. Of which would include a level ride height, 0 rear toe, +.05 front toe, a more aggressive LSD and a closer geared transmission.
But I have a feeling the Vengence tune will prevail on the flatter more open tracks.

So, out of curiosity of the above, I threw together a really quick tune. I only spent 10 laps on it, 2 laps per tweak as a test and by the 10th lap beat my best lap by 2 tenths with a 1:07.102
I might come back to this tune down the road, but I wouldn't mind some feedback, to see if it's just me, or if these adjustments are a step int eh right direction for everyone.
Again, this is an extremely rough draft, 15 minutes including the 10 laps of testing, and I started with Basilea's as a baseline, so I think the shocks and ARB aren't even changed yet.


LSD: 8/30/6
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Hey mate, i got an Acura NSX '91 that i would like to be reviewed, i can send you the car if you want, or the tune is in my garage. Ive given it some final tweaks online and believe is is very good. Hope you get the time, many thanks Jack
All this Enzo testing is offline?

At this current time yes. This will be a multi-part test.
Part 1 - Offline at Tsukuba 1-6
Part 2 - Offline at Tsukuba 7-12
Part 3 - Top 5 at a second track
Part 4 - Top 3 at a 3rd track with tire wear (Hopefully online)
Part 5 - Winner?
Adrenaline the reason for the ballast is that i wanted the specs to be exactly like FXX....

And for RVR's quality just check out the reviews and see! (Including your own :)) :sly:
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Adrenaline the reason for the ballast is that i wanted the specs to be exactly like FXX....

And for RVR's quality just check out the reviews and see! (Including your own :)) :sly:

With all due respect, I don't actually think isolated reviews mean anything beyond the fact that you can improve the tune from an untouched state. This is not an insult to you, or your garage, as clearly the above results show that you've done well with the Enzo. I just feel that unless 1 tune is being compared to another, the review doesn't hold nearly as much value as it could. Tangent 1*

Regardless of the bad taste from before, I won't give any garage an unfair review if it isn't my honest opinion. Tangent 2*

The below is rambling, and really doesn't need to be read to understand the points I made above.
1* There's ~1350 tunes currently available, I'm willing to bet that 95% of them are an improvement to the default set up the car originally had. Which means that every review, should only logically be positive, because it was an improvement to it's counter part. The true value of a tune, can only be found, when compared side by side with another tune that shared the same goal.
Example: 9 out of 10 doctors, recommend chewing Trident after eating.
Isolated, this sounds like a great review, right?
But we actually know, that 9 out of 10 doctors, just recommend you chew gum after eating, they don't give a damn which company you chewse.(puns are fun) In order to obtain any useful, computable data from this 'review', people need to know what benefits chewing Trident has to offer in comparison to chewing Stride.

2* I'm not one to hold grudges, especially when it comes to an online forum. If tomorrow I were to test/compare an RKM tune to one of Noobsters, I wouldn't favor RKM or unfairly judge Noobster, just because of my past experiences with either of them. As far as this thread is concerned, I only care about results. I do this, because I want the best tune available for every car in my garage. The more I continue to win online with the tune, the less I'll care that the designer of the tune was a complete imbecile.
Hi. Yesterday before the publication of the results, i tested my tune on this small track. Just to check how it is. First, 52'500 +- 52'800..
But changing radicaly my driving style, braking earlier , letting the car turn and killing like this the center understeer, i was well oriented to acelerate again.
Result 51'600. I didn't insist tryng because i was shure my friend Fastadrenaline will do a better time than me, he's always much more faster than me on Trial mountain ,deep forest for example. My Enzo is not good and was not tuned for short tracks but i think that who want to try the tune later (slow corner track) must try to do this way. It work well.
Thanks, i'm happy to pass next stage, and let's see what come next.👍👍:)

Enzo Ferrari '02
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

58.118 - Praiano
I'm quickly reminded of how much understeer this car has. In these higher speed sweeping corners, you're really fighting the car, just waiting, and waiting and waiting, for it to 'plant' so you can finally get back to the gas and enjoy the Enzo's powerful climb through the speedometer. Praiano's tune just didn't seem to rotate at all and under any form of gas application the nose starts going the opposite way of where you're headed.

Houch my god, what a fiasco ...haha. This car will come back to the garage and go back on scene only when it 'll run faster as the wind.....
C'est la vie... !!!
For these types of tracks I'd just recommended leveling out the ride height, but I knew it was designed around the NurburgRing, so I didn't judge, because I knee thats how you chose your ride heights.
Seems we spent too much time yelling at the Enzo to turn. :lol:

I don't think Tsukuba is particularly fair to any one of these tunes (it's an Enzo not a Mini) and I wouldn't exactly mind seeing a retest of the bottom half at HSR.
Seems we spent too much time yelling at the Enzo to turn. :lol:

I don't think Tsukuba is particularly fair to any one of these tunes (it's an Enzo not a Mini) and I wouldn't exactly mind seeing a retest of the bottom half at HSR.

I'll put four candles today ,one for each tire and let see if this Enzo will not turn..... I can't see another way to do it !!
Enzo Ferrari '02
Test Track: Tsukuba​

Part 1

I stumbled into a mini Endurance Race Online this weekend for Ferrari's only. I only owned the 430 and the Enzo and the 430 wasn't even close to the PP limit, so I hoped in my Enzo.

Now, I know the Enzo has it's issues and I think that's why I like it. I enjoy being in cars that other people aren't and when it comes to an Endurance Race you can imagine what people think when the see some random American show up in an Enzo. So my quest here is to find or create an Enzo designed to run with the 430's and 458's and make the doubters suffer in their arrogance.

I've chosen Tsukuba for two reasons. The first of which, is if you can make the car nimble enough to get around this track, it won't have any issue on the tracks that I'll actually end up seeing. The second of which, is the track is short and tight. This means I can easily get side by side comparisons of my ghosts to see exactly where and when each suspension characteristics are gaining ground. Finally, it allows me to test all of the 11(12 with default) different Enzo tunes to date without consuming too much time.

Due to the quantity of tunes available, this will be done in 2 to 3 parts.

Part 1 - The Baseline

Knowing that this car will be condition specific I've only tuned it to a moderate level. Every upgrade is installed, with the exception of each Engine Stage Upgrade, all three of which have been excluded to keep the PP at a reasonable level of 632 with maxed downforce, which we won't be needing, due to it's natural understeer. So as the car sits, 1044kg and 789hp, 622/632pp Min/Max Aero.

Default - 52.346
I've begun with every setting at default. Brakes, Suspension, Tranny, LSD, Aero, Ballast, everything. I ran probably about 15-20 laps on Tsukuba to try and get a solid baseline and the lap time I've come up with is 52.346. In it's default form this car is an understeering hog that lacks front end grip, but I'll be damned if it doesn't accelerate like a bat out of hell. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, as anyone who has driven the Enzo stock, knows exactly what I'm talking about. What I do like about the Enzo and part of the reason I've picked it for this project, is that the slower and easier you drive the car through the corners, the faster you go. And any car that lets you get away with driving it easier, and rewards you with not only increased tire life, but also faster lap times, is an Endurance drivers dream. So to sum it up, default the car understeers on entry, exit, through the center, and I think I felt a push on the straight aways too ;)

I'll be going down the list of tunes as they're ordered in the database, so first up will be RKM. RKM's Enzo tune is somewhat special in the fact that it not only marks their 50th anniversary(kinda) but it was collectively tuned by both Roj and RJ. Please keep in mind, that I'm testing the Enzo with only 789hp despite any of the tuners designs and I'll also be ignoring any transmission settings(for now) to ensure that no one is gaining an advantage from a part of the tune that I feel irrelevant. I want to find the best handling suspension and I want lap times to only reflect changes in said suspension, not transmission. It's my personal opinion, some may agree, some may disagree, but it's really not worth arguing. I'm only interested in how the handling effects lap times and tire wear, not the gears, because I fully believe I can have the best of both worlds in the long run.

52.988 - RKM
RKM's tune didn't mesh well with this track. I have used the RKM tune before with success on a separate track, but it didn't work for me today. I found there to actually be more understeer on corner exit than the default tune, but a bit more entry angularity. Unfortunately due to the Enzo's acceleration I think the tune that can get the car out of the corner best, pointed to the straight the soonest will probably be the winner. I also had an issue with the brake balance, but that can easily be changed to drivers preference, but I had some slight lock up on the front wheels under hard braking. The last thing that actually concerned me the most for this project was the rear end of the car seemed very skatey, with a tendency to kinda slide around. I can't claim that it actually broke loose at any time, but in a tire wear environment, it's not what I'm looking for.

52.168 - Avid
Avid, our long lost friend who has indefinitely left us. In the past I have had much success with Avid tunes, with the exception of one aspect, which was always their LSD settings. In all honesty, at face value, RKM's tune 'looked' like it was headed in the right direction. The ride height, the LSD and rear toe, all looked like exactly what I thought the Enzo would need. I have a feeling the front toe and spring rates are what caused the major set back. So, here we are with the Avid tune and the first thing I notice about the settings is... you guessed it, the LSD. An initial of 26 is pretty high by my standards and I thought it would kill this cars ability to rotate. But apparently I can't take anything at face value, because as you see, Avid's tune has posted the best time so far. Now, that's not to say Avid fixed any of the issues this car has been plagued with from the start. In fact the Avid tune feels very similar to the default tune. It doesn't roll the center as well as the default tune, but it had a slightly better exit which allowed me to get to the gas sooner and honestly I think that's the only real difference in the lap time between default and Avid's tune. If I had less tunes to test, I would Frankenstein RKM and Avid's tune together, because I have a hunch. Depending on what happens in the next 8 tunes, I might come back to this. So as for now, my notes say that Avid's Spring rate ratios, were a lot closer than RKM's and I think this may be the cause. RKM's rear toe, ride height and LSD combined with Avid Spring Rates have potential if combined.

52.019 - flashjuan
flashjuan has a total of 2 posts to date. 1 of them is this tune, which is currently sitting on the top of the leaderboard. I liked the way this tune felt, and I think it has to do with the springs. Lately I've been noticing I really prefer soft suspension. This tune gave me the best feel of being 'in the track' so far. It rolled through the center the best of all 3 so far, but it's exit abilities weren't as good as Avid's I must say. With the softer suspension, I did run into some outside tire spin on hard acceleration from center out. Also noticed, that the ghost was able to accelerate faster than I could, which I assume is LSD related.(Higher initial, better accel) The roll bars are a bit extreme, so for notes, I'm just going to note that I prefer the softer feel and feedback of this tune and I think if I combined the things above with some softer springs, we're headed to a solid set of notes, to design our own tune if needed.

51.784 - dLo GSR
This is an altered tune of the above. dLo said he had taken flashjuan's tune and spent some time tweaking it and I can feel a very slight difference. The car seemed to hold the same tightness through the center, for just a split second longer than flashjuans was able to. This helped me get a better line through the turn and into the straights, but I think Avid's tune still has the best exit so far. The outside tire spin was still present and on the exit of turn one actually gave me a few spins in the session. The only note here, would be that, as usual, I feel the lower the LSD DeAccel setting, the better.

51.679 - MrGrado
Another altered tune that originated from flashjuan. This one seems to actually be a variation of dLo's, but as you read above, indirectly flashjuans. MrGrado opted to use the standard differential, which according to the specs, is a 5/20/10 set up. I did seem to allow me to drive into the corner with more angle, but it didn't accelerate as quickly as any tune with a higher Initial. Other than that, there really isn't much else to say, because the differences are nearly non existent. The lower rear camber seemed to help the rear end stability on entry but that's about it. Notes: Lower rear camber was better, 20 accel is too low, 30 seemed to be slightly too high.

Enzo Ferrari '02
Part 2

Tune 7... Was a mistake upon further reading. I realized it was just a failed attempt at a quote, not an actual second set of suspension settings. So we'll be moving right along to #8!

52.193 - Uxi
Again we run into another variation of flashjuans tune. I gave this one some extra laps, being as that it's the first of the day, but even with that I was still only able to run a 52.193. I feel MrGrado's variation has been the most successful of the bunch. This one just didn't seem to hold it's line through the corner as well as the others.

51.602 - Woody3says
Finally we reach a tune that isn't just another variation. Although some of the settings are polar opposites of previous tunes, I'm interested to see how reversed spring rates and the odd shocks will work out. Uniqueness has seemed to paid off. Not only did this tune produce the best lap time thus far, it also had the best feel of them all, and the cherry on top, is that I feel this tune has the most potential to be improved upon. There were a few things like ride height, rear toe, aero, shocks and the LSD that I feel could be adjusted to benefit lap times. It was very smooth throughout the entire track and was also consistent. I ran multiple laps under the 52 second mark in my test.

51.472 - Gizmo247
This tune actually felt very similar to the one above. Very smooth and consistent overall, but somehow seemed to get off the corner a little bit, but sacrificed some late apex maneuverability. I'm not sure that's even possible, so I'm probably wrong, but regardless, I can't argue with lap times. I did see a very slight tendency to burn the outside rear tire, but I also think that's why it exits better. For the most part this tune was just barely ahead of the previous ghost for the entire track, it was the last large sweeping corner where it seemed to gain that time to become a new best. This could be due to a better line on my part, but it's hard to say. I suppose that's what there's more than 1 part to this test :)

51.510 - RVR
Now we're getting back into the regular tuners we've been seeing lately. RVR a rather young garage that seems to crank out tunes, which worries me as far as quality. RVR did well in my LFA test, but upon further inspection the values seemed eerily close to another large garages tune, which left a bad taste in my mouth. Regardless, a second chance is upon us, so let's see if RVR's quality matches their quantity. A note, is that RVR's tune called for SRF to be on, and I will absolutely have no part in that. It also appears to use ballast which I'm openly against, but it is what it is. Within the first lap, I noticed that RVR's tune had the best steering response. I'm not sure whether it's the ballast sitting on the rear bumper, or possibly, the very soft front spring, but it was nice. The car handled rather well overall. It seemed to lack forward bite and rear traction on exits. This combined with the extra weight of the ballast, hurt the cars acceleration, as expected. The RVR tune was actually ahead of the ghost after the last hairpin, but down the straight the ghost just powered away, slowly but surely. Another easily resolved issue, was that the rear end had a tendency to dance a bit when you release the brake pedal after a strong entry. Other than that, it felt good, I even had to double check that RVR didn't update their tune after reading part 1, because it seemed to fall into exactly what I've been leaning towards through the other reviews. An LSD like RKM's set up, a softer suspension and reverse rake. The ballast could be used to an advantage in PP races, so I'll keep this in mind for later testing.

51.783 - Praiano
Praiano's tune came with a disclaimer specifically stating that it's not for use on smaller tracks, lol. Despite this, the lap time is still respectable, the car handled well, but it just had more understeer from center out, than any of the last 2 or 3 tunes I just drove. This issue was also magnified under acceleration. I did successfully use Praiano's tune over the weekend on Monza and it seemed to do very well there. It got me the win, which is what's important :D


Part 3 will be conducted with the top 5 from test 1.

Enzo Ferrari '02
Part 3
High Speed Ring

Okay, taking the top 5 from parts 1&2, we move on to the High Speed Ring. What I consider to be the opposite side of the spectrum from Tsukuba, these 2 combined should exploit any and all flaws with the car. For part 3 we'll be reversing the order that they were tested in last time.

58.118 - Praiano
I'm quickly reminded of how much understeer this car has. In these higher speed sweeping corners, you're really fighting the car, just waiting, and waiting and waiting, for it to 'plant' so you can finally get back to the gas and enjoy the Enzo's powerful climb through the speedometer. Praiano's tune just didn't seem to rotate at all and under any form of gas application the nose starts going the opposite way of where you're headed.

57.822 - RVR
RVR's ballast takes the car from it's natural 44/56 weight distribution and pushes it to 42/58, right at the cliff of landing on 41/59. I don't expect the weight to be as much of an issue on this track, because your speed never really drops low enough for the car to really suffer from it, but I could be completely wrong. And, a side note, as I moved the ballast from 0 to +50, the PP increased by 1. The weight did seem to slow me down a bit on the straights, but the ghost wasn't getting to far away from me. Maybe a car length by the end of the long straight. Seemed to have a strong corner entry with this tune. On the lower speed ess curves, it stays stuck to the bottom better than Praiano's, but on the high speed corners there didn't appear to be any difference. I didn't run my best lap until the very last lap(10). If I'm honest, I think it was only because of a single corner, where I just had a better line due to driver, not tune. On the other hand, for 5 laps in a row I ran 58.1's so this tune was just as capable as Praiano's. I'd be curious to see what would happen without the ballast.

57.984 - Gizmo247
Gizmo's tune was extremely smooth and consistent(handling wise). The car looks very calm and controlled through each part of the corner. But for some reason suffers from more understeer on exit than either of the 2 tunes above. I think there's 1 glaring defect with Gizmo's tune, that could really alter his tune and that's rear toe. All 3 of these tunes, would probably benefit from less rear downforce on this track too, but that's a track specific type deal.

57.980 - Woody3say
I just couldn't keep the car low through the corners and it was very resistant to any type of direction change once it had 'set' from the entry, so you're just kind of forced to ride it out and hope you make it through the corner.

57.617 - MrGrado
This tune has the best high speed agility. I could still steer the car even at the highest speeds, which was something I lacked in all of the above. The car felt good, balanced throughout and because of that it pulled the fastest lap.

57.617 - MrGrado
57.822 - RVR
57.980 - Woody3say
57.984 - Gizmo247
58.118 - Praiano

So based on both tracks combined so far, the 3 tunes that I'll be taking to the final(?) round will be MrGrado, RVR & Gizmo247. The next round will be tested with tire wear on, at Grand Valley Speedway for 15 laps. I'll document both tire wear as well as completion time of the race to decide the winner.

Enzo Ferrari '02
Test Track: Grand Valley Speedway​

Part 4

This test was performed in A-Spec > Practice > 1 Make > Tire/Fuel Wear: On > Grip Reduction: Real
4 Laps at Grand Valley Speedway, each lap, total time and tire wear all documented. All 4 laps were run as hard as possible, the same way I would if it was an online shootout for 4 laps. I tried testing 15 laps at a time, while conserving tires, but it was hard to remain consistent with all variables such as coasting, brake and throttle modulation, not to mention as tires wore down, the car was much more prone to slipping and sliding which added an inconsistent variable. So what I did, was run 4 really hard laps and re-started if any mistake was made that would alter lap times or tire wear, such as slides, or spins. Launched from the line at full throttle for all 4 tests. I tried to make it a controlled environment, and as you'll see from the following lap times, I must have been pretty damn consistent...

First off, I cleared everything, put the car back to default and ran 5 warm up laps, then a 4 lap test session.




Tire Wear:
To be honest, the wear was the exact same across all 4 tunes with the exception of 1, which was RVR. The same 'wear' was evident, but where it was, was slightly altered compared to the rest. RVR's tire wear had the rear tires with 1 pixel line less than the other tunes, but at the front 1 pixel line more than the rest and also showed the Left Rear slightly more worn than the right rear. (Discussed below) All comparisons were done as accurately as possible, with a camera set in a specific position on my desk, with the picture being taken on the last lap, down the last straight, when the car reached 150mph. I then compared the pictures to make the best analysis I can within the limitations of accuracy.

Understeer, but stable.

Oddly enough, it felt worse than the default as far as understeer goes, from center out, but lap times had a slight advantage.

A little tail happy overall and I think this is verified by the tire wear. With more laps, I'd venture to say this tune could become a handful. It also stressed the tires on braking more than the other tunes, and can cause lock ups if not careful.

If I'm going to be honest, I didn't really feel much difference from the default tune overall, but the laps times were noticeably better and corner speeds were just a touch higher. So I believe it has the same balance as the default, but just a better grip level at that balance. This makes it unnoticeable feel wise, but allows you to average 1-2mph faster around corners, which in the end added up to 2 full seconds over 4 laps. I really think the strength of this tune, lies within the rear toe.

The winner can be none other than MrGrado. Winning 2 of 3 rounds, and staying within a margin of 2 tenths in round 1, combined with even tire wear, stable and consistent car lap to lap, makes it a unanimous decision. Although, I must say that in my personal opinion, none of these tunes are reaching their full potential. In the future I'll be mix 'n matching what I feel to be the best of each tune, to try and produce an unmatched tune among them. For now I can recommend that MrGrado's will give you the best results on larger tracks, with solid results on smaller ones. But if you're going to be focusing on smaller tighter tracks, you may want to take a closer look at test one and decide for yourself.
It's a pity that i'm out with my last very bad Enzo tune. The new one with ballast is much more better. I'm not as fast as you Fastadrenaline and i turn 1'45"500 safely on Grand Valley.
The good thing is that without this review, i had never remake the tune, but now i have a better car in my garage because of this.
So , what next my friend......Have a good day.
It's a pity that i'm out with my last very bad Enzo tune. The new one with ballast is much more better. I'm not as fast as you Fastadrenaline and i turn 1'45"500 safely on Grand Valley.
The good thing is that without this review, i had never remake the tune, but now i have a better car in my garage because of this.
So , what next my friend......Have a good day.

Basically, because your car is maxed out, while adrenaline put all tunes on a 632pp Enzo. I would have been more curious about the results for the maxed out Enzo though.
Basically, because your car is maxed out, while adrenaline put all tunes on a 632pp Enzo. I would have been more curious about the results for the maxed out Enzo though.

1044kg and 789hp, 622/632pp:.... You must be right, he's always 1,5 sc faster than me on this track ( i remember the RUF black project).
But i still think that my new tune is much more better than the last one and in his hands must reach a very good time on any tracks.
I understand the desire to see the tests performed at max power, but for me the Enzo is going to be a 600PP Endurance Racer when I'm done, so in order to make the tests relevant to my cause, this is what needed to be done. My Grand Valley times, were with 796hp (Once fully broken in) and 1044kg, which came to 630pp exactly and run on the stock transmission. I will say, however, that I don;t think the extra 110hp will really make that much of a difference. I know it sounds crazy, but this car is being limited by it's corner speed. More power won't help it turn better, rendering the 110hp useless at every corner. It will help the car accelerate to each corner, but I'd imagine that's not going to make significant changes in lap times.

As for what's next... Well I have 2 requests in my inbox waiting, plus this HKS 230 shootout thing. Then once I'm done taking a break, from the massive amount of time I just put into the Enzo, I'll hop back in, and probably start on my personal tune for it.
I understand the desire to see the tests performed at max power, but for me the Enzo is going to be a 600PP Endurance Racer when I'm done, so in order to make the tests relevant to my cause, this is what needed to be done. My Grand Valley times, were with 796hp (Once fully broken in) and 1044kg, which came to 630pp exactly and run on the stock transmission. I will say, however, that I don;t think the extra 110hp will really make that much of a difference. I know it sounds crazy, but this car is being limited by it's corner speed. More power won't help it turn better, rendering the 110hp useless at every corner. It will help the car accelerate to each corner, but I'd imagine that's not going to make significant changes in lap times.

As for what's next... Well I have 2 requests in my inbox waiting, plus this HKS 230 shootout thing. Then once I'm done taking a break, from the massive amount of time I just put into the Enzo, I'll hop back in, and probably start on my personal tune for it.

So if 110 hp is not the reason, my new tune is really fast... and i'm shure the few ballast on the rear make a big difference. This can be the solution for your next 600PP Endurance Racer, because it's not only faster, it's safer , just a few TOE ,all the others have a lot to correct the car and much more equilibrate, that's mean :good for the tires, good for endurance.
It' s a great job you've done here, take your time and we'll wait for your next tune. Bye.
Ford GT LM Spec II
Deep Forest Raceway - Online - 810hp/1130kg

For a long while now I've been meaning to put some effort into the ever so popular Ford GT race cars. Many racers have come and gone, falling victim to that of my Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca. All the while I had wondered why I kept seeing so many people trying to tame these Ford GT's. They seem extremely quick for 1-2 laps, but they slide every which way and by the 3rd lap their tires are already trash, allowing me to cruise on by with lots of life left on my tires, in a car that may very well have been weaker overall. This is quite similar to the story of my GT500 experience where I've run Supras for the last 6 months, because even though everyone else was in these quick little NSX's they don't seem to last, and they seem to be very twitchy and hard to control. Recently I spent the time getting to know an NSX and quickly began running quicker lap times than my Supra was able to produce. So imagine my surprise when the same outcome can be applied to the current scenario.

Today was the day... I spent an entire day in an online room, at a single track, in a single car. I ran well over 150 laps of Deep Forest in the White Ford GT LM Spec car. Lap after lap I found myself spinning uncontrollably, at every possible point of the track. Backwards through tunnels, sideways into the pits, laying strip after strip of rubber while accelerating and swapping ends anytime a single blade of grass was grazed. Tune after tune, test after test, lap after lap I began to tame the beast. I created my baseline with a completely default suspension setup, with the exception to downforce which was maxed out to 50/70 to help keep the car planted to the track. The best I could run under such conditions was a 1:03.127.

From this baseline, I had a solid point of comparison, but as I began testing the 5 tunes currently available for this car, I noticed that things weren't really getting better; in fact, worse. I had a hunch, that the offline design, to online application was the cause for this, so I did my best to help the tunes that needed it. 80% of this cars issues, seem to stem from the LSD set up. I created a rough but very effective LSD, to universally apply to all tunes across the board, and as usual I left the transmission gearing default to prevent any gearing advantages tune to tune, as to focus on the suspension at work.

As I delve into the tunes, I'm going to quickly eliminate 2 of them, from consideration. The first of which will be Tharain's. Clearly designed for the offline physics, this cars back end, quite literally could not stay where it needed to. Making a single lap, proved to be far more work than anyone should ever have to put forth into a car. Even after the LSD adjustments, this car was still too hard to control and would cause far more trouble than it's worth in any race that's longer than a single lap. Second to be eliminated is Phantom3D's. A partial variation of VinceOne's tune, it too had issues keeping the car pointed in the right direction.

From this point forth, we're now down to only 3 real contenders. MFT, DUI and VinceOne. Vince has the upper hand, seeing as how his tune was designed for the online environment, whereas I don't believe MFT or DUI were. Even that being the case, all 3 of these cars remained within 3 tenths of each other, despite each tune receiving roughly 30 laps a piece, after I had already spent 50+ getting comfortable in the car with the default suspension and a personally modified version of the default to feed my curiosity. To avoid the online/offline advantage, as stated above, I used a universal LSD which I made sure worked effectively and efficiently for all 3 tunes. The LSD alone shaved a full 2 seconds off of MFT's lap times, as I tested them all both ways.

Coming out on top was in fact Mad Finn Tuners with a 1:01.770
Following closely behind them was DUI with a 1:01.983
And within reach we find VinceOne's tune with a 1:02.044
Default: 1:03.127

The tune from MFT comes with some responsibility though. Of these 3, it's easily the most difficult to drive. I shouldn't say drive, but just difficult to control. It's much more tail happy and far more likely to punish you than reward you. A single mistake that sends you for a loop, could easily be what costs you a race in the online world. But, if you have the accuracy and precision, as well as guts to handle this car, then by all means, you may find yourself posting the best lap times possible in this car.

For the beginners... People who like the GT, or who want to drive it, race it etc, but always found the car to be beyond their skill level, DUI has created an extremely beginner friendly tune here. The safest of all the existing options, this car you can jump into, take for a ride and build confidence while still being able to put up competitive lap times. Highly recommended to those who may be driving the GT for the first time.

Vince's tune falls right in the middle of the two, but lap times weren't as quick. Possibly driver preference, but if the easier, safer car is faster, it's pointless to recommend Vince's tune over DUI's.

My thoughts... Deep Forest is an extreme testing ground for cars. I have a feeling that on other tracks that aren't as demanding, the MFT would become easier to drive, more consistent and remain the fastest of the 3. For the MFT tune, my only feedback would be that the rear spring might be a touch too stiff. Myself and 2 others seemed to enjoy it more with just a touch softer spring in the rear. For DUI I'd say you should try leveling out the car a bit. A difference of 19 front to back, is quite a bit, but it's a large part of why this car is the safest. But I think a happy medium could be found, in the 8-12 range, allowing a bit more rotation while keeping the traction. Also, look into your downforce numbers. There's rarely a reason not to be running close to max downforce on these types of race cars. I actually tested it a 50/70 and without it, I can safely assume your lap times would have greatly suffered. But, I also tested these tunes at 810hp. To Vince, I'd say spend some more times on your shock package. I'm not a fan of matching front to back numbers, but that could just be me.

Over the next week or 2, I'll be trying to work my way through all of the Spec II test car tunes as well. I might also take the 3 tunes above, to a flat track, something like TGTT or maybe even GVS to see how they fair on a track that isn't as extreme as Deep Forest.
For DUI I'd say you should try leveling out the car a bit. A difference of 19 front to back, is quite a bit, but it's a large part of why this car is the safest. But I think a happy medium could be found, in the 8-12 range, allowing a bit more rotation while keeping the traction. Also, look into your downforce numbers. There's rarely a reason not to be running close to max downforce on these types of race cars. I actually tested it a 50/70 and without it, I can safely assume your lap times would have greatly suffered. But, I also tested these tunes at 810hp.

My understanding of aerodynamics has always been, and this is in layman's terms, higher amount of downforce = less top speed/acceleration and vice versa. I suppose my question is, do they really take that into account in game, or are you rewarded by simply maxing it out?
My understanding of aerodynamics has always been, and this is in layman's terms, higher amount of downforce = less top speed/acceleration and vice versa. I suppose my question is, do they really take that into account in game, or are you rewarded by simply maxing it out?

I find very few tracks benefit from less downforce. Daytona is the easy one, Indy, SS7, High Speed Ring, La Sarth and maybe 1 or 2 others, are the ones where you have to weigh the benefits. A simple rule of thumb, is as much downforce as it takes, to roll through the turn at full throttle, any more than that, is unneeded. But that's just my take. And unless it's in a PP environment it's never really been an issue.
I used a universal LSD which I made sure worked effectively and efficiently for all 3 tunes. The LSD alone shaved a full 2 seconds off of MFT's lap times, as I tested them all both ways.

would like to share these settings?
Hmm. I haven't really done any testing on it myself, but I suppose I should now. I've been making a point to use just enough aero to settle the car through the corners with the thought that in doing so would still give me all of my straight line speed, but if it doesn't matter I'm definitely going to break out the max downforce.
Same may have noticed the link on the page, but I'm currently working on a write up for the Honda HSV. I took the currently existing 7 tunes, tested and reviewed them all, as part 1 of 'The Evolution of an AdrenaTune' and it is now live. For all those interested the link can be found on the main GT5Tune website here: AdrenaTune