I want your 0/0/0 cars! Anything tradable considered!

  • Thread starter Mobydick
Hi everyone I've just lost my 1000+ cars collection and now it's time to start the painful recovery. At the moment things I can trade includes chrome and all matte colour chips, both GT Academy cars, tickets lv5, 9, 12, 17, 21 to 24, Historic Rally Car, Rally Base Car, Rally Car, Classic Muscle Car, Modern Muscle Car, and B-Days '42 to '93 and '95. 0/0 cars I've got up to date are in the link in my sig. The first few items I'm looking for is listed below. Only interested in 0/0 cars thanks.

Will consider anything as long as they are 0/0 and tradable! Cars from previous OCD for example.

Trading Schedule:
04 AUG: B-DAY '88 to s0ul_chicken for Lv 23 DONE
05 AUG: B-DAY '93 to s0ul_chicken for Lv 22 DONE
06 AUG: B-DAY '78 to s0ul_chicken for Lv 12 DONE
07 AUG: B-DAY '93 to GT_COL for RUF Yellow Bird DONE
08 AUG: lv21 to noisiaturismo for Honda Z ACT DONE
08 AUG: Matte colour chips to bigbillwrx for Dodge Charger R/T in Green Go DONE
09 AUG: Amuse S2000 STREET VERSION '04 to PhillGuy for B-DAY '70 DONE
10 AUG: B-DAY '66 to Cheap_Charley for Nissan 370z Academy DONE
11 AUG: Lv23 to ReCoN_FX for Nissan 370z Academy DONE
12 AUG: Lv22 to SkierPS3 for Full Tuned Gold Chrome 370z Academy Done
13 AUG: Lv23 to mattythedog for green Lambourghini Countach LP400 Done
14 AUG: B-DAY '67 to NAP-man for RUF CTR2 DONE
15 AUG: Rally car ticket to mutaiam for B-Day '95 DONE
15 AUG: Matte colour chips to GTRTurboSpool for RUF CTR2 DONE
16 AUG: 370z Academy and matte colour chips to Xavier2342 DONE
17 AUG: Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Road Car to Koho for Nissan Gran Tursimo Skyline GT-R '01 Done
18 AUG: B-DAY '66 to gearninga for '09 B-DAY Confirmed bad trade
19 AUG: Lv23 and matte colour chips to Tomhunt85 for RUF RGT DONE
20 AUG: Tom's x540 CHASER from Abstrak0ne with many thanks DONE
20 AUG: 370z Academy to topban82 DONE
21 AUG: RUF Yellow Bird to GTRTurboSpool for Honda Integra DC2 type R Confirmed bad trade
22 AUG: Spoon DC2 to GTRTurboSpool Confirmed bad trade
24 AUG: B-DAY '42 to hrcboy for Subaru Coupe 22B STI DONE
25 AUG: B-DAY '44 to hrcboy for GT-R LM road car DONE
26 AUG: Crislot pulled out, so Ford Focus RS to JothamTyler123 for Golf GTI '76 DONE
27 AUG: M3 GTR darren200cook for Z06 RM DONE
28 AUG: MB A class to Demonyze for paint chips DONE
29 AUG: GT-R LM road car R33 to DemonyzeCanceled
30 AUG: SL65 AMG (R230) to Demonyze for Mitsubishi Super Rally Car DONE
31 AUG: Amuse Carbon R (R34) '04' to Demonyze Subaru Impreza Rally Car '99DONE
01 SEP: Historic Rally Car ticket to Demonyze Subaru Impreza Rally Car '01DONE
02 SEP: B-DAY '86 to Demonyze Subaru Impreza Rally Car proto '01DONE
03 SEP: Renault 5 Turbo '80 to Demonyze DONE
04 SEP: B-DAY '85 to Demonyze Subaru Impreza Rally Car '03DONE
05 SEP: MB SLR '03 to Perti78 for B-DAY '09 DONE
06 SEP: Ticket 1000 to decho for Historic Rally Car ticket DONE
07 SEP: B-DAY '67 to darkenforca for TVR Speed 6 Done
08 SEP: Lv 24 to darkenforca Pontiac GTO 5.7 Done
09 SEP: B-DAY '92 to darkenforca Jag XKR R performance Done
10 SEP: Mine's GT-R N1 Base '06 to squirlybmx for BMW M3 GTR '03 Done
11 SEP: 370Z GT Academy to squirlybmx for BMW M coupe '98 Done
12 SEP: B-DAY '89 to iCyCo for B-DAY '04
13 SEP: B-DAY '92 to iCyco for B-DAY '07
14 SEP: Lv23 to Mmiles33 for ticket 1000
15 SEP: Lv23 to Grzelakin for Mustang SVT Cobra R
06 OCT: B-DAY '78 to Mariorip1977 for RUF BTR
07 OCT: B-DAY '79 to Mariorip1977 for RUF Yellow Bird
08 OCT: B-DAY '80 to Mariorip1977 for RUF CTR2
09 OCT: B-DAY '83 to Mariorip1977 for RUF 3400S
10 OCT: B-DAY '84 to Mariorip1977 for RUF RGT

Special thanks to all these great traders: s0ul_chicken X3, GT_COL X2, bigbillwrx, PhillGuy, Koho, Tomhunt85, Cheap_Charley, Xavier2342 X2, ReCoN_FX X2, SkierPS3 X2, mattythedog, NAP-man, GTRTurboSpool, mutaiam, Abstrak0ne, hrcboy X2, darren200cook, Demonyze X6, Perti78, decho!
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Hey I've got a light blue CTR2 in my Used Cars but it isn't 0/0...
I can trade a Yellow Bird for your '93 on the 8th.

Sorry can we make it 9th? as 8th is already booked. Not to be rude but just to make sure is yr Yellow Bird 0/0? I'll send you the B-Day from PSN BILSBO293 and please send the car to PSN BiLsBo thank you very much.
I have 0/0 Academy GTRs Red & Black & 370Zs Silver, Black & Red, but none in yellow. If Interested give me a PM, I'm just looking for some B-day Tickets.
Lamborghini countach p400? It's 0/0, and it's around 200,000cr. in the UCD.
GT-R specV (GT Academy Version) '09, ultimate opel black, 0/0 miles
would like a 67 bday ticket

No problem, is the 14th suitable for you?

P.S: If you've got any other 0/0 car I would be more interested as I can win the GT-R anyway
Havn't done any endurance yet so no lv24, if 23 is fine with you how about the 13th? If you don't mind

I am away then, but if i send you the car before then, im happy with you not sending the ticket until you are available. My PSN is MattyTheDog.
Hard one but a CTR2 would be nice, what would you like in return mate?

Sorry, I think I didn't buy it because there was no reason, but I'll look if I see other RUFs or something. :)
Sorry, I think I didn't buy it because there was no reason, but I'll look if I see other RUFs or something. :)

Sure any 0/0 RUFs will be much appreciated, please check out my collection:tup:
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sure. But as you can see my next trade day will be on the 19th that means I can only send my return by then is that fine for you?
Yeah that's fine as long as you remember, fr me Tom_h85 and I'll send it later on. Could you send a l21/23 ticket please in swap. Thanks.