Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Quick human translation:
Kaz_Yamauchi: GT5、NASCARのオンライン・イベント始まりました。http://ow.ly/6adxl
Kaz_Yamauchi: GT5, a NASCAR online event has begun. http://ow.ly/6adxl
Kaz_Yamauchi: はい、その通りです。「GT.COMでNASCARのオンラインイベントを発表しました」が正しいね。RT @xanavigtr: @Kaz_Yamauchi 始まるのは8月30日ですよね?
Kaz_Yamauchi: Yes, that's correct. It's right [to say] that "at GT.COM a NASCAR online event has been announced" RT @xanavigtr: @Kaz_Yamauchi It's on 30th August that it begins, doesn'it?
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Yay! i love nascar, i cant wait for that! :lol:

Not that there's been any statement yet but as KY is tweeting about NASCAR it's possible that at some stage we'll also see similar seasonal events around WRC (winning Loeb gear), Top Gear (Stig outfit) and Red Bull (Vettel outfit). At least with these kinds of messages from KY, we know that work continues even if it's just seasonal events at the moment.
When I threw his most recent tweet into the translator-san, it came up as if Kaz was using Text Speak. Funny that.

It looks like the guy is saying that he's just broken into the car manufacturing industry, and Gran Turismo inspired him to do so. Kaz simply says he is happy!
Google translate
うれしい。RT @yajin89: @Kaz_Yamauchi はじめまして。私は今自動車メーカーで働いています。きっかけは中学生のときに出会ったグランツーリスモです。それ以来クルマの面白さに取り付かれ、社会人になるに当たり、この業界に飛び込みました。

Happy. RT @ yajin89: @ Hajimema****e Kaz_Yamauchi. I am now working at auto manufacturers. Trigger is met during junior high school gran. Hard for the fun of the car since, upon which human society, jumped into the industry.

Haha, stupid censor filter. That's Hajimemashi.te which loosely means "pleased to meet you", although somewhat more polite / formal.
New GT5-related tweet:

Kaz_Yamauchi: 今年のPBのGran Turismo Trophy は、これ。http://ow.ly/6dsZi オーナーの方に喜んでいただいてよかった。サー・スターリング・モスさんとジョン・サーティースさんにはPBのプログラム(表紙はメルセデスSLR/722)にサインをいただきました。

Kaz_Yamauchi: this year's Pebble Beach Gran Turismo Trophy is this one: http://ow.ly/6dsZi I'm thankful for having warmly received it from its owner. I've [also] received an autograph from "The" Stirling Moss and John Surtees on the Pebble Beach program [pamphlet] (on the front cover there's a Mercedes SLR/722).
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" I'm thankful for having received it from the owner with pleasure"

So the owner has leant the car to Kaz for modeling or...?
I guess so. In a previous tweet he mentioned that the PB Gran Turismo Trophy winner will be modeled for the next GT game.
OMG SLR Mclaren 722 confirmed. Stirling Moss driver skin confirmed. A track with beaches and pebbles confirmed. No chance for disappointment. j/k

Every time that is how people react. Kinda crazy. But on a side note, screw the winner, I want that Alfa...
@paskowitz: Don't forget John Surtees! That'll be confirmation of motorcycles and cars in the game! (Also kidding.)

Nice to see our detectives figured this one out fairly rapidly, as usual :P
That XNR is a funky-looking car, but I'm not overly bothered by it. Still, it's nice to see unusual cars being considered, even if we do miss out on some of the more "established" classics.
@paskowitz: Don't forget John Surtees! That'll be confirmation of motorcycles and cars in the game! (Also kidding.)

Nice to see our detectives figured this one out fairly rapidly, as usual :P
That XNR is a funky-looking car, but I'm not overly bothered by it. Still, it's nice to see unusual cars being considered, even if we do miss out on some of the more "established" classics.
That goes in line with what Kaz has said in the past about how GT is a kind of car museum. He likes seeing obscure and rare cars modelled and implemented in the game because the real counterpart might not be around forever.
Latest GT5 related tweet by Yamauchi:

Kaz_Yamauchi: 1.11アップデートは8月30日あたりになりそうです。北米は1日早いかな?メモリ不足と思われるバグは解消されているはずです。機能やコンテンツの追加はありません。それらの追加は9月もしくは10月頃のアップデートでやる予定です。(英語のアカウント、作ったほうがいいな・・)

Kaz_Yamauchi: it looks like update 1.11 will come up around August 30th. In North America one day earlier perhaps? A bug thought to be due to insufficient memory should have been solved. There is no addition of functionalities or new content. Their addition is planned to be done with updates on September or October. (I really think it would be better to make an English [twitter] account...)

For clarity, he means he thinks it is probably time for him to make an english twitter account. He's rewritten the tweet above in simpler japanese due to problems with automatic translation tools.
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Yes Kaz make an English Twitter:P
Unfortunately the 150 character limit is really limiting for the English language (this is also reflected on online GT5 features with limited character space. They really were intended for japanese characters). This can either mean dumbed down tweets for the english Tweeter account version, or hopefully multiple tweets for the same information that in the japanese version required only one.
He could directly communicate with a much larger audience if he did. Hopefully his english is good enough so it wouldn't cause more confusion and misunderstandings.
He could directly communicate with a much larger audience if he did. Hopefully his english is good enough so it wouldn't cause more confusion and misunderstandings.

They (PD) could manage the online community like Turn10 does, in my opinion.
"Kaz_Yamauchi: it looks like update 1.11 will come up around August 30th. In North America one day earlier perhaps? A bug thought to be due to insufficient memory should have been solved. There is no addition of functionalities or new content. Their addition is planned to be done with updates on September or October. (I really think it would be better to make an English [twitter] account...)"

Any info somewhere what it could be? Dee aaLCee? :confused:
Unfortunately the 150 character limit is really limiting for the English language (this is also reflected on online GT5 features with limited character space. They really were intended for japanese characters). This can either mean dumbed down tweets for the english Tweeter account version, or hopefully multiple tweets for the same information that in the japanese version required only one.

Depending on the Twitter client, such as Osfoora, TwitLonger allows for longer Tweets :). Nothing is stopping him from firing off back-to-back-to-back Tweets to compose a longer thought.

The "planned to be done Sept or Oct" part worries me...