Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
Praino, i think he as put it on the wrong skyline either that or he's just being an idiot. i have tried this tune and its nothing as he describes at all, i very much enjoyed taking this around the nurb countless times. 👍

edit: sorry for the double post but couldnt ignore what rubbish he said.

I am not being an idiot, I love all of Praiano's hard work, and am just shocked at how this car behaves radically different from so many I have tried and had excellent results with. I win in 1st at the current real circuit seasonal with his Arta NSX and Nissan YellowHat GTR car ahead of the super AI racecar pack.

I drive all of his tuned cars on the Nürburgring Nordschleife, with great immersion at the wheel. Unfortunately, this GTR M Spec (I double checked, I applied on correct Standard car), makes my car literally Fly off the track (immediately after 1st bridge, going up hill (Quiddlebacher to Flugplatz) , I implore you to take this car at it's awesome speed of 250km/hr (safe speed at that section) and tell me it does not fly up 8 feet into the air!

Again, sorry for sounding harsh, I just wanted us to be on the same page with this tune.

Also , Question, I notice you do not write down to tune parts such as Flywheel, clutch, driveshaft, should we be tuning/upgrading these to sport/racing parts?
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..ahH! How much time does Skyline R32 '94 spend in the ring?

Hi , i don't remember exactly now, but it's around 6'40"-45" cruising racing speed and 6'35" driving a little bit harder. I'll test it again tonight on the ring. But i can tell you it's another car ,with great handling and safe to drive. Nothing to see with the stock settings.
No mean to be disrespect, for I have encountered what could be possibly the worst car I have experience on the Nür with this tune! It feels completely stiff, understeers at every single corner, perhaps this car needs to be driven "differently" I don't know... but I am putting this car back on park!

please tell me why you wrote Aug 11th update?

also , transmission setting slightly not same.

but overall, I give 1/10 for handling, I don't blame you, but I think I met the worst car in GT5 haha! :yuck:
p.s I will double check my settings, but I will step into a Fiat to give me relief from this experience :)
Praino, i think he as put it on the wrong skyline either that or he's just being an idiot. i have tried this tune and its nothing as he describes at all, i very much enjoyed taking this around the nurb countless times. 👍

edit: sorry for the double post but couldnt ignore what rubbish he said.

I am not being an idiot, I love all of Praiano's hard work, and am just shocked at how this car behaves radically different from so many I have tried and had excellent results with. I win in 1st at the current real circuit seasonal with his Arta NSX and Nissan YellowHat GTR car ahead of the super AI racecar pack.

I drive all of his tuned cars on the Nürburgring Nordschleife, with great immersion at the wheel. Unfortunately, this GTR M Spec (I double checked, I applied on correct Standard car), makes my car literally Fly off the track (immediately after 1st bridge, going up hill (Quiddlebacher to Flugplatz) , I implore you to take this car at it's awesome speed of 250km/hr (safe speed at that section) and tell me it does not fly up 8 feet into the air!

Again, sorry for sounding harsh, I just wanted us to be on the same page with this tune.

Also , Question, I notice you do not write down to tune parts such as Flywheel, clutch, driveshaft, should we be tuning/upgrading these to sport/racing parts?

You simply say that my car is a trash and it is not. Can be better ? ok ! Don't fit to your style ? ok! But it's not the garbage you're saying. The car take of after the bridge ? any road car with aerofoil and 780 hp at this speed will take off, just need to learn to control it applying a quick breaking before take of to low the front... But ok. It's your point of view and i have to defend my car that for me is a medium to good tune . I'm always objective and honest with my cars avaliation, i'm who know them better ,all of them any details. 1/10 for handling ??? you did not drive my car !!

When i don't write the parts sometimes, it's because i think it's not very important, just put the parts you need to reach the power writen on the tune.
I learn everyday with everybody who give me objective feedback to do better cars. But what you have said is unfair. Just destroy the car. Anybody can drive it to make his own idea.

Have a good day and try ,if you want, my last skyline R32 '94, this one yes , i say it loud, i'm very proud,comparing with the original version ,is night and day.
You simply say that my car is a trash and it is not. Can be better ? ok ! Don't fit to your style ? ok! But it's not the garbage you're saying. The car take of after the bridge ? any road car with aerofoil and 780 hp at this speed will take off, just need to learn to control it applying a quick breaking before take of to low the front... But ok. It's your point of view and i have to defend my car that for me is a medium to good tune . I'm always objective and honest with my cars avaliation, i'm who know them better ,all of them any details. 1/10 for handling ??? you did not drive my car !!

When i don't write the parts sometimes, it's because i think it's not very important, just put the parts you need to reach the power writen on the tune.
I learn everyday with everybody who give me objective feedback to do better cars. But what you have said is unfair. Just destroy the car. Anybody can drive it to make his own idea.

Have a good day and try ,if you want, my last skyline R32 '94, this one yes , i say it loud, i'm very proud,comparing with the original version ,is night and day.
Absolutely agreed amigo. 👍
I've driven nary a 650+HP car that doesn't have lift-off at a couple spots on the ring, funny things happen driving over hills at certain speeds. :lol:
Absolutely agreed amigo. 👍
I've driven nary a 650+HP car that doesn't have lift-off at a couple spots on the ring, funny things happen driving over hills at certain speeds. :lol:

Oh madame, i feel so happy when i can read a word from you in my garage, you can't imagine.... Thanks.

I check in periodically, even if I don't have time to test tunes out. :)

I'll be doing some online/offline testing later to see if anythings changed also, it seems to me offline has gotten a bit twitchier and last nights online felt more stable. :confused:
..ahH! How much time does Skyline R32 '94 spend in the ring?

Hi , i don't remember exactly now, but it's around 6'40"-45" cruising racing speed and 6'35" driving a little bit harder. I'll test it again tonight on the ring. But i can tell you it's another car ,with great handling and safe to drive. Nothing two see with the stock settings.

I've make the test with Skyline R32 '94 ,exactly my prevision, 6'39" cruising first lap, and second lap driving a little bit harder but safely 6'34". this little test make me think that for the ring specialy to settings have to be changed for more driving comfort.
This car was tuned on circuit mostly and to correct his lazy tendency ,i've let his tail very free under brake with strong brake settings, and minimun rear downforce. It's a litlle bit dificult to drive with this settings on the ring, because you need to throw the car all the time ,braking in curve.... So i've set a new downforce and brake option to drive it on the ring and feel more comfortable with.

EDIT: those times are times of a BMW M5 same pp or BMW M3 GTR +-. So it's a top road car too. One of the best on the ring for shure.

I'll publish them also on the tune sheet.

AERO 00/22

thank you so much praiano great service i was expecting to wait a lot longer than that lol, ill post my opinions in the morning as its 2:15 here in uk.
thanks again glad your so proud of thee car i requested :)👍
Hey praiano, I've been following your tunes for a while now, and was wondering if you would be able to do one for the 1970 Chevelle SS 454, I've been have a bit of trouble with it recently. I'll donate one for experiment if you need it.

Hello my friend. It will be difficult for this car. It have some enormous problems of understeer ,no grip... and a ton of negative points that make me think to not tune it. It's not a fun car. It's a wonderfull historic epic muscle i know, and i would like to make something to drive it fast in the game, but i don't think this possible. Sorry my friend. If you have another request , i'll try to do my best. But not this one .Sorry again.

thank you so much praiano great service i was expecting to wait a lot longer than that lol, ill post my opinions in the morning as its 2:15 here in uk.
thanks again glad your so proud of thee car i requested :)👍

You're welcome, hope you like it, we can do some fine tune later if you want, with time. Enjoy your drive.

hey can u do a tune for the Camaro IROC-Z Concept '88
plz and thanks

Hi, yes it can be, i have to check the car first. I have some tunes to finish and check before. A touring vauxhall astra, and a Suzuki GSXR small toy .

You're on the list. Have a good night.
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Tunned to the max.

Downforce 35/60

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select top speed at = 360 km/h = 224 mph
3- Select final gear at 3.353 (stock)
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 3.064
2: 2.216
3: 1.677
4: 1.316
5: 1.068
6: 0.896

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 340 km/h = 211 mph

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track

power 631 hp
weight 1000 kg
perf. Points: 641 pp

LSD Rear 08/28/05

Ride Height -12/-08

Spring Rate 16.8/15.0
Extension 9/8
Compression 8/7
Anti-roll bars 2/3
Camber 2.0/1.8
Toe -0.03/+0.06

Brake Balance 6/7

Tires: Racing tires.

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Hey praiano, I've been following your tunes for a while now, and was wondering if you would be able to do one for the 1970 Chevelle SS 454, I've been have a bit of trouble with it recently. I'll donate one for experiment if you need it.

Hello my friend. It will be difficult for this car. It have some enormous problems of oversteer ,no grip... and a ton of negative points that make me think to not tune it. It's not a fun car. It's a wonderfull historic epic muscle i know, and i would like to make something to drive it fast in the game, but i don't think this possible. Sorry my friend. If you have another request , i'll try to do my best. But not this one .Sorry again.

Hey Albert. Go over to the Vintage tuning garage, someone has already uploaded a basic Chevelle tune and JLawerence is working on a full Chevelle tune. They work magic with these old, wayward handling cars.

Sorry to take away "customers" Praiano, I just thought I'd point him in the direction of guys who specialise in old cars.
Hey Albert. Go over to the Vintage tuning garage, someone has already uploaded a basic Chevelle tune and JLawerence is working on a full Chevelle tune. They work magic with these old, wayward handling cars.

Sorry to take away "customers" Praiano, I just thought I'd point him in the direction of guys who specialise in old cars.

Don't need to be sorry ,there is no customers at least on this planet gt :) , good luck with the tune, this car is full of bads problems , i'll never understand how PD decide this car have grip and drive well and the other one with exactly the same specs is a trash.
I love old muscles ,i've tuned some , but this one , no way. I'll check the result and i wish JLawerence that i'm wrong.
Good night.
Quote (from you):

"This is the way he (HIGHLANDOR - me) do for dampers. Page 2. I'm following this too...haha. I would like to find a way to make a good base before fine tuning and this seems good"

Taken from here - post no 92

I've been keeping an eye on your Tuning thread, the tunes you are now doing since you posted the quoted comment above seem to have very similiar roll bar / dampers settings to my theory.

Yet, you haven't acknowledged this either publically or privately by message to me, when others have.

Oh..don't even think about saying this is just a coincidence, you and I both know it isn't.

Care to explain yourself??

You laugh "I'm following this too...haha." - you think taking someone else's idea to make your tunes better and not paying respect or thanks to the person you took this from is FUNNY.

Maybe I shall "have a laugh" and report your attitude to the site staff eh..???

Considering this is not the first time you've been accused of this either, it's not going to look too good for you is it??

Notice how I am keeping this private, for now, just between you and me, rather than making this public for all to see - that's called RESPECT.

Something you need to start learning.

(a very pissed off)


Here is a private message sent by this guy that think he invent the wire to cut the butter.

Man, you have a real problem. I tune the way i want. You don't have copyright on anything. Yes i use since a few time a part of your method for the springs of my cars, when it work, THE SPRINGS, yes , so what ?? You want money for this ???? For the rest ,i tune the way i feel depending of the cars, the way it let the car better.

You want to use some BLACKMAIL by PM for this ???? HERE IT IS.

I saw in all your post i've read that you have a real problem, go see a doctor ,this is the best thing you can do to help yourself, he will tell you that there is no conspiracy against you.

You want some credit ?? Can this help you ??? ok i will do this ,i'm not a doctor but i want to help you if i can.

So thank you Mr Great Highlandor to teach me tuning a car , i will be glade for the rest of my live for this. You are awsome, incredible, maximo, the best of the best, call the TV ,everybody on earth need to know this.

And know i want to give you some advice. Stop theoric blablabla with no end. We have a lot of contest to see what could be a good tune for certain cars ,in certain conditions. This is a fair and funny way to show all your capacity to make a car go fast.
I wish you will be present for the next one and i hope you'll have fun with this.

That's all. No persecution mania.

Have a good day, chill out and enjoy your new celebrity status.
Unreal. This Highlandor guy has a real persecution/little dictator/spoiled child complex. Based on that PM and some of his other posts I really do believe he needs professional help. He's spending way too much time in his Mom's basement. He needs to get out in the sunlight and see the rest of the world. It's one thing to put some time into the game for enjoyment and fun and the odd heated discussion here and there, but his PM borders on paranoia with heavy shades of delusion. No, not borders on, it is paranoia and delusion.

Praiano, I think you should bring that PM to the attention of the moderators in case they don't wander by and see it. Isn't there a code of conduct somewhere for GTPlanet members? Surely there's something that covers this kind of childish and immature attempt at blackmail and intimidation?
WOW, just WOW!! :lol:

I'm grabbing the popcorn and setting a small spot in your garage to park my ass because I know this is going to get good very soon. :cool:
WOW, just WOW!! :lol:

I'm grabbing the popcorn and setting a small spot in your garage to park my ass because I know this is going to get good very soon. :cool:

I think I've looked in this thread 50 times in the last 50 minutes, to see what Highlander has to say :D
WOW . To be clear I tought Praiano everything he knows LOL joke

Your analogy I havent heard before ' he thinks he invented the wire to cut the butter' :D

maybe this is better 'thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread'
Unreal. This Highlandor guy has a real persecution/little dictator/spoiled child complex. Based on that PM and some of his other posts I really do believe he needs professional help. He's spending way too much time in his Mom's basement. He needs to get out in the sunlight and see the rest of the world. It's one thing to put some time into the game for enjoyment and fun and the odd heated discussion here and there, but his PM borders on paranoia with heavy shades of delusion. No, not borders on, it is paranoia and delusion.

Praiano, I think you should bring that PM to the attention of the moderators in case they don't wander by and see it. Isn't there a code of conduct somewhere for GTPlanet members? Surely there's something that covers this kind of childish and immature attempt at blackmail and intimidation?

WOW, just WOW!! :lol:

I'm grabbing the popcorn and setting a small spot in your garage to park my ass because I know this is going to get good very soon. :cool:

I don't want this to be a ten pages brasilian novel. Just want to tune my cars the way i want ,learning here and there with everybody, if someone need some credits for each numbers, the list can be very long.
Of course i'm influenced by a lot of tuners, since the begining , i've always said this , LDP,RJ, ......... I don't know where but i write this several times.
This is the way somebody like me learn about tuning. With the best tuners ,not by "i've heard about" but driving a lot the cars of everybody during years.
I use what work for each car , just feeling if the setting is good or not.

For shure there is a piece of every good tuner i know in my tunes. I just know the basic about cars in the real life. So that's it. I tune for me because i love to drive hours and hours good cars that fit like a glove to me. Not for any notoriety. If my cars help some people to feel what i feel , i will stay very satisfy and happy for them.

That's all i want to say. Have a good day everybody, and enjoy your drive.
WOW, just WOW!! :lol:

I'm grabbing the popcorn and setting a small spot in your garage to park my ass because I know this is going to get good very soon. :cool:

Lol. :) And you didn't swear, contrary to popular opinion. ;)

Mr Praiano, if that is your real name, I once used a brake bias on a tune that was 5,7. If you decide to copy me and put that on one of your tunes then I expect to get a mention and a big thank you. ;)
I have a confession to make!
I've been using praiano63 charts for transmission tuning on some of my tunes without crediting him for showing everyone a simple system that helps get better performance from a car.
Sorry amigo for the oversight and failure to pay you royalties on your fine (and freely given) advice to the tuning community.

Needless to say I have your back amigo since, unlike a certain longwinded egomaniac who seems to think he has the only correct answer to seemingly every discussion, you add positive value and enjoyment to the community.:cheers:
WOW . To be clear I tought Praiano everything he knows LOL joke

Your analogy I havent heard before ' he thinks he invented the wire to cut the butter' :D

maybe this is better 'thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread'

:) i'll remember the slice bread, match with the butter. thanks.

Lol. :) And you didn't swear, contrary to popular opinion. ;)

Mr Praiano, if that is your real name, I once used a brake bias on a tune that was 5,7. If you decide to copy me and put that on one of your tunes then I expect to get a mention and a big thank you. ;)

You allready get it , mention to you. I 've use this brakes several times.

Ok my friends, no pop corn , let's drive now. I'm not working today and after a good bicycle ride, i want to enjoy this fantastic game..

Good day.
Since everyone else is confessing I might as well too. In your 8C tune from April I think the damper settings were 5/5 and I copied them exactly over to one of my Jag XKR's. I might have it on one or two other cars as well. Actually maybe 30 or 40 cars in total.

My apologies, I should have given you credit at the time. My cheque is in the mail. If you drop it don't worry, it will

EDIT: The changing title of your tuning garage is quite
This “car” is a real big fast toy. It’s 1’10” deep forest racing tires and 6’55” on the ring with Sport soft tires. Great driving pleasure.
It was in my garage ,taking some dust when Mr Bogger from England remember me that it can be a fantastic toy. And it is. Another good half surprise in the middle of all those cars.


I cant get better than 7 minutes on the ring. You must have a much better set up (or I'm ****)

Been waiting for you tune this because I dont have to change much from your tune to suit my style, and its always a good tune.. Will give this a go later.

Another thing I noticed is all this hype about the skyline r32. Its got me intrigued as I'm always after a car that can beet the bmw's..

I cant get better than 7 minutes on the ring. You must have a much better set up (or I'm ****)

Been waiting for you tune this because I dont have to change much from your tune to suit my style, and its always a good tune.. Will give this a go later.

Another thing I noticed is all this hype about the skyline r32. Its got me intrigued as I'm always after a car that can beet the bmw's..

Hi, yes ,you'll see the suzuki toy is very fun. For the R32 don't forget the settings of rear wing and brake i recomand for the ring. It's a fast car. Can go as fast as M5+- same weight and power ,easy. But faster ??? depend . At same skill level ,same speed i think.
Hi Praiano,

Some days ago I sent the Honda S2000 LM Race Car. I wish ,when you have free time, tune it please, i think it's a great car for those PP.

Take this opportunity to say that I'm very happy with YOUR tunes and guys like Highlandor should not be the least important what they say, he is crazy, and as you say, is better for him go see a doctor :)

Greetings, and again, congratulations for YOUR tunes Mr. Praiano.
Lol. :) And you didn't swear, contrary to popular opinion. ;)

I have a strict AUP to abide by here, PSN's AUP is about as strong as a wet tissue. But I'll give you a PSN version if you want. :cool:

mafia_boy's PSN version of previous post
🤬 WOW, just 🤬 WOW!!

I'm grabbing the 🤬 popcorn and setting a 🤬 small spot in your garage to park my 🤬 ass because I know this is going to get 🤬 good very 🤬 soon.

:lol: Praiano, don't worry 'bout him. You should be able to tell just from his username what he'll be like. Highlandor? Pffft. More like lowlife. It's a bloody game, if you're going to get anal about it all, it doesn't show anything other than that you have next to no life at all.

Highlandor, learn a new word. Humble. Spelt H - U - M - B - L - E. It's everything you ain't.

As said, praiano, ignore him, people like this exist. It's just a matter of how you deal with them 👍

Anyways, as you said, let's get back to driving. That's where we all belong. On the track.

By the way, I've read the PM, and I have this to say. Highlandor, if you so firmly believe that you deserve credit, do you have any proof- that is cold, hard facts, not just speculations and 'oh he did it cuz it looks similar'- that he has taken parts of tunes from your theory? It's all numbers, out of 10. How can you say it wasn't just a coincidence? You only have a choice of 10 numbers to set for it, isn't it inevitable that someone, somewhere in the world, will eventually find those numbers to be advantageous to a car's handling? Praiano, when he started out, I bet you he hasn't even read your 'theories'. I bet he did it all by feel. As said, it's all just a game. Stop taking it so damn seriously.
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