slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm




(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Ah, the Tournament poll is up, so now, so are these! I think I made the right choice, as these can be for other themes in the future. This laptop is at 6% power though, so I will respond to all the Elise update comments when I get home. Thank you all, enjoy!
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Ooooooooweeee, that there's better than a felt painting of a dolphin and a whale gettin' it on! That just happened. I like the first one the best of the 787b, which just happens to be the best sounding car in the game. Now it's the best looking car in the game. 👍:sly: The photo is compelling - it makes me want to be there in the grandstands watching the action up close. Just my two cents, but that is what makes a photo great to look at.
5 top notch photos! I actually prefer the 330P4 as a photo, but I think your tournament entry is better suited to the theme (Oh and I think you may have pranged your Mazda :P)
Wow as Primus said that 787B shot is amazing! :drool: In fact I may borrow it for my desktop I like it so much if thats alright with you 👍
Stunning stuff of late Slip - Although you definitely made the right choice with your Tournament entry. Did I perhaps inspire you a tiny bit with my Macca F1 tournament entry from last time around? 8-)

The little blue Elise looks great too, brilliant colour on it!
As promised - Elise responses (might as well add in responses to the current set too):

Nato777 - Thanks! The Elise images were sitting on my hard-drive for the past 6 weeks, and I really wanted to show the car off. I wanted a high-polish look to them, so I'm glad you said that :D. As for the rejects: I don't normally show my also-rans, but I had worked with a few combos before stumbling onto my entry, and I was very happy with how they all turned out, despite being different, so wanted to see what everyone thought. Thanks for the comments!

20832 - Glad you like the tone! I wanted it to feel lonely, and yep, that last shot was meant to highlight the tininess of the Elise. Perhaps when another round of Photomode meet-ups happen, I'll pop in!

Tangled Web - Always nice to see you back (with a vengeance) :P . Thanks for the votes in the polls this week, friend - I seem to be having a good week! Colour plays a huge role in my choices for updates now that we have the option available in-game (and I spent so much time working with the chips they're ingrained). The colour is Triumph's French Blue - quickly becoming a favourite, I used it on my XKR-S update as well! I can't recall if the rims have been painted or not - if they were, it'd be a colour from the Lotus family, I know that much. Give us more of your work!

Magic Racer - The way you break down each picture is so helpful to me, since a lot of the times, we're on the same train of thought. Glad to know they've gone down so well - you're doing me a huge favour with the reviews, you should do them all over the Photomode section!

725 - Thanks! I highly recommend the colour, since it flatters just about every car. Love to see what you would do with it, now that you have a gallery and all :sly:

chromatic9 - I've really been aiming for more realism lately, or at least, something closer to it (but with some small exaggerations for effect). Always nice to hear you approve, since your gallery is one of my favourites. The 2.0 entry, as you saw, was a last minute in-before-deadline shoot, but so glad you (and others) are liking it so much! It led me to my current Tournament entry too...

NTX - Pffft, you have plenty of skill, sir. Don't sell yourself short! The camera angles for the Elise are pretty unadventurous (even the third, as Dolp has used it to great effect before), but it was all about the car's colour and reflections, this update :D

FishyJuice - There's always room for improvement :D

nanabu - Oh, I never thought about that... I think the lack of control in regards to my older shots is what scares me away. I don't want to pay for Flickr...

Soloracer3 - I'm honoured to be pinned, intentional or not :lol:. The patterned ground is definitely my favourite aspect of that location - GT5's Photo Travel locations aren't as varied as GT4's, but there are little pockets of greatness in there! As for the background for the 787B... sure... but you may be interested in an upcoming update, even more...

Primus Ortus - I probably could type up a tutorial on panels for updates, yeah! It just involves a bit of fore-thought in Photoshop; breaking things down into rows, since the board won't play nice lining up images stacked on top of each other in a grid when they're all different heights, but will work fine with as many (or as few) images per row, as long as they're all the same height. It's thinking with portals grids! You're absolutely right about that feeling in shots - I find with racing cars, it's near-integral, at least for me, so I'm glad I portrayed that! The 787B was nearly my tournament entry until I figured I wanted to focus more on the MR layout itself, and is definitely my favourite of the rejects!

SVX - It was an expected move ;)

Gtuned - :lol:. I mean it, your gallery is definitely one of the best here, the editing is unique, almost a signature in itself. Not many people can claim that 👍

rpanico14 - It's just dirty! :P. I do like the 330 (first time shooting it), but I felt the image was just too dark, and didn't "pop" enough to garner interest in a knock-out style Tournament round. I agree, my actual entry covered the theme much better (though not as good as Wallbreaker's, in my opinion).

Rev - Actually, only a tiny bit indeed ;). Back in that round, my thoughts were of a "proper supercar", which meant either the F40 or Macca in my eyes. For this theme, I figured MR is the very essence of supercars, and for road cars, well, it meant I wasn't going to use the F40 again! There's still some back-ups from that particular combo (it wasn't shot at Tokyo or Madrid like my reject or 2.0 entry), but I'm sitting on them for the time being. Their influence will be more apparent once they're out in the wild ;).
F40 and 787B are absolutely wonderful! :drool: I also like the soft focus in the 330P4. Not sure about the purple shadow tones in the McLaren though the composition is solid.
Magic Racer - The way you break down each picture is so helpful to me, since a lot of the times, we're on the same train of thought. Glad to know they've gone down so well - you're doing me a huge favour with the reviews, you should do them all over the Photomode section!

Glad to hear my effort pays off and that you find my reviews helpful! Doing them all over the Photomode section would be tricky (read: time-consuming), but giving feedback on pictures from others is something I will take into consideration. :)
Just viewed your great gallery for the first time and all I have to say is : RESPECT!
Matching with you in the second round of the 2.0 Tournament is a great honour and challenge for me.
Feels like Heavyweight Championship :)
Still "licking my wounds" after being kicked out by Moglet in the first 2.0 Tour, I really appreciate you to be my next opponent.

The rules say "any racecar".
Any suggestion where the line is drawn?
We shall fight with equal weapons, won't we?

Best regards,
:drool: There your rejects :drool:. I thought rejects were supposed to be sort of bad. Anyone of those would of won the first round. 👍


(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Much like last week, here's my rejects. Unfortunately, this theme had quite a bit more limits on it, so I was struggling to come up with something, as GT's night driving makes for infamously dark shots. These two were the only others I was considering entering, but as you can see, I ended up using a McLaren again... figures! Enjoy!

FishyJuice & chromatic9 - Interesting... it's in the pile for when I don't have time to shoot for a 2.0 theme now, then :D

ceiling_fan - Yeah, those tones worked much better in a more subdued setting, like the 2.0 entry I ended up winning with instead. Tokyo's more direct sunlight exaggerated the same effects I had lined up for both shots, so that explains it!

Magic Racer - Pfft, time-consuming? More like "increased forum productivity" ;)

Raphaele - Obviously I'm a bit late about the race car bit... it's safe to say we both picked fair weapons, though! Thanks so much for the kind words - it encouraged me to update the OP! It's always the one unfortunate side-effect of the Tournament - we see a lot of good names leave each round, as everyone who's entered is always capable of producing some stunning shots! Glad to be matched up against you, win or lose :cheers:

ashes619 - No no, the real bad ones are the dozens I didn't post :P
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that you call those shots "rejections" says everything. Wouldn't be too surprised if you pull the Tournament win this time.:)

Your latest pictures reached a level of awesomness....I can't even describe how high. Surely over 9000 :D

I was only driving the EXACT SAME ALFA ON THE EXACT SAME TRACK YESTERDAY! Your... your... scaring me. :lol:

Oh, and the pictures. If these are your rejects, which would smash anything that moves...then what about your actual entry?! I smell a meme...




Loving the first one by the way.
Oooh, excellent excellent stuff. The old 155 Touring Car is so very awesome... I have special memories of that car belching flames like nothing else in GT4. Such a cool car in every way. The second shot is brilliant too, the bokeh is intriguing and really demands you stop and look at it for a while. You did make the right decision with your final entry though, it's more eye catching than the first, and as much as I love the second shot here, I think it might be a little bit too abstract for the majority of voters. The Macca F1 has mass appeal in spades (and looks premium, to boot!)

Great job!
The first reject from the second round is stunning! It has the greasy wet feel to it, as Revolution has said I can see why you went with the F1 in the end 👍
Magic Racer - Pfft, time-consuming? More like "increased forum productivity" ;)

Oooh, let's see... :sly:

Picture #1 - This picture looks very classic. What I like most about it are the tones and the angle. The background blur supports the foggy atmosphere the whole picture is radiating. The brightness level is great in this context ('night shot'), but the Alfa still has a good amount of saturation, which adds to the realistic look of the picture, since the Mercedes behind is illuminating it.

Picture #2 - There is not much to say about this picture. I, personally, like the idea behind this style a lot, because it is something I rarely see, but that does not mean that the execution of it should not be good, as well. The car, even though it is completely blurred, remains perceptible (to a certain degree); the focal length you chose definitely helps, though! 👍
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(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: It's that time again...

bmxmitch - Thanks Mitch, it'd be pretty insane if I won the tournament, since all three of the other guys left are capable of some truly astounding images! I may want to get started on my shooting, then...

SVX - My entry did well, though I'm still not sure I like it more than these. And don't you know, members of staff know all! :lol:

Rev - Ah, see, that was basically my reasoning too - as much as I love the 787B shot, I felt it might not have mass appeal. The Macca does, though I liked the Touring cars racing since it seemed more in the spirit of the theme (as the F1's not showing any movement). Looks like I made the right decision... now, this new theme...

725 - You should see the originals from that set of the touring cars, because the 190E is filthy! :D

Magic Racer - Thanks, the 787B shots from both sets were actually taken months ago, but were just dealt with now. I made an effort to not over-blur that second shot, so I'm glad that shone through. Oh, and don't worry, I haven't forgot about your request! There are some big things going on behind the scenes that I can't talk about quite yet... :D
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Neat-o. Pretty simple, realistic, good composition, good amount of grain, nice tones. It seems impossible, yet am I not surprised. Why is that? :lol:
I'm really looking forward to the full set.

Also, 500th reply. :P
:drool: the editing and lighting in this shot are amazing, it looks so real. The reflections in the bonnet of the car are fantastic and so is the quality of the scenery 👍 great work yet again
Love it - looks real, even the people look decent. I'm just afraid that the front end is going to get crunched by the train when it comes barreling through there. :nervous::scared:
There's just something about your photos which I always struggle to describe, in this case I think the word I'm trying to find is elegance(?) Simply superb. 👍
Slip, tell me your secret for these looking photos buddy!! That "blurry" Mazda on the previous update, thats ART!!! Well done!!! And in this last update...the shot speaks for itself, I would buy the car ASAP if I saw this photo in a add, beleieve me 👍

Nice!!!!!! :)