Time Trial #62

  • Thread starter Doodle
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Check out P1 and P2.


I hope that nothing like that taints this TT. It would be terrible for those who have spent a great deal of time and effort to post a legit time in this TT only to have it ruined by a few people who chose to partake in that sort of activity.
More than that now! Actually surprised as to how fast that time sheet updates.
This is time 1.29 not real 600pp 100% hack car 635PP 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real time 1.31.xxx
A few racers here are still awaiting a tune for the Takata, maybe from someone who has actually raced it in this Seasonal and who has a decent time.

edit, about 5 1/2 hours later.

Seems no one has a tune they are prepared to share, or think is good enough to share, or know is wanted, or whatever.
So I looked back to when many of us used the Takata Dome in a TT, number 53 to be exact, and there is some good information in there, including.....Doodles first ever tune, which just happened to be the Takata Dome 03. Mind you, Adrenaline pointed out a few minor problems with it.

Which brings me to ask again, where is Adrenaline these days? Haven't seen him around for a while.
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I just read Dalone....my Takata

600pp 537hp kg 1170

lsd 8/16/12
downforce 35/50
brakes 8/5

1. 2873
2. 2168
3. 1694
4. 1367
5. 1129
6. 0941
last 4390
max 270 klm

I did 1.32.893 (auto gearbox,ds3,TC 7,ABS 10) but i m sure that a good driver can do much better time from mine:)
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Check out P1 and P2.


I hope that nothing like that taints this TT. It would be terrible for those who have spent a great deal of time and effort to post a legit time in this TT only to have it ruined by a few people who chose to partake in that sort of activity.

Hopefully this is enough to trigger PD into issuing permanent bans for cheats
i believe and someting else too...that the most of the leaders in TT think that their tune is top secret...its just a game....many thanks to all that share their tune
OMG !!!!!...am i so bad driver:(

19/05 13:07:03
19/05 17:51:21
19/05 17:52:43
19/05 18:05:19
19/05 14:34:23

hahahaha...congratulations guys
I just read Dalone....my Takata

600pp 537hp kg 1170

lsd 8/16/12
downforce 35/50
brakes 8/5

1. 2873
2. 2168
3. 1694
4. 1367
5. 1129
6. 0941
last 4390
max 270 klm

I did 1.32.893 (auto gearbox,ds3,TC 7,ABS 10) but i m sure that a good driver can do much better time from mine:)

Good on you Suba, thanks for that.
my pleasure Dalone and Anastasis14...i hope that will help you that tune.....i noticed that if change the rear downforce from 50 to 52-55 maybe is better....i did better time with 55..1.32.762 for now
I was unable to improve my time Suba so asked pmjg66 could I borrow his car, he is sitting on 1:31.2. Of course he agreed, but I still found I was still unable to beat my own time of 1:34.11 with it.
Now I didn't play with your tune, just used it as you posted it, but I found a number of similarities between it and pmjg's, specificically where down force is concerned.

My 1:34.111, which I haven't been able to emulate (my 10 year old son managed 1:34.3 with your tune incidentally, and he doesn't play GT5 much) had the down force at about 25 front and 44 rear. When I went up to 50 rear, which you both use I found it was making me slower in the straight so I lowered it to 47, front to 24, which helped the speed.
Of course that allowed me to up the hp, which I did from pmjg's 539 t0 559. Mind you, my ghost hp was 565 or more.
That gave me a 1:33.6 time but I knew there was more there, so to compensate for the lowered rear I upped the ride height from pmjg's f-13....r-10 to f-13.... r 0.
It seemed to help and I am now on 1:33.339.

And pushing on. Again, thanks for sharing Suba although I am still somewhat short of your best time.
Takata dome tune
I did à 1.30.764

Thanks to Roomboter!

Motor stage 3

-15 / -10
15.0 / 14.8
8 / 8
7 /7
2 / 6

2.0 / 1.2
0.05 / 0.05


35 / 58

5/5 Brake

2500 eindoverbrenging

200km top speed
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Well done Lendell.

Perhaps you meant 200mph rather than 200km/h? Anyway, good one mate.

And that's it for me tonight, thanks everyone for your help, cheers.
Takata dome tune
I did à 1.30.764

Thanks to Roomboter!

Motor stage 3

-15 / -10
15.0 / 14.8
8 / 8
7 /7
2 / 6

2.0 / 1.2
0.05 / 0.05


35 / 58

5/5 Brake

2500 eindoverbrenging

200km top speed

Your welcome Pascal

Actually thanks to the anonymous creator of this tune. Thanks mate

I just improved with this tune to a 30.489. Still a bit of room left.
Well done Lendell.

Perhaps you meant 200mph rather than 200km/h? Anyway, good one mate.

And that's it for me tonight, thanks everyone for your help, cheers.

You first have to bring down the top speed to 200km/h and after that set the final gear to the max. Then set the gears.. Your top speed will be 312Km/h.
What does such a huge difference in rollbars get you? More front end grip and a predictable rear?
Okay guys, here is a tune that is currently sitting in the top ten and in 1 minute 29 seconds.
Possible to do a 1:29.6-7 with this.
For the Takata Dome NSX '03

Stage 3 Engine, dirty oil.

-10 / -10
19.1 / 18.6
9 / 9
9 /8
6 / 6

2.2 / 1.3
-0.20 / 0.02


35 / 59

Ballast: 3 Kg at position 30

1st: 4589
2nd: 3365
3rd: 2718
4th: 2251
5th: 1943
6th: 1707
Final: 2500

Brakes: 7/9

EDIT: Forgot to mention the power limiter is set to 99.5%
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Okay guys, here is a tune that is currently sitting in the top ten and in 1 minute 29 seconds.
Possible to do a 1:29.6-7 with this.
For the Takata Dome NSX '03

Hey Bandit! Is this one of your "Bandit-Special" drift-the-apex-for-super-early-exit setups? If so I have to try it myself even though I'm absolutely rubbish at that driving technique. :lol:
Hey Bandit! Is this one of your "Bandit-Special" drift-the-apex-for-super-early-exit setups? If so I have to try it myself even though I'm absolutely rubbish at that driving technique. :lol:

Haha! I guess you could call it a "Bandit-Special" :) I quite like that actually, might use it myself ;) It's still a good setup even if you can't drive like that, the NSX is a very fun car to drive! 👍
Haha! I guess you could call it a "Bandit-Special" :) I quite like that actually, might use it myself ;) It's still a good setup even if you can't drive like that, the NSX is a very fun car to drive! 👍

Agreed... the '03 NSX is one of my favorites in the game (even stock). A shame none of the premium NSX models handle like it.
I started with the Weider HSV but really struggled to break the 1:35 barrier, so then jumped in the Takara Dome and did 1:35 dead. Then read an earlier post from Dalone about taking the aero down, so back down to 47 and front to 24. Now on 1:34.2 on first time out, so very happy, plenty of wiggle room there I think. Thanks for the aero insight Dalone, was much needed.