CLOSED POLL: The Photomode Competition 65 (Tied!)

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

THEME: 1970's Styling

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can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

Further explanation of the theme, provided by Bluckboster:

We're heading back to the decade of bell-bottoms, afros, and a mildly successful Fox comedy
this week: it's time for the 70's! You're limited as well by the fact you can't use Premiums
or race cars, so it's time to get creative, folks!

CARS: Any road-going Standard from 1970-1979 (view list)


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, send me a Private Message.
  • Do not vote for your own entry.
    [*]Do not try to sway the poll.
    [*]In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created.
    [*]In the event of a second tie or a tie in the final H2H poll, Judge's vote is the deciding factor.
    [*]Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting.
    [*]Poll consists of the Judge's favourite 25 images. For H2H weeks, 12 per poll.


At the risk of sounding like a douche and no offence intended, i thought i had the best picture featuring a chevelle, could i get some feedback?



This is a very clear picture good focus but just a little boring in composition

Anything wrong?

probably the best lambo shot but would you want this as a lambo poster?

Any feedback? Not a fan of Panning Mode 1? :lol:

as you have said not a fan of panning mode 1 in wide shots

Quite simply baffled !!! :ill:


Feedback if you could please.

this is a very good shot and i liked the fact you used a wet track but you were on the bubble with five or six other bubble shots which are equally as good and the axe had to fall somwhere sorry..

What's wrong in this one?

nothing wrong but composition not great car on wrong side of frame

At the risk of sounding like a douche and no offence intended, i thought i had the best picture featuring a chevelle, could i get some feedback?


I really liked this shot but you were another on the bubble shot


I have a feeling I should've stuck with my original image:

I liked the shot you entered and one of the better stratos shots but it didn't say 70s stratos to me.

As I had said this is my first time judging and it was very hard considering the high quality of all the shots,
I wish it could have been 30 for the poll as there are five shots that should have been in with the others but I spent ages deciding the last 2 places and it just got brutal in the end.... so sorry if you didn't make the the poll but I chose some over others because they brought back childhood memories and weren't just a car on a track...
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That was my entry. Maybe there was something about having 2 cars and I didn't see it? If not, then feedback? (Not trying to complain about not getting in the poll, tbh they are better than mine).
Any feedback?

Click for big

Interesting to note that out of all the poll shots, all but three cars were used multiple times.
Hey Bluck

Can I get your thoughts on my bird shot, thanks. :D


That was my entry. Maybe there was something about having 2 cars and I didn't see it? If not, then feedback? (Not trying to complain about not getting in the poll, tbh they are better than mine).

I liked the 2 cars and the 70s feel to the shot only thing wrong is one car just off the edge of frame left,
I did say it got brutal.

Any feedback?

Click for big

Interesting to note that out of all the poll shots, all but three cars were used multiple times.

I hadn't realized about the types of cars apart from 2 golfs but i do like VW's must be that subconscious thing, I liked the fact that you showed how small the marcos is compared to the bollards but It all seems a bit far away and bollards make the shot a bit uneven with nothing on the right....

Hey Bluck

Can I get your thoughts on my bird shot, thanks. :D

I like the feeling of speed and the composition is great but you were another on the bubble shot which was such a difficult decision for the five or so shots concerned
I like the feeling of speed and the composition is great but you were another on the bubble shot which was such a difficult decision for the five or so shots concerned

Appreciated, judging is tough, nice poll 👍 good job!

W. :)
After looking carefully at the poll i cant really see how my picture and others pictureswould be 'on the bubble' compared to some of the shots that made it but i guess its your decision so..
Good feedback BB, I never looked forward to feeding back to angry/disappointed poll missers.

:cheers:for that...made me feel a whole lot better about judging,
"feeding back to angry/disappointed poll missers" that's the thing I dreaded the most but I tell it like I see it and if everyone had the same opinions then the world would be a very dull place indead..

Everyone has had the moment where a shot they poured their heart and soul into gets binned (mine was this). The worst thing is that you can't ever enter it again. It's done. However, most of the time, if you give yourself a day to think about it your attitude and the responses you get are much more helpful.

Either way, good job dealing with the worst part of winning a comp.
:cheers:for that...made me feel a whole lot better about judging,
"feeding back to angry/disappointed poll missers" that's the thing I dreaded the most but I tell it like I see it and if everyone had the same opinions then the world would be a very dull place indead..

Yeah, I don't envy you at all.
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