CLOSED: CCCL Competition: Week 54

  • Thread starter Nato_777
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Moderately Super
New Zealand
Kaikoura, NZ

Further explanation of the theme, as described by RED3MON:

"The first super car that Jaguar ever produced, it sets the highest production car top speed
record of 350km/h in 1993. However, the record was demolished by the arrival of McLaren F1
in 1994. I want you to take my childhood dream car to its hometown London so it can stretch
it's cat legs."

CAR: Jaguar XJ220 (road car only)
LOCATION: London City Circuit


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message.
This Thread has everything you need to know.
  • There must be at least some detail of the background (location) visible in the picture that
    can later be identified to be part of the location specified in the theme. If the location is
    not immediately clear from the picture you must provide the exact location if it's queried.
  • Only one entry per user allowed. It must be that user's own work and never used in another
  • Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
  • Entry post must be marked with a FINAL ENTRY text.
  • Entries may only be changed once and it must be indicated clearly.
  • Entries must be posted in either thumbnail or a preview. We recommend you to link either
    to it's full size.
  • Posts containing bigger previews than allowed, full sizes or links only will be ignored.
  • Previews should not exceed the limit of 500px in either direction and have any effect not present
    in the original image.
  • It's recommended the usage of a free image hosting service, such as ImageShack, Photobucket
    or Flickr.
  • If you want your entry to have a link to your full sized image in the poll, make your preview
    a link to the full sized photo.
  • Only the Judge's favorite 15 entries will get through to the poll.
  • Keep in mind that the Host of this competition may ask for the original image and it must
    be submitted if so.

    It's recommended to store the original image (from the USB stick) until competition week ends.

What you may not to do a photo:
  • Alter the geometry of the car. No stickers, or body modifications not available in game.
  • Add shapes or objects from outside of GT5, signatures excepted.
  • Remove items from shot (scenery, other cars).
  • Use more than 1 image (HDR, photo-stitching, multi-exposure).
  • Add effects that make the picture look something other than a photograph.
What you may do to a photo:
  • Crop and/or resize an image.
  • Adjust the level or curve values.
  • Alter the colour tone of the image (gradient maps, photo filters, colour balance, etc).
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, shadow/highlights.
  • Enhance shadows or highlights (dodge and burn tools in Photoshop, for example).
  • Add noise and/or diffuse glow.
  • Add a post-game tilt-shift blur, or apply a motion blur to a stationary Photo Travel shot.
  • Make use of Layer Blend Modes.
  • Use a Sharpening filter and/or tool.
  • Scale or enlarge rims.
  • Remove or modify license plates.
  • Remove the GT watermark.
  • Add a personal signature.
  • Clean up or fix jaggies, texture pixelation, or colour separation.
  • Add a vignette effect.


Sunday 25.03.12

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I have 1 XJ220 on share now and I'll share a second one soon.

EDIT: 2nd XJ220 is now shared also. I'll also take requests for colours and change them if asked. :)
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I'll have 1 silver XJ220 for sharing tonight, add me : SUSHI_RACER

Here are some reminders, the XJ220 is a bit jagged car so a mild photoshop editing will be very helpful, because for the competition I'm seeking "REALISM" and "COMPOSITION" so bring your "A" game :)
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I'll have 1 silver XJ220 for sharing tonight, add me : SUSHI_RACER

Here are some reminders, the XJ220 is a bit jagged car so a mild photoshop editing will be very helpful, because for the competition I'm seeking "REALISM" and "COMPOSITION" so bring your "A" game :)

...I'm seeking "REALISM" and "COMPOSITION" so bring your "A" game :)


Can do sir, can do. :D:tup:
I'm looking forward to everyone entry!!
Nice theme, awesome car, not so awesome track. :P

I really need to shoot this one early, since this track's best locations will be going one after one, pretty damn soon. :lol:
Nice theme, awesome car, not so awesome track. :P

I really need to shoot this one early, since this track's best locations will be going one after one, pretty damn soon. :lol:

That's the trick about this track =p

Hopefully these combinations wouldn't scare people off.... LoL
Could someone borrow me a nice Jag? :) I think any color would be good except for yellow.
I'll have 1 silver XJ220 for sharing tonight, add me : SUSHI_RACER

Here are some reminders, the XJ220 is a bit jagged car so a mild photoshop editing will be very helpful, because for the competition I'm seeking "REALISM" and "COMPOSITION" so bring your "A" game :)

Will add you soonish if you don't mind. 👍
Sure I'm currently online and sharing the Jag right now so feel free to add :)
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~ Updated ~

~ Click it, if you DARE! ~
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:cheers: Though I've just noticed several bits I forgot to fix up :ouch:
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