1/4 mile is now possible.

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I have created a track that you can actually do a perfect quarter mile (with times on). It has a .25 mile straight, 0.00 elevation change, and also has a line that you can pause the replay to view your exact time.

Message me for more details and the track

- ControlledAnger @ PSN

After i finish making this account, and tweak a view things with the qay to record times, i will be making a guide for people to duplicate what i have done on this site.

stay tunned!!
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I know everyone is outraged by the lack of quarter mile but it wouldn't surprise me if one of the new manufacturers refused to allow it...
So going 180mph you're going to be able to stop your replay AS SOON as it crosses the line? yeahhh, good luck with that.

/fail, PD can't do replay
So going 180mph you're going to be able to stop your replay AS SOON as it crosses the line? yeahhh, good luck with that.

/fail, PD can't do replay

Its already been tested, and its 100% possible and quite easy.

Just follow the instructions in my "comment" section after you have added me as a friend.


i will soon make a thread showing pictures and explaining everything clearly, but the comment section has pictures for you to look at also showing start/finish, and how to record times easily!


here its is a bit more organized

I have created a track that you can do a perfect quarter mile (with times!). It has a .25 mile straight, 0.00 elevation change, and also has a visible start and finish that you can pause the replay to view your exact time.


1. Add my PSN - ControlledAnger
2. Go to my "comments" under the community section and read mine from start to finish.
3. View the two pictures i have shared to understand the start and finish (very simple).
4. Go into the track i have created and am sharing online with or without friends, and do a run as i explained.
5. Have too much fun and enjoy drag racing a 1/4 mile in GT5 now too!


ControlledAnger @ PSN
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I'd you have a third person in the game they can also do a arm drop type start by saying 3 2 1..... And waiting a random interval until saying Go. This is actually more realistic and removes the chance to jump upon the start.
I will also be holding a ladder soon so here is something to think about;

Ok so I'm going to hold a quarter mile ladder on gt5 with a track I created and am currently sharing to many. I will probably have 8 catagories at the maximum and these are the ones I will most likely have for sure, but please give Constructive criticisim;

•Pro Street (any street car with no holds)
•Pro Race (any racecar with no holds)
•Supercar (150k - 750k & 400-600 hp
production road car)

•79 & under American Muscle
•79 & under Continental Muscle
•(Special car) evo vs sti?

the rest down bellow are just some random things for you guys to pick through and decide if something looks good or not.
49 under class stock/pro
50-59 class stock/pro
60-69 class stock/pro
70-79 class stock/pro
50-79 class stock/pro
80-89 class stock/pro
60-79 class Stock/pro street/race
Special car class
Pro street*
Stock street
Stock race
Pro race
Unlimited*(exclude x1)
X1 class
Lightweight pro street
Lightweight stock street
Heavyweight pro street
Heavyweight stock street
Pro stock truck
Civic pro stock (street)
Veyron Pro stock
100 hp class
300hp class
350hp class
400hp class
500hp class
777hp class
Evo/STi class pro (street)
Evo/Sti class race
Supra pro *(street)
Supra race
Will do as soon as i get off work this afternoon.

As to everyone else please take a look at the above catagories i have listed and choose some that interest you the most.

If you have a question dont be afraid to ask!

add me too please: nicolaixx
As to everyone else please take a look at the above catagories i have listed and choose some that interest you the most.

I likes:

•Supercar (150k - 750k & 400-600 hp
production road car)


50-79 class stock/pro

I think a poll would be a good idea. :)👍
how does this track sharing work? we can only access it from you? like once we add you cant we download it and save to our own layouts for use offline? or will we always have to connect to you?
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