GTP_WRS Week 70 : Is This Thing Gonna Tip Over?

  • Thread starter EDK


WRS Admin
United States
Boise, ID

:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 70 : Is This Thing Gonna Tip Over?

Arcade Mode - Time Trial


Suzuki Cervo SR '07


Eiger Nordwand


:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

Race Details:

  • Mode: Arcade > Time Trial
  • Game Spec: SpecIII
  • Physics: Professional
  • Track: Eiger Nordwand
  • Make: Japan > Suzuki
  • Model: Cervo SR '07


Vehicle Specifics:

  • Power: 63 BHP
  • Weight: 820 KG
  • Driving Aids: Optional
  • Transmission: Optional
  • Tyre Type: N1 / N1
  • In-Race RA Functions: Optional (if available)

Race Specifics:

  • [*]Your run must be done while being OFFLINE
    [*]Do not hit any walls.
    [*]The use of the clutch is prohibited


Steward Comments:

Giving some grip back this week, with the FF drivetrain. But not too much, you're stuck with N1 tires. :mischievous:

Have fun with this one, it's easy, but will take some time to chase down those tenths. :)

Standard Clean OLR Rules:

  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • No contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • If you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind, these are relaxed races and we are experienced racers, we know what times can be done, and we can read your mind. We will know.
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Save your replay


Thread rules:
The following information cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods):

  • Total Lap time
  • Any information which can be used to infer laptime

The following information can be discussed in this thread :

  • T1 and T2 times
  • Any settings discussion.
Minimal number of splits: 2
Maximum number of splits: 2

Viewing your T1 & T2 Lap Time Splits:

You need to make sure you save the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay), not the 'Save Replay'.
To view your best lap replay, go to 'My Page' and watch the replay from there using the 'Replay' option.


Save best lap / ghost replay icon


All submissions must be sent by PM (Subject title: GTP_WRS Week 70 Submission ) to (Vaxen):

  • Please submit your time in the following format on a single line:
    (Example-) [division 2]---1'44.678---GTP_EDK
  • You can submit only once
  • Please include in your submission PM your division, GTP_Tag and final lap time
  • The deadline is Monday March 8th 11:59 pm GMT
  • If you are unsure of the deadline try this site


Why Use GMT?:
GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official time around the globe. Most time changes are measured by GMT. Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.
Time verification:

Save your ghost replay and keep it at least a full two weeks after the event's deadline:

  • Racers ,named by the OLR Admin staff, (if any) will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • Any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • When a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide the correct replay within seven days of the request
  • Failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from the results table
  • Video replays are not accepted as a form of verification

Good luck
OLR Admin Team
:lol: this will be a hoot!

EDIT: stupid question but this is Eiger forwards right? It's just the pictures look like the reverse course. Don't want to read too much into the illustrations but likewise, don't want to spend a few hours going in the wrong direction (well not intentionaly at least :lol: )
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:lol: this will be a hoot!

EDIT: stupid question but this is Eiger forwards right? It's just the pictures look like the reverse course. Don't want to read too much into the illustrations but likewise, don't want to spend a few hours going in the wrong direction (well not intentionaly at least :lol: )

Yes forwards, good luck:tup:
It's been a while but thought I'd give it go this week.



quite a bit of rust on the ol' man but we'll give it a go this week! LOL
This car is terrible. It's not fast on good tires. It's not even fast maxed out to 504pp. I dislike Eiger as well.
Opening eight laps.


Hopefully I'll be in the registry by the time this ones over so I'll give it a shot.


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T1: 0'38.023
T2: 1'08.472

T1: 0'38.028
T2: 1'08.378

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It's been a while but thought I'd give it go this week.



quite a bit of rust on the ol' man but we'll give it a go this week! LOL

Great to see you in here, Ron. 👍
Well now I know how a Swiss milkman feels! Not the quickest splits I've seen tonight but the quickest overall lap so far.

T1 - 38.409
T2 - 1'09.279
This car is so slooooooooooooooooooooow :(



need more speed!!!!!!!
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So, you think this car feels fast? ???

Handles great through that S-curve after the tunnel.

Anything handles great @ 55mph.... :D

I'd post my splits but I can't stay awke long enough to finish a lap.....
Question, how in the world do I handle the final part of the 1st S bend without losing to much speed and getting a perfect angle exiting it?? :indiff:
Question, how in the world do I handle the final part of the 1st S bend without losing to much speed and getting a perfect angle exiting it?? :indiff:

It's tighter than the preceding right (and slowest on the whole track), you have to lose some speed while you transition.
Question, how in the world do I handle the final part of the 1st S bend without losing to much speed and getting a perfect angle exiting it?? :indiff:

In a slow car like this, you are best off exiting turn 2 on the inside, not being concerned about carrying out, and then coming back in. It takes 3 days to get there. ;)
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Well I spent an hour on this cause I've got nuttin' else to do :) My T1 is pretty much horrible like it always is on this course. Need another .2 there IF possible. So I have a n00b question. How the heck do I get the replay to show the T splits? Its showing the timer but not the T's...or do I HAVE to go into the Replay section from the main menu? I may submit this one time depending.


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Well I spent an hour on this cause I've got nuttin' else to do :) My T1 is pretty much horrible like it always is on this course. Need another .2 there IF possible. So I have a n00b question. How the heck do I get the replay to show the T splits? Its showing the timer but not the T's...or do I have to go into the Replay section from the main menu? I may submit this one time depending.



You have to go to the replay section on the main menu. And hit Square, X, then select to get the car view you want.

Nice to have you in here, buddy. :D
Thanks Kev. Guess I have to do it that way, no biggie. So I haven't posted splits with the new WRSFectchBot before. I guess I just wait until it refreshes the list? Sorry if its been asked before, its not in the FAW, how often does it scan for changes?

EDIT - Nevermind, it seems to take about 5 minutes :) Oooh I have a time in red, that rarely happens, w00t! Now if only I could get those tight turns down with this wheel, it's hard for me to stay on the white line. Great fun tho!

It's tighter than the preceding right (and slowest on the whole track), you have to lose some speed while you transition.

In a slow car like this, you are best off exiting turn 2 on the inside, not being concerned about carrying out, and then coming back in. It takes 3 days to get there. ;)

Thanks guys for the info. It made a little bit of diff. but not much.

New splits


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First ones for me.


This combo reminds me of running GTHD. ;)
That's a nice sector 2 there. :crazy:

Most of you guys might not know Jerome, but he's an alien in his own right. Would say I've raced against him at LAN, but it's more like I've chased against him at LAN. Plus, he's from the most awesome city around. :sly:
Man, really Kevin. I really have to go and actually buy this car. I will do some in the morning. This one is going to be really boring!
Man, really Kevin. I really have to go and actually buy this car. I will do some in the morning. This one is going to be really boring!

Give it a try, not as bad as you might think. It's really quite fun for most of the track. It's just the uphill stretch from before the tunnel to the least turn that's boring.