200 Miles of Laguna Seca - a GT3 Race Report/Story

  • Thread starter DK


No-one's having an A1 day
I thought there was a lack of GT3 stories. Mainly because it doesn't have Photo Mode. But I might as well give it a go.

I checked out of my hotel, and went for my race-prepared RX-7 LM racer. It was on a trailer attached to another car I own - my GT-R R34. I drove to Laguna Seca, and registered for Race #8 that day - the endurance race. I saw my opponents - a Corvette C5R, a Gillet Vertigo (WTF?), a Ford GT40, a Mercedes CLK Touring Car and a...Dodge Viper GTS-R :nervous:! I took part in qualifying, registering a time of 1:20.759, in third. The Viper was a whole two seconds faster in qualifying, and the Corvette was three-tenths faster than me.
The GT40 was slowest, posting a 1:24.673.

I lined up, racing on super-slick tires. My instincts told me the Viper would pit early. The Vertigo was 4th, and the Merc was 5th.



I raced down to Andretti hairpin, overtaking the Corvette and the Viper on the inside. The hard tires took a while to warm up, and on lap 4 I posted my fastest lap - a 1:18.898. The Corvette pitted in on lap 6. But the Viper was very close to me. But then it pitted on lap 8, and my instincts were correct. On lap 16, I lapped the Ford GT40 as it pitted, but I released it on lap 18 as I pitted. The Viper caught up but as soon as he did that, he pitted on lap 24. Nothing much happened between then (apart from spinning out on lap 52 at the Corkscrew) and lap 72, when I went in for my last stop, with the Viper entering as I left (which was its 9th stop). The $300,000 prize willed me on. The car started losing power around lap 80, and I realised it needed an oil change. The Viper was closing in, though, and on lap 88 it pitted for the final time. I breathed a sigh of relief. The Corvette was out of contention, and so were the Vertigo, the Merc and of course the GT40. But the Viper pushed on, and after 2 hours, 2 minutes and 43.216 seconds of racing, I finished 23.216 seconds in front of a far superior car (in terms of grip). I had double-lapped both the Vertigo (3rd) and the Corvette (4th), and quadruple-lapped the Merc (5th) and the GT40 (6th). I almost quintuple-lapped the GT40, but I loved my prize - a Toyota Altezza LM.