2010 Walt Disney World Marathon

  • Thread starter Josh


Silent Army
Staff Emeritus
United States
South Carolina
Be there.

We went last year, but I sat on the sidelines with my daughter, son, and my wife's father while we supported my wife who ran it. She said it was one of the most fun things she's ever done, and wanted to go back this January to set a new PR. I figured if I'm going back I might as well run it this year too.

The course layout is fantastic. Sends you through all the parks. The Castle. They have all the Disney characters out along the way cheering folks on. At Animal Kingdom they bring animals out and line them up along the course.


So far training for it has been a blast. Have had some pretty decent shin pain after some of the long runs, but after going to the local Try Sports store, and getting properly measured/fitted for my foot/pronation type I have eliminated all of my foot/shin/leg pain. Now my biggest hurdle is overcoming boredom. One of my biggest problems is music to keep me entertained - I have a tendency to listen to the same songs/artist over and over, and after a few times hearing it/them I get bored out of my mind, and just don't feel like running anymore. I need more music!

Anywho. We're planning on going down to DW on the 4th I believe, and staying until the 11th(day after the race) then hopping on a 7/9/11 day cruise out of Miami or one of the other Florida ports for our first ever cruise.

So, who's going with us?! If anyone plans on running this race in January hit me up, and we can either run it together, or meet up before/after. Definitely fun times to be had by all even if you don't participate in the run. I too had fun last year even though I didn't compete. The atmosphere down there is just awesome. Plus, it's frickin' Disney World!
That looks amazing!

It was amazing as a spectator from the sidelines... I can't even begin to imagine the feel of running it.

Hoping some fellow GTP'ers who can get some time off will come join us! There are plenty of training programs designed to get you up to par running-wise to be able to finish 26.2 miles. Plenty of 18,20,23,30 week, etc. programs out there. Find one you like, and let's go folks!

127 days left...
When exactly is this? If I didn't have school (I might just be in Singapore) I'd try it. Don't expect me to run with you though. I'd have to kidnap a park employee and hijack his segway before long.
When exactly is this? If I didn't have school (I might just be in Singapore) I'd try it. Don't expect me to run with you though. I'd have to kidnap a park employee and hijack his segway before long.

Race starts 5:50am January 10th, 2010. You've got 7 hours to complete the 26.2mile run. There's plenty of people who walk the entire thing. As long as you can maintain a 16:00min per mile pace you're good to go!
That sounds fantastic Josh.

I have a few friends that run Marathons and are in fantastic shape. I've got other goals at the moment, but the idea of running a marathon before I'm 50 has been curdling in the dark corners of my mind.

Plus it'd be fun to do with my wife.

On that note, are you planning on running with your wife, out running/being outrun by her? My wife is quite competitive and she'd be tough to compete with on something like that.
That sounds fantastic Josh.

I have a few friends that run Marathons and are in fantastic shape. I've got other goals at the moment, but the idea of running a marathon before I'm 50 has been curdling in the dark corners of my mind.

Plus it'd be fun to do with my wife.

On that note, are you planning on running with your wife, out running/being outrun by her? My wife is quite competitive and she'd be tough to compete with on something like that.

Would absolutely love to run with her, but doubt it will happen. We're going to start off in different starting corrals due to different expected finishing times. I put my time as an hour longer than her expected finishing time. My pace is 3-4 minutes faster than her pace per mile, on average, but I don't know what to expect as I've never ran for 26.2 miles so I figured I'd put myself with slower folks to help slow down my pace, and not over do it starting out. Also, I asked her if she wanted to run with me and she pretty bluntly told me she had no desire to run with me as her only purpose this year is to smoke last year's time, and gain a new personal record.

I have to beg her just to go for a training run with me.:crazy: The girl's crazy... I just hope she doesn't go overboard and hurt herself.

I don't think beating her will be a problem, although that isn't my goal. My goal for this one, much like her first marathon, is purely to cross the finish line. If I beat her then that's just an added bonus.;) For me the best time would be to have us crossing the finish line holding hands, and to have a picture of that, but we're too immature for that right now.:lol: