24 hours Nurburgring Audi Killer - without X1

  • Thread starter ronsmaps


I finished, for the second time, the B Spec 24 Hours of Nurburgring. I started just tuning my car to see how it would work. I lost this race last week with the Gran Turismo Ford Spec II Test Car. I chose the Nissan R92C Race Car from 1992 due to its power to weight ration.
I pushed hard for 12 hours and managed a 5 lap lead. Went to bed and awoke to see Bob had lost one lap and the Audi R8 was right behind me. I continued the race and ended lapping both Audi R8's by 7 laps, circled in red. My winning car is below, in the pits. Here are the results:


I will post my settings and strategy later today. But I lost the race by 4 minutes and learned a lot by doing this race twice. Watch this page if interested in almost a guaranteed win, if you do not mind a little work. I did not want to use the Red Bull X1, I wanted to win with a real car.

Two days ago I tried to win the 24 hours of Nurburgring and elected to use the Gran Turismo Ford GT LM Spec II Race Car. I heard it was fast, saw it in a lot of races, tuned it up, bought equipment and on a Wednesday off work, I managed to lose this race by 4 minutes. I blame myself and also the power to weight ratio.
So on Saturday, March 19, I thought I would check out the power to weight ratios and try a few cars out, 2 or 3 laps and then shut it down. I tried the J2 Chaparral, it turns on a dime, but lacks the high speed needed. I tried the 1992 NissanR92P C race car. I had some fond memories of this in GT3.
So after about 3 laps I was so far ahead I thought I would go a little farther, soon I decided to just keep going. Even though I thought the tuning could be improved, I was blasting my way around the track.
So I decided to stick it out and I have what I will call the Nurburgring Audi R8 Killer.
Even with six to seven hours of sleep I won by 7 laps! All I have heard is watch out for the Audi R8. So I started a log, here it is.
I bought both Racing Hard and Soft tires, but put the softs on the car. My HP is now 1079, who knows where it was when I started? The weight is 900 kilograms. The Performance Points are 729. I added the Chassis Reinforcement and the High RPM Range Turbo Kit.
Aerodynamic Adjustment: Front 59 and Rear 80.
The silly power limited is set to 100%.
It has the Titanium Racing Exhaust when I got the car.
The Transmission is set only by changing the Top Speed to 236 mph. I was able to reach 225.
The LSD is still at the default settings: 10 / 40 / 20. You may improve on this.
The Suspension:
Ride Height Front -25 Rear -20
Spring Rate Front 16.0 Rear 18.0
Dampers are all at 8, all four
Anti Roll Bars are both 6
Camber Angles are both -0.5
Toe Angle Front 0.00 and Rear 0.20
Brakes are set to Front 7 and Rear 8.

On lap three the 787B moved into 2nd place and I was happy to take that car on. I was low on fuel and went in and changed to Racing Hards. I found that no matter what I did there was no increase or decrease in tire wear and performance seemed better with the Softs, so that is what I used until the rain began. Your driving may make a difference, buy both and try them out. You have 24 hours to play with.
I found I could only get two good laps with tires as I was pushing hard. Just like some of the other B Spec races you push Pace Up a lot.
I made notes of how much fuel I had left and how many liters I added. I kept the weight of the car down this way. My plan was to keep ¼ of tank and added 50 liters each pit.
So at the end of ten laps one of the two Audi R8 Race Cars was 2:15 behind and the other only 3 seconds behind that. In order behind that was Mazda 787B, Pescarolo Courage, BMW Mclaren, Mercedes CLK-LM, Toyota GT ONE, Jaguar XJ13, Corvette C5R, Lister Storm V12, and the Blitz ER34 Skyline.
The last two I lapped 28 times and the two Audi’s lapped 7 times.
So here was my master plan. By the halfway point, 12 hours, I wanted to lap everyone as much as I could so if I fell asleep they would have to push as hard to catch up with me. I set some intermediate goals and pushed hard to reach them.
Remembering the NASCAR Daytona race, where you pushed Pace Up the entire race and if lucky you won. So I took that approach. I found two places that if I did not Pace Down, I would wipe out. Here is a map of the track from Google and I colored in green the areas that are typically rock solid to Pace Up. The two pace downs are colored in red.

The second spot is at the north east and just after the tight hairpin which is called the Karussell, after that you soon reach a hard right turn where the track is painted with graffiti. I Pace down here and a second time right after I can where there is a yellow painted graffiti. I can guarantee this car will spin if you do not slow it down.

With these guidelines I hoped to lap the fastest Audi R8 by five hours into the race. I lap the Pescarolo in Lap 17 and the 787B in Lap 18.
The harder I push the faster the driver’s strength gives out. But if I do not push I will not win the race.
By the end of Lap 24 I have lapped all the cars, time into the race is 3:21. Well ahead of my goal. I know that when I sleep Bob will go for three or four laps per tank and he may give up the gains I am making. It is now 3:30 Saturday afternoon. During the hard push I would sometimes go for three laps before pitting, but the last one was with zero driver strength.
By Lap 27 I pass the Pescarolo for the second time. Feel good when I pass a fast car. The sun is going down and the long shadows are giving way to grey with a little mist. I take note of my time each lap and the Audi. For the most part my laps are in the mid eight minutes and their laps are just a few seconds faster or slower. On my lap 34 I check back and the Audi is on his lap 32. Wow, two laps ahead. But as soon as they pass the start finish line it goes back to one lap behind.
My attempt at a second full lap of the Audi is proving to be very slow. My drivers are getting in with only one third of their strength. I am worried I am killing them for the second half of the race.
At lap 34 I pass both while they are in the pits. So with two full laps behind I let Bob drive alone. It is dark and headlights are on, the campers are lighting fires, you can see the smoke. The sun is long gone and some stretches are totally dark.
My lap times from lap 39 to 45 are between 7:50 and 9:25 depending on if I pitted or not. The Audi times are from 8:31 to 9:30. So I can beat them, it is just really, really slow.
I am plagued with weak drivers, worn tires and the longer it goes on the harder it is to catch the Audi’s, they truly are the King of this track. I see them on the map, I catch a glimpse of their lights, but do not seem to catch them. I set a lap record of 7:43.9 on lap 50. Seven hours and seven minutes into the race.
By lap 56 I spin out three times as I try catch him. I am trying too hard. It is 9:30 at night here at home and I am on lap 60. Eight hours and 48 minutes into the race, and pushing hard most of the time, it seems impossible to get him three laps down. I will need sleep soon, I must do this.
There are times when I think I could do one more lap and the Audi will pit. I will follow them to avoid doing a really slow lap. Finally at lap 76 I get him down for lap three! As hard as that lap was by my lap 86 I pass him for the fourth time.
It is after midnight and I pull over a pillow and a blanket, cuddle next to the dogs and with the 42” television lighting the room I try to sleep. I awake 14 hours and 22 minutes into the race and it is raining. I am still in first place on lap 102. The Audi is on his lap 97, still down four laps. I am really surprised.
The sky is lightening and the Audi is only a few seconds behind me. If he passes me it will make him only three laps down. I have actually nearly lost one of the laps.
The rain slows us a lot. Lap times are between 10 ½ and 11 minutes. The drivers took good care and are back to full strength at each pit. So they can do some good. Back to sleep.
I awake at 16:19 into the race and find he has passed me and is now three laps down. I am tired but I am afraid Bob will lose it. Still seven hours to go.
During the rain the places that I can use the Pace Up command are few. It is really slippery and as hard as it was to lap him when it was dry it is now impossible. He is also the King of rain. My Pace Down commands increase as my Pace Up commands decrease.
As an engineer I am plagued with notes and comparisons. I am tracking my place on the track each time. I note how many minutes left, how many average minutes per lap and I see if he gains one minute every ten he could win. I spend too much time calculating.
I doze off and awake on lap 122 to see he has passed me. My wing is bent, the car is dirty and the front air dam is hanging on one side. It is still raining and I will see if I can catch him.
I calculate to pit with him, always using less fuel than the Audi, I should be able to gain on him. The rain makes the laps go by slowly and it seems as if I am losing the race. It would be nice to end the race in the sunshine.
When the Audi pits I always use as many Pace Up commands as possible. The game says that each time you become aggressive so does the competition. But I sense they cannot react to commands if they are in the pits. 4 hours and 5 minutes to go, and it is still raining. I hate to race in the rain.
At 21 hours into the race I am ahead by five laps. I calculate he could not win no matter how poorly I do. I was wrong.
As the rain becomes a slow drizzle the closer I get to the Audi the worse I seem to drive. I am spinning in the straights with good tires, lots of strength and in places it seems impossible to spin. Is the AI going to make me lose? I go into the sand at the end of the straightaway in the GP section. It is like Bob did not try to turn. Each turn is becoming a question mark. Can I turn or not? I am consistently hitting the Pace Down, non stop. I am still spinning out. What is wrong?
Here is the “rest of the story”. My pit crew put Racing Hard tires on once the rain decreased, but I cannot maintain a straight line or a good turn with those tires on the very wet road. So for three laps I was off the road more than on. I had one lap that was nearly 18 minutes long. I could lose the race at this pace.
I think I should have pitted and changed back to Rain Tires. Even going slower I would be able to control it. Watch your tires when the rain stops.
But I went back to Racing Softs and proceeded to whip his butt. It was a good feeling to win this race without resorting to the Red Bull X2010.
So now I have all the gold on all the Endurances and won a nice Mclaren F1.
Agreed, WTG Ron 👍:cheers: nice write up. check out the thread DV linked, we've been bashing, slicing and dicing cars and working on beating that R8 for a couple of weeks now I think. the GT spec II Test Car can and has beaten the R8
Absolutely great job! Thanks!
I was about to finish this race in Toyota Minolta. I'll take your settings and tactics and try apply it to the Toyota with some changes to fit this particular car and the characteristic of my drivers.
👍 Love the write up.

B-spec really is amazing when you stop to think about it. Your post just made me stop to think about it

Specifically - it's making me think: there's more to GT5 b spec enduro's than just running the red bull and leaving the console alone for 24 hrs

Running remote races now (circuit de la sarthe) and a level 0 bob (in the best car admittedly) is holding off a L40 bob. Keeps spinning out and when last I looked he was in 6th and did a big spin, so I thought - that's that. However - he not only overtook the L40 bob but another one as well to finish a respectable(ish) 4th (of 6).

Off topic: Will he learn though from repeated remote races - if it doesn't progress the career bar, I assume the stats bars will be frozen too?

Back on topic:

My pit crew put Racing Hard tires on once the rain decreased, but I cannot maintain a straight line or a good turn with those tires on the very wet road. So for three laps I was off the road more than on. I had one lap that was nearly 18 minutes long

Why didn't they put racing softs on? Would have handled the wet track much better. 18 mins is outrageous!
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Today i finished my first try at the 24 hours of nuburgring, and finished in last. any sugestions?

why not trying something on your own... why not making own experiences before just copying others setups etc?...
the satisfaction is so much higher when you accomplish a goal by yourself! 👍
Right now I'm 6hrs 35 into my second run (second ID/account) and it's not clear how it's going to go.

I ran my first account with the Toyota 7 racecar. Easy win, dry all the way (I think), on soft front hard rears. Ran away and won by 2 or 3 laps to an R10.

So I thought, why not have a crack with an R10? Make a bit of a race of it? So now my other account is trying to do it, and it's not so easy. I am running 3 Bobs, a 40, a 39 and a 36. The 39 is slightly hot, the others both slightly cool.

It's been raining 100% for the whole race so far, now night time. (When does the race start, 2 or 3 pm?). The problem I'm having is a BMW McLaren F1. It's more agile and does a couple of seconds per section better on the twisty bits. I bought a mid-range turbo for the R10 and my Bobs pull away on the straights.

Tyres, I'm using rain front and inters rear. Gets me a second or two benefit per segment vs rain/rain (except for the straights of course).

But I've just been out for an hour or so and came back to find the McLaren in front of me by about 5 secs and the R10 on rain/rain. Very strange.

Pushed Bob a touch and we're back in a 2 min+ lead (but in part this is a pit stop by the BMW McLaren). This race BTW would be a piece of cake if I nursed the Bobs, just need to keep them up towards the grey end of the blue. But I'm not doing that for 24hrs! Get a life.

Saviour might be that the BMW McLaren is using more gas and pitting every 6 laps. I can do 7 and the last lap isn't too slow. Over the long run I hope this will be a crucial difference.

Anyway, it's 4:30pm here in NZ, I've got to go out for about 3 hours then will have about another 3 hours before packing it in. I might post another update tonight, then pillow time and I wonder what I'll see in the morning? I started around 10:30am BTW (my/real time) so won't have a lot of emergency adjustment time if the Bobs screw up.

OK, it's around 10:15pm (local/real time), and just over 12 hours into the race.

Still night on track, and still raining 100%.

My lead is a pit stop (50 something seconds) but now we're matched stop for stop and pace for pace. The F1 is pulling into its pit right in front of me just as my refueler finishes his job and off I go.

I'm not sure why that is, as I mentioned above, the R10 was going a lap longer. This may be a temporary coincidence at this time of the race or something has changed (edit ... aha, see below, tyres!).

Again BTW I got back to find my guys on rain/rain not rain/inters. Why? I think I've figured it out. If you take a look at (click into) pit strategy you can't simply escape to exit, you must click OK. So of course when I've taken a look I've been setting (or reiterating the existing setting of) rain/inter. I'm guessing that if I leave it alone for a whole pit period, the AI will switch it to rain/rain. Do you agree that's what's happening?

I don't think the inters (on the rear) are much faster (than rains), a bit but not "much". But, the rain tyres wear faster on the rear. Aha! That'll be why I've dropped back to matching the pitstop duration of the F1? The bloody AI! Given the inters are about the same to maybe a little quicker, but they are more durable, they are the tyre of choice. But that's only while I'm around to overide the AI.

(Comment ... lots of thoughts about better B-spec instruction set up for GT6)

So there's a long night ahead of me and the race is touch and go. If the F1 catches up on track, my guys will put the boot in and vanish up the road. But I'm worried that they will get out of sync through pitstops and traffic and that opens a risk the F1 will pass me (i.e. at a time when there's no one else around Bob to encourage him along). It's a helluva big empty track for just 12 cars.

Also, as soon as I stop interfering the AI will switch me to rain/rain (eliminating my pitstop benefit) and when/if it stops raining, the AI will put on hard/hard (reducing my pace). I'm not going to be getting up until around the 22 hour mark, so not a lot of room for error.

Well ... nothing to be done but wait. I'll push the lads for an hour or so now and see if I can build a bit of a buffer before I hit the sack. Bit hard in the rain mind, doesn't take a lot to put them on the grass.
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That was close! I stayed up a bit later and just as well. It stopped raining.

I switched to softs all round at 82% wet and had a tough (and slow to start with) first lap. Went too early. Next two laps were good. Pitted again to soft/medium and pulling a nice lead now (but eating the rear tyres). The wet is at 19% now, nice and dry. Last lap 8:34 with a bit of pushing from me (pushing Bob up to about half temperament then letting him fall back). He's a good Bob this one, a 40.

So it's 13hrs25 and I've got a 4m45 lead. I'll set the strategy to soft/hard and hit the sack.
Well, things have changed. It's 8:45 in the am here, game duration 22hrs35.

I'm in the lead, by 2 laps over another R10, the F1 has fallen away and is now 3 laps down. My lads are cruising hands off from me on soft/hard.The win will be ours obviously.
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EDIT ... and indeed it was, by 3 laps over the other R10, 4 over the F1 - the two R8's well back BTW, 7th and 8th or something like that.

Best lap an 8:15.556 and that was hands-off from me. Total laps 144. Bobs now 40, 40 and 39 so a good team.

And some good learnings re the AI.