A few questions regarding Gamesaves, Regions and Compatibility

  • Thread starter Diego440


Born to browse
So next week I'm going to play GT4 against my arch nemesis, who I haven't seen in over 4 years, so we've been waiting for this meeting for a very long time.

My friend has the US-spec PS3, so my questions are:

- Is it possible to download a GT4 PAL gamesave and play it on a NA-spec PS3 with a GT4 PAL disc, or do I need a NTSC gamesave and NTSC GT4 copy?
- Can we use any gamesave, or must I use some kind of "approved" one available only through the PS3 network?
- I might take my PAL gamesave if the first question is affirmative, and carry it on the maxdrive... does the PS3 accept maxdrives, or should I just carry it in a normal pen drive?
- And the most important (and maybe obvious), can you play 2-player GT4 on the PS3?

I was going to search, but I don't want people to think I think I'm special, it's just that there's a bunch of different questions and usually they don't involve regions such as PAL and NTSC. Either way, I'd appreciate your answers... so thanks.
- Is it possible to download a GT4 PAL gamesave and play it on a NA-spec PS3 with a GT4 PAL disc, or do I need a NTSC gamesave and NTSC GT4 copy?

No, You need a gamesave from the region of your disk which also matches the region of your PS3. A US PS3 wont play a PAL games anyway because PS2 games are still region locked (unless your is modded in some way).

- Can we use any gamesave, or must I use some kind of "approved" one available only through the PS3 network?

You can use any game save that worked on your PS2 as long as its from the same region for your disk.

- I might take my PAL gamesave if the first question is affirmative, and carry it on the maxdrive... does the PS3 accept maxdrives, or should I just carry it in a normal pen drive?

I don't know about max drive but take in on a pen drive just incase, and remember to put it in the right folder on the pen drive so the ps3 can recognize it.

- And the most important (and maybe obvious), can you play 2-player GT4 on the PS3?


Hope that helps 👍 Other members maybe able to help you out with the max drive thing.

Last question: what format doesnthe gamesave need to be in for it to be used in GT4 through the PS3? .max, .sps, or .xps? Or something else?
Last question: what format doesnthe gamesave need to be in for it to be used in GT4 through the PS3? .max, .sps, or .xps? Or something else?

PSV format. You'll have to download a save with that extension, the formatting is for PS3's backwards compatibility for saving onto virtual memory cards. I didn't have a problem finding a NTSC GT4 save either. 👍
MMM... I did. Only found one with 78% complete and a few cars. Can you msn me yours, if you have it around?
Here is an NTSC game save with 723 cars. Not sure if the cars are available in arcade mode.


Here is a PAL game save that is "50% complete all cars unlocked and tons of money"


Here's instructions on how to get this onto PS3, courtesy of Solid Lifters:

Solid Lifters
[The PSV file] now can be moved to a storage device in a "PSV" folder, which needs to be in an "EXPORT" folder, which needs to be in a "PS3" folder. If it is not stored precisely in this location, the PS3 wont be able to read it and will display it as a "Corrupt File" which you wont be able to download to your PS3 HDD.

The folders have to be full caps as well.

Save games were downloaded from SaveStates.com, registration is required but free.
Ya... I know... I saved that one too. :D

I'm not having trouble per se... Just that I'm in Europe and I'm going to Venezuela tomorrow and I'm planning on playing a lot of GT4 with a friend of mine who has the PS3... so just wanted to make sure on everything, especially because his internet is dial-up