A more In-Depth look at some Le-Mans cars

  • Thread starter joshm101
Hey guys , ive read another thread about this and I wasn't really satisfied with the conditions in which it was driven and so I have decided to make my own Le-mans cars comparison thread.

The Cars
All cars will be running Hard slicks, stock tuning , and a stage 4 turbo unless otherwise stated

Pescarolo C60 Playstation
Mazda 787B
Nissan R390 GT-1 Race Car
Toyota GT-1 (TS020)
Nissan R92CP Race Car
Toyota 88-cv Minolta

Cars specs with full tuning

Playstation Pescarolo C60, 46.3m,1162hp ,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Mazda 787B,Black,40 181m,903hp,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Nissan R390 GT-1 Race Car,Black,23 278m,1059hp,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Toyota GT-1(TS020),Black,21 308m,1101hp,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Nissan R92CP Race Car,Black,38 553m,1045hp,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Toyota 88-cv Minolta,838.1m,1221hp,Stock tuning with Stage 4 turbo and hard slicks

Note: When cars are run stock they have the same settings above but with no Stage 4 Turbo.

The Racing

Stock Race on Midfield

1.Pescarolo C60 Playstation
2.Toyota 88cv Minolta
3.Nissan R92CP Race Car
4.Mazda 787B
5.Toyota GT-1 (TS020)
6.Nissan R390 GT-1

Tuned Race on Midfield

1.Toyota 88cv Minolta- 57.044
2.Pescarolo C60 Playstation - 57.241
3.Mazda 787B- 58.772
4.Toyota GT-1 (TS020)-59.471
5.Nissan R92CP Race Car- 59.840
6.Nissan R390 GT-1- 1:01.714

Tuned Race On Nurburgring

1.Pescarolo C60 Playstation
2.Nissan R92CP Race Car
3.Mazda 787B
4.Toyota 88cv Minolta
5.Toyota (TS020)
6.Nissan R390 GT-1

The Overall Marks For Each Car

1. Pescarolo C60 Playstation

The Pescarolo gets first place for a couple of reasons. It brakes outstoundingly , Handles like its on rails And goes like a bat out of hell. It has a high top speed and accelerates very nicely.This car has the lowest miles and was the newest.This car was very stable but not as stable as the 787B.This car also cost the most.

2. Mazda 787B

The 787B was Honestly my favorite car to drive. It handles like nothing else and accelerates very nicely. It also brakes nicely. Out of all of the cars this one Braked and cornered the best. Although it may not have won all the tests its driveability wins it second place.It was the oldest , had the most miles and the least horsepower but it performed like a champ.It was also the most stable.This car cost the least.

3. Nissan R92CP Race Car

The Nissan R92CP gets third place. It handles very nice but has a few flaws.It doesnt brake as fast as I'd like it to and it doesn't accelerate as I'd like it to. It is pretty stable though. It had the second most amount of miles and was the same price as the 787B .So it was also tied for the cheapest.

4.Toyota 88cv Minolta

The Minolta corners great, has a high top speed, amazing acceration and brakes like nothing else, so why is it third ? It simply isn't stable enough. Well its about as stable as a 1 legged chair. technically this was the cheapest because i won it , it had the second lest amount of miles and the most horsepower.

5.Toyota GT-1 (TS020)

The Toyota GT-1 Gets 5th place. It just doesnt perform like the other cars. It has a good combination of everything but just wont perform as I'd like it to.
It cost the Second most and has the 3rd least amount of miles.

6.Nissan R390 GT-1

The Nissan R390 Performed horribly.It Cornered awful, Accelerated moderatly,Braked awfully and Cost the second most(same as Toyota GT-1 (TS020)). I really expected big things from it , but big things didn't come.Horsepower wise its in the middle. It has the 4th lowest amount of miles.

Side Notes

The Pescarolo C60 Playstation is the best car for endurances. It is good on tires and fuel.

The 787B Felt the best to drive ,it just was a little short on HP.

The Minolta would have won ,but it had horible stability.

Thanks everyone, Please respect me more for this , it took a long time to write !

Thanks again

Thank you! I will start with the LMP/GTP cars, and get back to the Group C racers later.
All cars are run without any power add-ons, since those ruin fuel- and tyre economy.

The first car to get dissected at Le Mans is the
Toyota GT-One TS020

This is the setup I used Front/Rear
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 11.8/11.8
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0 (tyrepreserving)
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset to 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 5
Downforce 50/70
LSD: 10/40/20

This setup gave me 8 laps before the first pitstop at La Sarthe I, wich is my testbed of choice. Fuel and tyres pretty much ended at the same time, so this has to be pretty optimum. My best lap during the session was 3´27.726, wich is so-so, considering I had alot of draft help. You can win a 24hrs race in this car, if you drive alot on your own. Not Bobs favorite car!

+ Well balanced
- Very slow in the hands of B-spec Bob, and only moderate in my hands.

Next up is the
Bentley Speed 8

with this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 12.0/12.0
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 25 and final to 3.200
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/30/20

9 laps/stint makes this the most enduring LMP/GTP of all, and it also gave a 3´26.886 as a fastest lap.

+ Well balanced, pretty fast, good economy.
- A bit slow with Bob behind the wheel.

Audi R8

with this setup;
Springs: 11.5/11.7
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0 (Can take 1/-1 without ruining tyrelife. Recommended.)
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 6
Downforce: 50/70 (can take 55/77 if wanted)
LSD: 20/35/30

gave me 8 laps before I ran out of fuel. Tyres where still only dark yellow, so this car is nice to it´s tyres! Best lap: 3´24.272

+ Fast, good tyrelife
- Fuelconsumption, snap oversteer.


Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 12.2/12.5
Rideheight: 85/85
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 8
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/30/20

This car is also good to the rubber, but bad for your fueleconomy. 8 laps/stint due to fuelconsumption means you can probably add some downforce (55/77) without any problems. About as fast as the Bentley, but not as fun! 3´26.509 is pretty OK.

+ Very well balanced, easy to drive, kind to the tyres.
- Fuelconsumption.

The V6 powered
Pescarolo Courage C60 Peugeot

with a setup that looks like this;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/6
Springs: 11.5/11.3
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 4/4
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 6
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/25

provides a clean but somewhat oversteery run, with a fastest lap of 3´25.165 over 8 laps. Tyres were still yellow when I pitted for fuel, so more downforce can be added. The setup is made to produce some oversteer, wich can easily be ammended by shifting the springs to 11.3/11.5 and reducing rear rideheight to 80.

+ Good to the tyres, fast, stable at high speed.
- Oversteers if you overdo cornerexits.

And the last LMP/GTP to be tested is the
Playstation Pescarolo C60/Judd

with this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0 (can do 1/-2 without ruining tyrelife)
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 5
Downforce 50/70 (55/77 can also do)
LSD: 15/45/20

This is the most easy to drive, and the fastest LMP/GTP of all (3´23.220), wich makes it pretty much the best one. Over the lenght of 24hrs, it would probably be pretty even between this one, the R8 (about as fast) and the Bentley (longer stints). The only downside this car has, is the fueleconomy, wich made me pit at lap 8.

+ Easy to drive, very stable overall, good tyreeconomy
- Nothing really, except it doesn´t have as good fueleconomy as the Bentley.

Coming up; the Group C cars!

Here comes the Group C cars! I used the unchicaned La Sarthe II for these cars, as I think it is more suited for the Group C.
First up is the
Mazda 787B

With a setup looking like this:
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 13.0/13.2
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 3.0/2.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/45/30

This gave me an unsurpassed by any other Group C car, 9 laps/stint with a best lap of 3´06.943. This car is most likely the overall best endurance Group C racer! Fuel and tyres gave up pretty much at the same time too!

+ Economy, stable.
- Nothing!

Peugeot 905

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/4
Springs: 12.0/12.0
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 19
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 10/50/25

setup, will also yield 9 laps/stint, but a mere 3´11.120 means this is the slowest group C car in GT4. Its very rubberfriendly approach meant that the tyres were only yellow at lap 9 though, and that is pretty impressive.

+ Tyrepreservation, easy to drive.
- Gearbox lag, top speed, Bob is slow in this car.

And so comes the (in)famous
Minolta Toyota 88C-V

setup like this;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 11.8/12.0
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/25

A 3´03.545 means this is a fast one! But with only 6 laps before the rear tyres are ruined, this is not to recommend for endurance racing! I tried a R3/R1 tyrecombination, to even out the tyrewear, but this is not recommended due to the added front grip. More frontal grip means more likely to oversteer and easier to spin out.

+ Fast.
- Tyrepreservation, tendency to drift through fast corners.

Nissan R89C

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 12.5/12.5
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/50/25

setup, should provide for 7 laps, if you can take the very red tyres at the last half lap. This car is probably the worst of the Group C cars when it comes to 24hrs races. It is not particularly fast – 3´06.794 – and not very good to the rubber either.

+ Good handling.
- Eats rear tyres.

The overall much better
Jaguar XJR-9

With this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 6
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/45/30

Gave me 8 laps per stint. And with a best lap of 3´05.995, that makes the Jag the second best 24hrs car! It is also very nice to its tyres, and runs out of fuel first. This opens for a fix, since this car has a somewhat loose rear end at low speed. Add downforce to 55/77 and the tyrewear should better match fuelconsumption and give better stability at low speed!

+ Stable at high speed, good top speed, tyrefriendly.
- Loose rear at low speed, see fix.

And the
Sauber Mercedes C9

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 7/5
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 7
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/45/30

Setup was a surprise in two ways. I had done testing with this car before, and I seem to remember that it almost matched the Mazda 787B, wich with 7 laps/stint due to tyrewear, it of course did not. The other surprise was the speed, as I seem to recall that the Toyota 88C-V was the fastest Group C car, but 3´02.434 says otherwise.

+ Very stable, fast.
- Tyrelife, if anything.

And last, but not least at all, the
Nissan R92CP

Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 11.0/11.5
Rideheight: 85/90
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 5/5
Camber: 3.0/2.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 6
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/30

Setup gave me 7 laps before the rear tyres gave up. It also showed me that this is the fastest Group C racer in GT4, with a best lap of 3´01.636. The pure speed somewhat amends the poor tyrepreservation, but I would go for the Mazda in a 24hrs race anyway.

+ Fast, corners very well.
- Tyrelife, watch out for oversteer on lap 7.

That´s it! I let the numbers speak for themselves, instead of listing my favourites or recommendations here!

Thank you for your time/

good job...too bad im done with all of my endurance races and allof the extreme hall or else id use this. thanks tho and good job again :)
Nice stuff! Can I contribute? I´m testing (untuned) Group C/LMP/GTP cars at La Sarthe I, and it may be useful to some people, as I have setups and laps/stint and fastest lap written down. The cars I have in mind are: Minolta Toyota 88C-V, Nissan R89C, Nissan R92CP, Sauber Mercedes C9, Mazda 787B, Jaguar XJR-9, Peugeot 905, Pescarolo C60/Judd, Pescarolo Courage C60 Peugeot, BMW V12 LMR, Audi R8, Bentley Speed 8 and Toyota GT-one TS020. I will not post anything until I get an answer. Thank you.
Nice stuff! Can I contribute? I´m testing (untuned) Group C/LMP/GTP cars at La Sarthe I, and it may be useful to some people, as I have setups and laps/stint and fastest lap written down. The cars I have in mind are: Minolta Toyota 88C-V, Nissan R89C, Nissan R92CP, Sauber Mercedes C9, Mazda 787B, Jaguar XJR-9, Peugeot 905, Pescarolo C60/Judd, Pescarolo Courage C60 Peugeot, BMW V12 LMR, Audi R8, Bentley Speed 8 and Toyota GT-one TS020. I will not post anything until I get an answer. Thank you.

thanks everyone

sure you can contribute just post it and i will copy and past it into original post
Thank you! I will start with the LMP/GTP cars, and get back to the Group C racers later.
All cars are run without any power add-ons, since those ruin fuel- and tyre economy.

The first car to get dissected at Le Mans is the
Toyota GT-One TS020

This is the setup I used Front/Rear
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 11.8/11.8
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0 (tyrepreserving)
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset to 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce 50/70
LSD: 10/40/20

This setup gave me 8 laps before the first pitstop at La Sarthe I, wich is my testbed of choice. Fuel and tyres pretty much ended at the same time, so this has to be pretty optimum. My best lap during the session was 3´27.726, wich is so-so, considering I had alot of draft help. You can win a 24hrs race in this car, if you drive alot on your own. Not Bobs favorite car!

+ Well balanced
- Very slow in the hands of B-spec Bob, and only moderate in my hands.

Next up is the
Bentley Speed 8

with this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 12.0/12.0
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 25 and final to 3.200
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/30/20

9 laps/stint makes this the most enduring LMP/GTP of all, and it also gave a 3´26.886 as a fastest lap.

+ Well balanced, pretty fast, good economy.
- A bit slow with Bob behind the wheel.

Audi R8

with this setup;
Springs: 11.5/11.7
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0 (Can take 1/-1 without ruining tyrelife. Recommended.)
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70 (can take 55/77 if wanted)
LSD: 20/35/30

gave me 8 laps before I ran out of fuel. Tyres where still only dark yellow, so this car is nice to it´s tyres! Best lap: 3´24.272

+ Fast, good tyrelife
- Fuelconsumption, snap oversteer.


Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/4
Springs: 12.2/12.5
Rideheight: 85/85
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/30/20

This car is also good to the rubber, but bad for your fueleconomy. 8 laps/stint due to fuelconsumption means you can probably add some downforce (55/77) without any problems. About as fast as the Bentley, but not as fun! 3´26.509 is pretty OK.

+ Very well balanced, easy to drive, kind to the tyres.
- Fuelconsumption.

The V6 powered
Pescarolo Courage C60 Peugeot

with a setup that looks like this;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 5/6
Springs: 11.5/11.3
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 4/4
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/25

provides a clean but somewhat oversteery run, with a fastest lap of 3´25.165 over 8 laps. Tyres were still yellow when I pitted for fuel, so more downforce can be added. The setup is made to produce some oversteer, wich can easily be ammended by shifting the springs to 11.3/11.5 and reducing rear rideheight to 80.

+ Good to the tyres, fast, stable at high speed.
- Oversteers if you overdo cornerexits.

And the last LMP/GTP to be tested is the
Playstation Pescarolo C60/Judd

with this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0 (can do 1/-2 without ruining tyrelife)
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 25
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce 50/70 (55/77 can also do)
LSD: 15/45/20

This is the most easy to drive, and the fastest LMP/GTP of all (3´23.220), wich makes it pretty much the best one. Over the lenght of 24hrs, it would probably be pretty even between this one, the R8 (about as fast) and the Bentley (longer stints). The only downside this car has, is the fueleconomy, wich made me pit at lap 8.

+ Easy to drive, very stable overall, good tyreeconomy
- Nothing really, except it doesn´t have as good fueleconomy as the Bentley.

Coming up; the Group C cars!

EDIT: I´ve edited all the TCS settings a bit, since the previous almost rediculous amount only hampered the true performance of the cars.
Here comes the Group C cars! I used the unchicaned La Sarthe II for these cars, as I think it is more suited for the Group C.
First up is the
Mazda 787B

With a setup looking like this:
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 13.0/13.2
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 3.0/2.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/45/30

This gave me an unsurpassed by any other Group C car, 9 laps/stint with a best lap of 3´06.943. This car is most likely the overall best endurance Group C racer! Fuel and tyres gave up pretty much at the same time too!

+ Economy, stable.
- Nothing!

Peugeot 905

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/4
Springs: 12.0/12.0
Rideheight: 80/80
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5
Gears: Autoset 19
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 10/50/25

setup, will also yield 9 laps/stint, but a mere 3´11.120 means this is the slowest group C car in GT4. Its very rubberfriendly approach meant that the tyres were only yellow at lap 9 though, and that is pretty impressive.

+ Tyrepreservation, easy to drive.
- Gearbox lag, top speed, Bob is slow in this car.

And so comes the (in)famous
Minolta Toyota 88C-V

setup like this;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 11.8/12.0
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/25

A 3´03.545 means this is a fast one! But with only 6 laps before the rear tyres are ruined, this is not to recommend for endurance racing! I tried a R3/R1 tyrecombination, to even out the tyrewear, but this is not recommended due to the added front grip. More frontal grip means more likely to oversteer and easier to spin out.

+ Fast.
- Tyrepreservation, tendency to drift through fast corners.

Nissan R89C

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 12.5/12.5
Rideheight: 80/82
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/50/25

setup, should provide for 7 laps, if you can take the very red tyres at the last half lap. This car is probably the worst of the Group C cars when it comes to 24hrs races. It is not particularly fast – 3´06.794 – and not very good to the rubber either.

+ Good handling.
- Eats rear tyres.

The overall much better
Jaguar XJR-9

With this setup;
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 20
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 20/45/30

Gave me 8 laps per stint. And with a best lap of 3´05.995, that makes the Jag the second best 24hrs car! It is also very nice to its tyres, and runs out of fuel first. This opens for a fix, since this car has a somewhat loose rear end at low speed. Add downforce to 55/77 and the tyrewear should better match fuelconsumption and give better stability at low speed!

+ Stable at high speed, good top speed, tyrefriendly.
- Loose rear at low speed, see fix.

And the
Sauber Mercedes C9

With a
Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 7/5
Springs: 12.0/12.2
Rideheight: 80/83
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.8/1.8
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 25/45/30

Setup was a surprise in two ways. I had done testing with this car before, and I seem to remember that it almost matched the Mazda 787B, wich with 7 laps/stint due to tyrewear, it of course did not. The other surprise was the speed, as I seem to recall that the Toyota 88C-V was the fastest Group C car, but 3´02.434 says otherwise.

+ Very stable, fast.
- Tyrelife, if anything.

And last, but not least at all, the
Nissan R92CP

Tyres: R2/R1
Brakes: 6/5
Springs: 11.0/11.5
Rideheight: 85/90
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 5/5
Camber: 3.0/2.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 4/4
Gears: Autoset 21
Driver aids: ASM 0/0 TCS 2
Downforce: 50/70
LSD: 15/45/30

Setup gave me 7 laps before the rear tyres gave up. It also showed me that this is the fastest Group C racer in GT4, with a best lap of 3´01.636. The pure speed somewhat amends the poor tyrepreservation, but I would go for the Mazda in a 24hrs race anyway.

+ Fast, corners very well.
- Tyrelife, watch out for oversteer on lap 7.

That´s it! I let the numbers speak for themselves, instead of listing my favourites or recommendations here!

Thank you for your time/

EDIT: I´ve edited all the TCS settings a bit, since the previous almost rediculous amount only hampered the true performance of the cars.